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10th Nation War

Apr 15, 2006 moldyman link

1) As far as ships and weapons go, only two weapons are banned: Chaos Sawrm Missiles and Locust Swarm Missiles. This is done to recognize the "beep effect" in combat, ie scaring your opponent with all the target lockon alerts.

2) No running for obcene distances. This is subjective, but honestly.. I'll call it if you go out beyond 3,000 meters of anyone. This rule is flexible and bendable, but do not abuse it.
Better guide, don't go outside of the asteroid field.

3) Once you are dead, you are out. You may return to watch, but must announce this over sector comm.

4) Once you leave the sector you are out. This means no repairing at a station, no reloading and no jumping out to jump back in when your team wins.

5) The prize is two million credits, split among the qualifying survivors ONLY! If you have broken a rule above but have survived, don't expect to get credits.

6) The Nation War Event takes place in Sedina D-2 at the time of 11pm GMT (10pm GMT during Daylight Savings Time) on Sundays between three teams, each team representing a nation.

7) Team leaders are participants in the event, who represent their team when I speak to them. I expect them to be honest.

8) Things may change due to unavoidable circumstances. Always follow the instructions of Blue Streak or Erik C. , whichever one of my alts run the event (Usually the former)

9) If a participant is hated by their own nation, they have may go on any of the teams (including their nation's team) so long as they are A) Liked by that nation (Ignore if you join your own nation's team) and B) Announce it beforehand, to myself and/or the participants. This keeps everyone in the know.

10) No interfering with playability in the War sector. this includes (but is not limited to): Cargo drops

I modified the time. Hope to see you there

Woot! We got to ten!
Apr 15, 2006 slime73 link
Yay! I think I can make it this time.
Itani needs to win!
Apr 16, 2006 Ghost link
Gah, sorry. I know I said I'd be there but I can't. Stupid RL stuff keeps popping up. I should be able to be there next week though.
Apr 16, 2006 slime73 link
Well, GF everyone I guess. Good job Niki for holdin' the line after we all fell.
Apr 16, 2006 piglamamonkey link
Hmm. Given the battle odds and outcome, I guess Serco's AAR must come out first. After all, we can brag a little bit about this one :D


From: Nation War #10 Serco Team, Sedina
To: SkyCommand - Bureau Of Unclaimed Space Operations

Hostilities started at 00:15:01 SkyCommand time. Ended at 00:37:43.

Estimated forces:
- Itani: 7-8 pilots
- UIT: 12-15
- Serco: 5

Our team was made of Shinryu, Ci'jost, Borb Sarken, Matriarch (tactical officer) and Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg (acting as team leader). All our pilots flew Vultures.

As we were grossly outnumbered, our tactical officer ordered to stay in tight formation and pick up targets of opportunity. Additional tactical information are classified and sent by the usual channel - encryption level 12.

Our less experienced but valiant pilot Shinryu was brought down by M'at, who then understood what Serco mean by retaliation.

At 00:24:50, only one Itani pilot, Niki, was still standing against our team. Matriarch offered him a 1 vs 1 fight to decide the battle, but Niki turned down the offer, recognizing that he had no chance with the damaged hull of his Valkyrie. Outnumbered 1 vs 4, he started to flee within the asteroid field and tried to trick our team. His tactics seemed to turn the tide of the battle for a moment, as Ci'jost's ship issued in a roid and Borb's furious chase ended up in net of sunflares and neutron fire.

However, the hour of the final stand had come. Niki chose a restrained space between two large asteroids, hoping to exploit the weak points of our Vultures. Matriarch swiftly scored a 5th kill that crowned a battle that he brilliantly planned and led.

No doubt, the enemies of Sol II will think about this bitter defeat before they decide on another assault against our outnumbered kin.

For the SkyCommand roster:
Matriarch 5 kills
J.B.E. Zorg 4 kills
Borb Sarken 1st nation war - 3 kills
Ci'jost 1 kill
Shinryu 1st nation war

On a personal note, none of my 4 kills were earned in a straight fight. I had Niki and another Itani pilot on my tail for a few minutes during which I wished I had taken our Guardian Vulture instead of a Corvus variant. I was lucky to make it to the end in one piece and very proud to be part of this team.

Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg
Apr 16, 2006 softy2 link
Go Vults!!!
Apr 16, 2006 moldyman link
Great War fellas! This was a great battle, the result up in the air until the very end.

Blue Streak(Team Leader)
Essena Zela
Tamion Le Chatlier
Udjuk Marwen

Jean Baptist Emmanuel Zorg(Team Leader)
Borb Sarken

Breazle!(Team Leader)
Joyce Sanders
You will be fired upon :P
Ecka Estenk
Ion Storm

The War:

Well, we were vastly outnumbered by the Union team. So the Serco made a proposal which we accepted. It was imple: Take out the UIT first and deal with each other in the end. With the signal, our team of many Valkyries took off and headed into the UIT lines. They looked like a cloud, which freaked me out O.o

I zoomed all the way through them without so much as raising a Union eyebrow and came out to the back of the group. I took out a straggler in a Warthog and began to move out to the fringes of the fight, trying to prevent surprises from outside the main battle. I found Hortan and engaged his Raptor. After losing all my flares and a good minute of firing energy and circling, my AAP finally took him out.

With nothing left to do on the fringes, I charged into the main fray and tried to assist. Then I saw M'at pointing at me. I tried to turbo under him, to get ahead of his nuet and megaposi stream, but I wasn't so lucky this time. He quickly took me from 70ish armor to 0.

