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the monthly fee

Oct 12, 2004 FrayArray link
I know that it will be $9.99 or something like that, but will the only payment option be every month or will we be able to pay for 4 months or 8 months, or a year at a time?

I guess my real question is will there be more than one type of payment option?
Oct 12, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I believe it is planned to buy more than one month at a time for less money if you bought at one month at a time.
Oct 12, 2004 danielky link
Going along these lines, are we going to have to give credit card # when we buy the game to get the 2 months free?

I know this probably will get looked over since it's not important in the long run, but if anyone (coughdevscoughcough) can tell, it would be appreciated.
Oct 12, 2004 incarnate link
For credit cards, we will be accepting Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. We'll be offering blocks of time at a discount. Like 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc.

We will also be offering support for other methods of payment via PayByCash . They accept just about any form of payment other than a herd of goats. If you want to trade a herd of goats for game time, you'll have to deal with us directly.

PayByCash will have an added service fee. This is mostly because of the potential liability incurred by taking 93458439 forms of payment (people faxing in and bouncing personal checks and the like). Plus they take things like PayPal and such which are notorious for non-payment scams. They also handle all support for those many methods of payment, so that comes out of the fee as well. For Vendetta Online the base monthly fee will be $9.99 per month with a major credit card, or $12.99 per month through PayByCash. There will also be larger blocks (3 month, 6 month, etc) available through PayByCash at a much-reduced service fee.

We will want to set up some sort of recurring payment method on all "paying" type accounts. So we won't charge your credit card, or whatever, for 60 days (assuming a preorder account).. but we will want to set up the payment method ahead of time, if at all possible. Defining which users are "paying" by tieing their accounts directly to a credit card number (or PayPal, bank transfer, herd of goats) has a way of reducing the number of abusive idiots in the game who don't really value their account because they have no intention or means of paying for it. I don't mean to exclude anyone by this, we'll try to make it as compatible with everyone as possible (which I don't think will be a problem, given the number of payment methods we'll be accepting, total).. but it is something we've learned from our long-standing Beta and earlier Test. People are more likely to behave if they value their account, because it has some tie to reality. It's also much easier to make bans actually work if we really know who people are, which is a requirement of being able to make a payment.
Oct 12, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I might have to send you a goat as payment someday.
Oct 12, 2004 StarTuxia link
We have two of these:

Guess 2 does not make a herd though :).
Oct 13, 2004 sarahanne link
I'm not sure about the goats. However Ray did enjoy the llamas and alpacas we saw at the stste fair.
Oct 13, 2004 furball link
Hmm... Sara... I might be a might worried if I was you! Incarnate saying he wants goats and now Ray enjoying llamas... HMM

So what EXACTLY DOES go on in the GS offices when we aren't looking HMMM???? Inquiring minds want to know!
Oct 13, 2004 Viper2560 link
Well idk about yall but i dont think im gunna b paying with a herd of goats..or lamas..or anything from the state fair.But besides that sounds like a good plan to keep ppl happy enough that want to play vendetta
Oct 13, 2004 andreas link
1. Develop a game.
2. Get players to hand over their goats for it.
3. ???
4. Profit!
Oct 13, 2004 panic link
We should genetically engineer one of these: and send it to them.
Oct 13, 2004 Pyro link
I'll get the spray paint, who wants to get the decapitated llama? :P
Oct 13, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
Incarnate, do you accept chickens along with goats? And if so, how many chickens a month?
Oct 13, 2004 incarnate link
the number of chickens per month fluctuates with the current.. umm.. poultry futures. yeah.
Oct 13, 2004 sarahanne link
depens on the number of eggs they lay
Oct 13, 2004 Pyro link
I'll give you half a turkey for a month of Vendetta.
Oct 13, 2004 sarahanne link
Unless we can buy a house with turkeys,chickens and llamas I'd going to have to insist that Ray gets paid in US currency. Now if we HAD a house in the country then we could discuss the barter system of payment for this wondeful game. :)
Oct 13, 2004 paedric link
Ah, so NOW the lurid details come to light. It's a HOUSE that ye be wantin'.
Oct 14, 2004 Kai Allard link
ill give you my parrents house if you let me play vendetta for free, forever! my parrents dont need their house, and its in sunny california :)
Oct 14, 2004 roguelazer link is my desktop background. In honor of Halloween.