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scanning suggestion

Oct 01, 2004 Mirth link
So...I've been playing for a couple of days now as I got in in this latest round of beta testers. I've quickly seen that, by far, the most common questions being asked by new players in game have to do with scanning (or finding the bots).

I had early problems with scanning as well. I think that this could be addressed in a couple of ways. First, I think you could give the player a scanning tutorial embedded within the early tutorial. Combat is covered but scanning is not. Most importantly, however, I feel that there needs to be some feedback to let one know when you *are* scanning. If you happen to have the chat window active (instead of mission) you get NO feedback whatsoever to let you know that you actually ARE scanning. Make a noise, or a graphical "echo" flying out from your ship or SOMETHING to let people know that they actually ARE scanning. When new players get no feedback they feel that they are doing something wrong and then start posting to 100 about how to scan (if they manage to get that part figured out).

I know that long-time players feel that this is "basic" and "easy" - I've seen multiple comments to this effect in 100. However, the number of posts that you see asking how this is accomplished suggests that its setup is NOT intuitive. If your newer players end up getting frustrated they'll end up leaving before they really get into the game and that will really hinter it's ability to become a hit. The more elitist players may say, "well...good riddance" but that's not a good attitude if you want VO to be successful on a large scale.

Just my thoughts!
Mirth Gunnstar
Oct 01, 2004 Phaserlight link
I couldn't agree more, Mirth.

All I can say is Scanning is a fairly recent addition (compared to the combat and trading missions) and is definitely still a work in progress. There are many confusing things about it that will hopefully be ironed out in the weeks to come. That's why you're here to beta test :).