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The After Party! Champagne and Karaoke! The beautiful Cho Le Chatelier!

Apr 02, 2006 LeChatlier link
For anyone who missed it, Cho Chang is now Mrs. LeChatelier! Here's the record of the after party for memories! :)
Oh.. and its a long party too, so don't feel like you have to read this!

<Tamion Le Chatelier> Honeymoon in Odia M-14!
People in the room: Tamion Le Chatelier, IRC, Vomit, Cho Chang, Joyce Sanders, Astaroth
<Astaroth> well... everything is set! :)
<Cho Chang> my love!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Oh my dear
Vomit has left the room.
<Cho Chang> such a far journey
FiReMaGe has entered the room.
<Cho Chang> firemage!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> and you almost were hurt.... :(
<Cho Chang> thank you for coming!
Stranger has entered the room.
Joyce Sanders hugs Cho, then Tamion
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Thanks everyone for the escort and the help
<FiReMaGe> no problem
<Joyce Sanders> Congratulations again, you two ^^
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs everyone in the room
<Cho Chang> its ok my love, I am repaired and in the new
Cho Chang hugs all as well
Cho Chang kisses Tamion
Stranger hugs Cho then shakes Tamions hand
Tamion Le Chatelier kisses Cho
<Stranger> Congrats
<Cho Chang> Thanks Stranger
Cho Chang hugs Stranger
<Cho Chang> I’m married!!!!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> We're married!
Tamion Le Chatelier coughs
Joyce Sanders passes drinks around
<Stranger> thanks Joyce
Tamion Le Chatelier drinks
<Cho Chang> woo alcohol!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Wouldn't be a wedding without it!
<Stranger> brb
<Cho Chang> Tamion, do I need to change my last name to Le Chatelier now?
Stranger has left the room.
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Dear, If you need to be Chang, I can be Chang
<Cho Chang> i dont NEED to be chang, ill be happy to change my name for you
<Cho Chang> ill change my name
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Oh, allright then dear. :)
<Cho Chang> in the mean time...i love you
Fx'nira the Second has entered the room.
Tamion Le Chatelier smooches cho
Cho Chang kisses Tamion
Stranger has entered the room.
<Cho Chang> I’ll totally do it
<Cho Chang> you think I won’t!
<Stranger> I know you will
<Tamion Le Chatelier> I have faith dear
<Fx'nira the Second> Joyce, root beer
<Joyce Sanders> Erik and I decided not to change my callsign, but everyone knows my real name is Joyce Christianson Sanders
<Fx'nira the Second> Do I have to pay, or do I get it for free since I'm an employee? :)
<Cho Chang> awww
<Cho Chang> it’s free for all, I’ll pay for it!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Drinks are free, on me and my bride
<Stranger> Wine Joyce?
<Cho Chang> I'm so in love!
Joyce Sanders gets Fx'nira his root beer
<Cho Chang> someone get me champagne!
Tamion Le Chatelier kisses Cho and hugs her close
<Joyce Sanders> Here you go, enjoy ^^
Cho Chang loves Tamion, kisses him and hugs him
Cho Chang hugs Joyce!
Joyce Sanders opens a bottle of champagne, gives a glass to the happy couple
<Cho Chang> yay!
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs the priest
Cho Chang too!
Astaroth brings out the presents!
<Cho Chang> Astaroth !!!!!
Tamion Le Chatelier thinks "More presents?"
<Cho Chang> TAMION, were MARRIED!!!!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> O love, O love
Jack O'Neill has entered the room.
<Astaroth> yeah.... oh wow... somebody gave you keys to a brand new EC-88! congrats!
<Cho Chang> Jack where the hell where you?
<Cho Chang> thanks Astaroth
<Cho Chang> wow
<Jack O'Neill> Woohoo made it
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Hey Jack!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> My man!
<Cho Chang> Jack!!!
Joyce Sanders smiles while wiping a tear from her eyes, goes around giving champagne to people
Cho Chang hugs Joyce
<Jack O'Neill> I jumped into the wrong sector...
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs Jack
<Cho Chang> thanks for being my best girl!
Tamion Le Chatelier passes Jack the drinks
<Jack O'Neill> What is going on?
<Cho Chang> we’re married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Just the after-party
<Tamion Le Chatelier> :)
<Cho Chang> party!
Stranger sits in the corner smiling, sipping wine.
<Joyce Sanders> It was an honor, Cho ^^
<Cho Chang> tamion, when [censored].
<Cho Chang> aww thanks Joyce
Astaroth unveils the karaoke machine... time to party!
<Stranger> oh no
<Cho Chang> kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Cho Chang> oh yes
Tamion Le Chatelier starts to sing
Stranger holds his head in his hands
<Cho Chang> lol omg
Jack O'Neill can't sing.
Cho Chang sings like britney spears, take it as u may
Stranger chuckles
<Cho Chang> lmao
Tamion Le Chatelier sings: "Where did we used to go, when the rains came, down in the old hollow, playing a new game"
<Cho Chang> oh tamion *swoon*
Joyce Sanders sets bowls of snacks at every table, and plates and forks for the cake
Tamion Le Chatelier sings "My brown-eyed girl, ooooo, my brown-eyed girl"
Cho Chang swoons over her new hubby
<Cho Chang> omg
<Tamion Le Chatelier> are your eyes brown?
<Cho Chang> they are!!!!!!!!!!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> :)
<Cho Chang> Tamion, I’m also 5'10 if that helps
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Hey!
<Tamion Le Chatelier> We're good on height then!
<Cho Chang> how tall are you Tamion?
<Tamion Le Chatelier> :)
<Tamion Le Chatelier> 6-1
<Cho Chang> holy shit!!!
<Cho Chang> ok I love you a lot now
Stranger chuckles
Tamion Le Chatelier leans down and kisses Cho softly
<Cho Chang> awwwww
Tamion Le Chatelier motions toward the hall "shall we go dear?"
Cho Chang takes his hand
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Thanks everyone for coming!!! I hope you all had a wonderful time
Tamion Le Chatelier leads Cho down the hall
<Stranger> Night you two
Tamion Le Chatelier g'night all!
<Cho Chang> yay!
<Cho Chang> night all!
<Cho Chang> party on!
Jack O'Neill has left the room.
Joyce Sanders throws rice after Tamion and Cho
Cho Chang hugs Joyce on the way out
<Jack O'Neill> G-night
Stranger tosses rice after them
Cho Chang hugs Stranger too
Stranger hugs Cho
Astaroth waves
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs everyone again and waves
Fx'nira the Second chokes on his root beer
Cho Chang waves at Astaroth
Tamion Le Chatelier slaps him on the back
Cho Chang hugs "Fx'nira the Second"
<Tamion Le Chatelier> couldn't have done it without you Fx'nira!
<Fx'nira the Second> Welcome.
Vomit has entered the room.
<Cho Chang> VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Fx'nira the Second> More root beer, please. :\
Cho Chang passes FX a root beet
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs Vomit
Vomit has left the room.
Stranger sips more wine
Jack O'Neill has entered the room.
Astaroth walks around trying to find Leber's tequila stash
Cho Chang hugs Stranger again
<Tamion Le Chatelier> Well my beautiful wife, I must go.
<Cho Chang> Ok my loving husband
<Cho Chang> I might stay and party
<Tamion Le Chatelier> goodnight all
<Cho Chang> night my love
Tamion Le Chatelier hugs and kisses Cho passionately and then departs
<Astaroth> cya "Tamion Le Chatelier" and congrats
Cho Chang kisses and hugs Tamion back
Apr 02, 2006 Astaroth link
Whoo! That was somethin fun to do for the evenin...
Apr 02, 2006 cocomonster link
Were married! What an after party!
Apr 02, 2006 Solra Bizna link
Apparently, I got very, very drunk. On root beer. 200cr covered the damages, though, fortunately for me. :/
Apr 02, 2006 LeberMac link
Astaroth quit lookin' for my tequila stash - it's very very well hidden in M-14. Someplace you'd never ever look, and protected by a super-secret code.
Apr 02, 2006 Astaroth link
So it wasnt at the back of the counter?!?!? Awww!!! WTF did I drink then?!?!
Apr 02, 2006 LeberMac link
Haha That's Miharu's stash of your normal, every-day, run-of-the-mill tequila.
Apr 02, 2006 Astaroth link
/me sneers

