Forums » Role Playing

12th Nation War Event

Apr 30, 2006 moldyman link

1) As far as ships and weapons go, only two weapons are banned: Chaos Sawrm Missiles and Locust Swarm Missiles. This is done to recognize the "beep effect" in combat, ie scaring your opponent with all the target lockon alerts.

2) No running for obcene distances. This is subjective, but honestly.. I'll call it if you go out beyond 3,000 meters of anyone. This rule is flexible and bendable, but do not abuse it.
Better guide, don't go outside of the asteroid field.

3) Once you are dead, you are out. You may return to watch, but must announce this over sector comm.

4) Once you leave the sector you are out. This means no repairing at a station, no reloading and no jumping out to jump back in when your team wins.

5) The prize is two million credits, split among the qualifying survivors ONLY! If you have broken a rule above but have survived, don't expect to get credits.

6) The Nation War Event takes place in Sedina D-2 at the time of 11pm GMT (10pm GMT during Daylight Savings Time) on Sundays between three teams, each team representing a nation.

7) Team leaders are participants in the event, who represent their team when I speak to them. I expect them to be honest.

8) Things may change due to unavoidable circumstances. Always follow the instructions of Blue Streak or Erik C. , whichever one of my alts run the event (Usually the former)

9) If a participant is hated by their own nation, they have may go on any of the teams (including their nation's team) so long as they are A) Liked by that nation (Ignore if you join your own nation's team) and B) Announce it beforehand, to myself and/or the participants. This keeps everyone in the know.

10) No interfering with playability in the War sector. this includes (but is not limited to): Cargo drops

I modified the time. Hope to see you there
Apr 30, 2006 slime73 link
What time is that in Eastern Time?
Apr 30, 2006 moldyman link
Thanks to Viper for running this event! I'll run it like normal next Sunday
Apr 30, 2006 vlasick link
Was great fun in sedina D 2 today particpants are as follows

Viper88 (team leader)
Borb Sarken
Lord Serco
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Cygnus X

Udjuk Marwen (team leader)
Essena Zela

Nerde Verde (team leader)
Ecka Estenk
Ion storm
Jim Kirk
Jolly Roger Yarr!!!
Invisiblish one

The serco team's strategy was fairly simple... take out the team leaders on the opposing teams first, then target of opportunity (call and shoot) from there on out, the strategy seemed to be going pretty well, the 2 opposing team leaders quickly died, but the skill of gavan and niki quickly finished off many of the serco team members. It progressed from there on out, the uit and serco were badly thinned out and finally there was a standoff between Essena Zela and Niki (itani) Gavan (UIT) and kalb (Serco). of the four kalb died first, and gavan next, leaving Essena Zela and Niki the victors of the day
Apr 30, 2006 Wiggoggs link
From the start it looked grim for the Itani team. We were outnumbered almost 2 to 1 by BOTH teams. Our plan was to approach the war slowly, and so be able to let the Sercos And UITs battle head on while we attacked from the side. The battle started, but all did not go as planned. I cautiously approached the fighting area ahead of my team. The UIT seemed slow in coming, but much to my dismay, the Sercos headed straight towards me. In less than a second, I was completely surrounded by Serco vultures, all on top of me, depleting my life. I shot off round after round of neuts and sunflares, injuring several of the suckers, but alas, I was struck down by the superior numbers, just as the UIT started closing in also.

I waited in the station anxiosly for the winner results, sure that they would not be good. We were simply outnumbered badly. But kudos to Niki and Essena Zela! Against all odds, their supperior skill won the war for the Itani, splitting 2mil between them! Congradulations to the winners, and to all other participants. Good fight, and I hope to see you next week, packing guns and ready to fight.

May 01, 2006 Whytee link
since Invisiblish specifically said he did not want me to hide in His shadow, I tried to hide in Jollys. That SO did not help:) I took on Chedorlaomer and tried to punch some holes in his armour, but after some time got caught up in a sandwich between him and Essena. Poor me.
Great fun as usual, good to see so many new faces.

FEZ you war monger, Ill get you next!!!!!!!!!! (never saw you...:))
May 01, 2006 fooz2916 link
Hey, I died too!

I zoomed around, not commiting to any 1v1 battle, pinging vults and a prom with Neut and MP. Niki and Essena managed to unexpectedly blindside me and took out 75% of my already dented armor. The reminder of the fight consisted of me constantly moving around and landing a few wild shots (which included taking out SH's last 3% =D ) before Essena finally finished me off.
May 03, 2006 davejohn link
Ecka Estenk,

I turned up , flew around a bit and got killed. If any newer players are reading this thread and are put off by tales of derring-do don't be . Its well worth turning up and enjoying the atmosphere of the event ...

Cheers all.