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Oct 25, 2005 smittens link
Monk are you trying to say "you" or "u"?

In general though...*puke*
Oct 25, 2005 jexkerome link
>>Lecter, i remember you logging off in disgust last time after I beat you FIVE times in a row. As for Joyce, I'll gladly flare your bus to death if ou get near.

Hmmm, should Joyce be offended that Monk doesn't think she can even kill a bus?

Nah, I expect she'd be delighted for the chivalrous gesture.
Oct 25, 2005 Celkan link
I bet Joyce could kill Miharu if it came down to a identical ship/weapon layout sort of duel.

And probably more than 50% of the time.
Oct 25, 2005 moldyman link
Lecter did it again. Five times and he logged. As for Smittens, if all you do is jump on a game and start arguements, get a life.

And, yes, I meant that in a chivalrous way. Joyce hs beaten me before, so I know she's capable.
Oct 25, 2005 who? me? link
whats the deal monkey boy? tryin to steal my girl?

or maybe its the other way around...
Oct 25, 2005 moldyman link
Lol, you're not the first.
Oct 25, 2005 smittens link
Monk, Maso and had our usual fight. That's hardly me logging on to start one. And I only made fun of you dating a guy because you interfered with Maso and I. And not in my favor :)
Oct 25, 2005 smittens link
Monk, Maso and had our usual fight. That's hardly me logging on to start one. And I only made fun of you dating a guy because you interfered with Maso and I. And not in my favor :)
Oct 25, 2005 icbm1987 link
Oct 25, 2005 Will Roberts link
>whats the deal monkey boy? tryin to steal my girl?
>or maybe its the other way around...

Now that you mention it, I though I saw a "monk? me?" on 100 the other day. Maybe it was a spoofer, or maybe....
Oct 25, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
Wait a tic... IF you got me 5 times (and most of those would be you coming in from behind or after I've already dispatched another foe... or two, such as you and bloodlust...), I think perhaps you should factor in how many times I finished you off :)
Oct 25, 2005 moldyman link
Three, I kept count =D

Not to mention that you spammed two of those times and ganked the third but no biggy
Oct 25, 2005 smittens link
Gotta love how the guy who's desperate enough to hook up with another guy online says someone else doesn't have a life
Oct 25, 2005 moldyman link
But anyway I'm through with this childish arguement. If you want to continue, go ahead. I'm gonna delete all my posts that argue with you. And I'll erase the first half of this one tomorrow morning.
Oct 26, 2005 smittens link
For the record it was for the formage of the most pwnage thing ever.
Oct 26, 2005 moldyman link
I deleted the posts as promised, troll.
Oct 26, 2005 jexkerome link

Should I post the next bit here, where we went horribly off-topic, or start a new one?
Oct 26, 2005 A-Dawg link
Keep going here, keep up the good work!
Oct 26, 2005 icbm1987 link
Keep it here.

It's thoroughly riveting and I'd hate to see you destroy the continuity.
Oct 27, 2005 jexkerome link
She’s gazing at the stars.

Encased in an ancient EVA suit, a near-relic older than Arna Orbital itself, she stands on the hull of Senate Station, the heavy transit of the Capitol all around, the asteroid field surrounding everything and blocking a great chunk of the sky. Her gaze is fixed on a particular star, and never wavers as she recounts the events of the past few days…

She arrived by rogue trader at the Senate two days ago; she could have come on her own ship, of course, but she knows how hard it is to secure a berth in such a busy station, specially if the berth is going to be used for more than a few hours. Stations like this thrive on a constant flow of traffic, and thus, outside the diplomatic berths, the cost of prolonged docking can be prohibitive. She has the money to pay, of course, had it come to that, but frankly she was not in the mood to pay for docking fees to a group of people who could be exiling or imprisoning her in the next few hours.

A month ago, still reeling from the effects and mood swings of the Spike, she deserted her friend Miharu and came to the Senate to formally denounce the old man and his Outfit. Things got a little rough when it became clear she was a part of said Outfit, and she faced arrest and interrogation at the hands of Union law enforcement officials. Thankfully, TPG soon arrived to take over the procedures, particularly since the megacorporation has a “personal” stake in the capture of the old man. TPG officials were still as professional and ruthless in their pursuit of criminals, but they went about it in a more humane way than their Union counterparts.

She was interrogated over a couple of days, and had preliminary hearings with both a Union judge and a TPG one. In the end, she signed the transcript of her confession (after making sure they had changed nothing), and then… she escaped custody. Part of it could have been the Spike’s lingering effect on her sanity, but mostly it was the sudden realization that, should she accept Union protection, she was good as dead; she’d been a fool to think that she’d be safer here than with Miharu on Corvus Hold. So, using her clearance as a Certified Union/TPG Mechanic, she bypassed public access to gain access to her ship, used her Outfit contacts for the last time to pay her docking fees (which had obviously run far past what she’d originally expected), and fled.

Only to run into the old man’s goons.

It was to be expected, really, but she had gambled on a quick escape and lost. Someone had leaked her presence and purpose at the Senate, and now they were on to her. Escaping through Nyrius and Verasi, attempting to reach Odia and her friends, the mercenaries pounded her Behemoth time and again until it could warp no more by the time she reached Pelatus. Diving deep into a Hive-infested field, she was able to fake destruction of her ship by ramming it into a distracted mining drone, and then launching her escape pod, empty. Her attackers, who had lost sight of her behind a large asteroid, saw the explosion and detected the escape pod. Blasting it to bits, they did a half-hearted search of the area before flying off, satisfied the job was done.