/me walks away slowly....
Apr 03, 2006 ghostieboy link
Apr 03, 2006 stranger link
Solra, did you ever find those two knives? I know one broke a light and you stabed yourself with the other in the nose. I need to remember to never sell you sharp stuff when you're drunk.
Apr 05, 2006 Solra Bizna link
I think I ate them. I know I ate at least one. :/
Apr 05, 2006 MSKanaka link
I keep Leber's stash of special tequila locked up, and only take it out when he's present.

And no, I'm not telling you where it is. I don't think Leebs even knows.

Hell, I'm not sure I know where it is, now that I think about it... >_>;
Apr 05, 2006 LeberMac link

And - Aren't the Le Chatelier's separated already?
I knew it was bad when Cho misspelled her new last name.
Apr 05, 2006 FreedomBird link
Awwwwww, I missed another one? Not that I was invited or even hinted that anything of the sort was ever going to happen -.-;

I guess my engine breaking down due to mysterious causes (I can fix it quickly once I know what's wrong!) while I was back on a small moon somewhere in the Latos system cost me another one....
Apr 06, 2006 LeChatlier link
The Le Chatelier's are still happily married, Leber. We're Itani.. we keep our vows.

To F-Bird, the marriage was rather hastily arranged during one night, and was broadcast over com channel 100. Why waste time when we're soooo in love? Yeah... no reason.