By the time I came back, two Itani one UIT and four Serco were left. firsm was ganged up upon and destroyed by the Serco. Essena was nicked off soon after, leaving only Niki and four hungry Serco. Niki began his ten minute run around the field at this point. At one point, it looked like he had a chance when Ci;jost wingbugged on a roid and Borb overzealously charged into a nuet stream, leaving only Jean Baptiste and Matriarch. But alas, caught between large roids, trying to catch the Serco vultures in a weak position but he was eliminated by Matriarch.

The Results:

Matriarch and jean baptiste Emmanuel Zorg (gosh, that's a long name) both won a million credits each.

Itani - 3 wins
UIT - 4 wins
Serco - 5 wins
Apr 16, 2006 Nya13 link
" both won a million credits"

Apr 16, 2006 Borb II link
Good event, I need to start coming to them more.
Apr 16, 2006 LeberMac link
Gah, I'm never able to make these.
Apr 16, 2006 Lord Q link
wow i was mentioned in both retellings cool.

Apr 16, 2006 Shapenaji link
Awesome event, WTG Serco! (LONG POST, which I can shorten if people dislike)

We started this one with the realization that we were gonna have to pull some crazy stunts to win. 5 Pilots against 7 itani and 14 UIT was a tall order.

As we collected by the Rally point, we scoped out our competitors.

Blue Streak: Blue Team Leader and Organizer.
I knew that if we wanted to have a chance, Blue and I would have to team up against the UIT. I am glad to say, it was an alliance that held.
Major Threats:
(Not saying other people weren't threatening, but this is what went through my head)
Essena Zela

Breazle: Yellow Team Leader (Breazle came in an EC-88, and I had a strong feeling that he was not playing command, so I undertook a little subterfuge to work out who the commander was. I figured on Joyce Sanders, who then became a major target)
Major Threats:

Making up our team were:
Jean Baptist Emmanuel Zorg(Team Leader)
Borb Sarken

an old mate, so we knew eachother's ins and outs. Fighting with him again reminded me of the old BLAK-VPR battles.

Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg
I had fought him before, but only when he was in a prom. I was rather heartened by how kickass he turned out to be in a vult. I also remembered seeing him lead another Serco Team to victory, and so while I planned to present tactics, having him in the lead role would take attention off me, and would leave another tactician if I bit the dust.

A new player who showed himself quite valiant. Afterwards I learned that it was his first battle. And from what I can tell, he's got the bug, expect to see him again.

Another newish player (I think, though he fought really well...)
I had pirated him before, but he had great fighting spirit. He showed it by lasting to the very end. The only thing that managed to best him was the immovable object, which trumped his nigh-irrestible force.

ROIDS, can't live with em, can't live on em.

I saw a lot of heavier ships on the UIT side. So protracted engagements were out. If we had tried a standup fight alongside the itani, the AGT's would have wiped us out.

So we planned to attack major targets on the UIT side, with the hope that, with as many UIT as were there, Killing the leader would force them to spread out a bit.

With Niki on the Itani team, I knew that if he targetted me, I would have a real dangerous fight on my hands. So I instructed my partners to avoid attacking him unless they had a full kill shot. The last thing we needed was a Vindictive Niki.

Mr spuck recieved the same treatment, he was in a tung centaur.
which mean fiery flaming death if we tried to go heads up.

The Strategy was straightforward, stay in formation, and hit the targets we came up with. Go in for a few shots, but keep your energy high enough to maneuver around to the next target. Beware of Valks, and if one of them redflagged you, take them around a roid so the rest of us could get a clear shot at them.

So the battle started,

Our first target was the figurehead, Breazle. I figured that it might be a waste of time (he was in an EC-88), but it couldn't hurt (he was in an EC-88)

Borb killed Breazle ~30 seconds into the battle. And we switched to our hit and run tactics. Joyce was our next target. Though she led us across the outer edge, so I decided to break off the attack to let her feel a bit safer, and to avoid the Itani getting mauled by UIT superior numbers.

Shinryu got into a tussle with M'at that ended badly, but we still had most of our armor left, and I resolved to avenge him later.

So we headed back in, I saw an opportunity and took out mr_spuck, soon after I managed to catch Joyce, and M'at fell to myself and a fellow Serco pilot.

The plan was going well, and the itani had done their job too. firsm and Mick were still out there though.

I came upon Niki attacking Mick and snagged the kill. Niki and I broke off, avoiding engagement.

Checking sector list, I found that it had worked wonders, those that were left were heavily damaged, while my team was still in the green->orange.

firsm did some damage to our team, but we quickly rounded on him and were able to wipe him out.

Finally, we had Niki, vs myself and my crew, absenting Shin.

I had a feelin it would last for a while. He had a valk, we had nothing that could catch a valk. (Sercos don't fly valks, seriously, go look it up, we don't)

So after a little chasing, and managing to deal a little damage as he swept in and caught Borb. The Roid snagged my other pilot, and Jean and myself were left, ever vigilant, lest Niki suddenly turn and hit our lazy turboing selves.

Niki's final ploy (Which has been stated earlier, but I still think was a great idea), was to get our 2 vultures into a fight between the 2 roids.

With any luck, we'd either wingbug against the roid, or against eachother, evening up the odds.

Niki swept in though, and I got a clear shot.

Damn Nice time.

Apr 16, 2006 LeberMac link
LMAO... "The last thing we needed was a Vindictive Niki."
I think that's the last thing ANYONE needs... Hehe.

I need to hire someone to take care of my yard next weekend so I can attend one of these things...
Apr 16, 2006 Borb II link
Oh yeah I was the bus killer that took out Breazle, not a high point in my life, but orders are orders.

Over all I had a blast, my only regret being that I got lazy and let Niki shoot me.
Apr 17, 2006 Blacklight link
Go Serco!
Apr 17, 2006 Lord Q link
mentioned in 3 retellings woot.