Her next few days were very interesting, floating adrift in the field with the Behemoth completely shut down, her EVA suit the only thing sustaining her, using her toolkit to slowly bring the gravdrive back to life. She had to cannibalize some parts, since many of the Behemoth’s systems were beyond anything she knew at the time she left the crew pits, and thus had to improvise with what she knew rather than try to understand the new systems the hard way. From time to time, Hive drones took notice of the drifting wreck and approached it. All she could do was stay very still and hope they didn’t detect her life signs or the suit’s power signature; not a one did, though one time an ornery Overseer stuck to her for a whole day, and another a Collector attempted to mine the Behemoth, its systems no doubt identifying the large amounts of Xirite still present in the battered hull; it eventually gave up and left for richer finds.

When she finally managed to repair the gravdrive and leave the system, she found to her annoyance that her fiddling had resulted in malfunctioning attitude and turbo thrusters, so the ship couldn’t turbo (making escape from the field a very close-run thing) and was stuck in a counter-clockwise spin, to boot. The navcomp was fried, too, and had lost all the information regarding Verasi and Bractus, as well as all the station data on all systems. She had to limp her way to the Itani border on Edras, where she knew she could find the station by sight, and docked there; luckily for her, docking a spinning, ailing Behemoth got her a few admirers among the station crew, who helped her get back on her feet without asking questions.

She then returned to Odia and Miharu and Bojan, telling them nothing of the real reasons behind her abrupt disappearance, and began her job on the Makchuga. There, she again experienced the joy of learning another trade, and met a lot of interesting people, all colorful inhabitants of greyspace. It was here she began to chat with and get close to Erik even as SKV’s duties pulled Bojan away from her. She chose between them (a sad part inside of her tells her it was not really a choice) shortly before the summons came, from both Union and TPG High Court.

She had been summoned to have her particular case settled. However, if the Union could track her to Corvus Hold, what's to say the Outfit couldn't? She put these dark thoughts out of her mind for the moment, and considered the summons; acquittal, sacking, exile, imprisonment or death awaited her, at the hands of Union Justice. She never considered running, being quite tired of it, and thus she booked a spot on the next rogue trader taking passengers to Dau, and left to meet her fate.

She shifts her position, the heavy gravboots responding sluggishly to her unspoken commands, taking a full second to disengage to allow her to take a step. She’s been watching Sol, but now she's had her fill of it, a place not one person alive today has ever seen; she’s way past wondering about the fate of the people left back there, like most Dispossessed. The War, after all, is much more present and immediate than that tiny yellow pinprick in the Void. Still, looking at the star that gave birth to everything around her, she feels a sense of greater purpose, of being a part of something of incredible importance. Looking for the telltale star of the Odia system now, she comes almost full circle until she finds it; her left hand moves to the small EVA case she carries on her right, and opens it.

Inside there are two synthpaper envelopes that almost immediately begin to suffer under the effects of exposure to space. She doesn’t mind, though, as these are mere hardcopy certificates that hold little more than symbolic value. The information within them is also stored within her personal data archives, and, most importantly, within the security mainframes of both the Union and TPG.

The first one contains the resolution of the Union's High Court on her case. Acquitted, for all intents and purposes, due to the information she provided over the interrogatories (the first one a month ago, and the second one the day before yesterday, when they demanded to know why she had… declined Union protection) on the Outfit. She retains her freedom, her rights, her Licenses and her property. As far the Union is concerned, she’s an errant sheep that’s come back to the fold and given enough reparation for her trespasses.

TPG, on the other hand… she clenches her right fist in anger, and the motion sends the envelopes flying, slowly, from the case. She doesn’t need the document to remember the words:

“Regardless of her acts of reparation or feelings of contrition, the fact remains that Ms. Sanders acted in manners totally unbecoming an employee of TPG Corporation, bringing shame upon the company and all who labor there. She is therefore fired, effective immediately, without the benefit of severance pay, or any other benefits she may be entitled to due to seniority, job position, or any other factors covered under TPG Personnel Regulations. She has 36 hours in which to return all equipment and materials TPG Corporation provided her for the performance of her duties, or their equivalent in Union credits.”

She's sure her father has had something to do with this; TPG is usually more lenient with offenders, even in a case like hers. It is a final slap on her face and her spirit as he cuts off, once and for all, the last of her links to the family. It feels worse than that time when, his voice full of disappointment and anger, he spat at her the words “You think like Labor”, all those years ago.

Her mother, though… As she sat in the huge, empty Hall of High Justice earlier that day, the only other people present the two judges, the Bailiff and her lawyer (assigned to her by TPG from the start), a group of people entered to watch the proceedings. To her delight and surprise, it was Aunt Emma and the old pit crew from Arna: Rocko, Celia, Steve, the whole bunch. Afterwards, Aunt Emma told her they had been given special dispensation by her mother to attend the hearing. She herself, however, had not come, nor had any other relative, for that matter. Still, to know that Mom was moving around her father to help her, even if it was something as small as this…

She watches the documents drift away until she can no longer see them, and then glances at the time readout on her helmet. Needing time to think after the hearing was over, she declined her aunt and friends’ offer to go celebrate somewhere, and instead returned to her room, picked up her EVA suit (a gift from the pit crew when she left the life of a mechanic to become a trader), and once again used her Mechanic’s clearance (Union only, now) to enter the guts of the station and finally come to where she now stood, a flat expanse of Xirite-reinforced hull the station mechanics refer to as “the backyard”, to watch the stars. Having seen enough, her thoughts in order, she decides to move back down inside the station; she has just enough time to return to her room, pack up her things, and catch the return trip to Fenos Outpost, from where she can take a Corvus shuttle back to the Hold, and her friends.

She engages her boots for walking and begins the return trip, a small spot on the side of the gigantic station that is the seat of the Senate.