Forums » Role Playing

15th and 16th Nation Wars

May 20, 2006 moldyman link

1) As far as ships and weapons go, only two weapons are banned: Chaos Sawrm Missiles and Locust Swarm Missiles. This is done to recognize the "beep effect" in combat, ie scaring your opponent with all the target lockon alerts.

2) No running for obcene distances. This is subjective, but honestly.. I'll call it if you go out beyond 3,000 meters of anyone. This rule is flexible and bendable, but do not abuse it.
Better guide, don't go outside of the asteroid field.

3) Once you are dead, you are out. You may return to watch, but must announce this over sector comm.

4) Once you leave the sector you are out. This means no repairing at a station, no reloading and no jumping out to jump back in when your team wins.

5) The prize is two million credits, split among the qualifying survivors ONLY! If you have broken a rule above but have survived, don't expect to get credits.

6) The Nation War Event takes place in Sedina D-2 at the time of 11pm GMT (10pm GMT during Daylight Savings Time) on Sundays between three teams, each team representing a nation.

7) Team leaders are participants in the event, who represent their team when I speak to them. I expect them to be honest.

8) Things may change due to unavoidable circumstances. Always follow the instructions of Blue Streak or Erik C. , whichever one of my alts run the event (Usually the former)

9) If a participant is hated by their own nation, they have may go on any of the teams (including their nation's team) so long as they are A) Liked by that nation (Ignore if you join your own nation's team) and B) Announce it beforehand, to myself and/or the participants. This keeps everyone in the know.

10) No interfering with playability in the War sector. this includes (but is not limited to): Cargo drops


Now, I'm going to try the new timeslot as well as the old one. For this weekend ONLY, the Nation War will occur at 10pm GMT AND 8pm GMT (6pm and 4pm EDT respectively). Make a big showing and tell us which time to keep! :)
May 20, 2006 vitrify link

As the Nation Wars grow in popularity, maybe we could schedule 2 different wars - possibly 4 to 6 hours apart - to allow more people to participate. Just a thought.
May 20, 2006 moldyman link
This would be good. Were I to do this, though, I would hav to give up running a event (My mind and funds get strained with two anyway). And I like this event TONS more than the Corp Run, so someone else would have to pick up that slack before I can consider doing two Nation Wars.
May 20, 2006 Gavan link
Why not just kill the Corp run. I think the Deneb run does more than enough to fill the needs of the long distance runners.
May 20, 2006 moldyman link
'twas brought back by popular demand. Hell, today there were more racers in the Corp Run than in the Deneb Run.
May 20, 2006 Gavan link
Then nix the Deneb run I say! <----- I did not say this.
May 21, 2006 jexkerome link
Since moldy does not own the Deneb Run, it can't be done. From time to time he runs it, but that's when Screwball can't be around.
May 21, 2006 Ghost link
The server kicked me and I can't reconnect!!!!!!!
May 21, 2006 moldyman link
Beauty, ain't it
May 21, 2006 Ghost link
So, shall we reschedule? How about we move both nation wars back 2 hours or so?
May 21, 2006 slime73 link
Should work. Normally it wouldn't, but it will today :)
May 21, 2006 Ghost link
Well, i'll check back for the 2nd nation war I guess. And hopefully we can do another one 2 hours after that. So 10pm GMT and 12pm GMT?
May 21, 2006 Whytee link
kicked me too...SUCKS!!
May 21, 2006 moldyman link
15th Nation War

The Participants:

Essena Zela (Team Leader)
Blue Streak
Jubjub Marwen

CygnusX(Team Leader)
Lord Serco

Spaceranger(Team Leader)
Surbius Bondevo
Jim Kirk
Ecka Estenk

The War:

Ah yes. Well, Roda was being a pain in the ass, as he's apt to do every now and then, so I had everyone meet in an undisclosed location. With everyone at 3,000 meters, we just waited for _Ghost_ and tumblemonster. Once they were around, we all jumped to D-2 and the War immediately began.

Ghost quickly took tactical command. We all grouped up around him to get our bearings and present a big block if attacked. Our first target was Ecka Estenk in his Ragnarok. I dived in and launched my first pair of flares, hitting him and tossing him around. He started to take a pounding from my teamates, so I swooped back and unloaded my AAP into his broadside. After taking him out with my gun, we got orders to head after a new target: tumblemonster. He is a good pilot, but with all seven of us after him... It took a minute or so, but his Valk was taken down, with some damage to our men. Afterwards, we engaged aosdana. Heh, my flares hit someone else's and the combined damage killed him.

We went after Spaceranger's Prom next (who got me down to 43%, yikes!). He was overwhelmed as well. Then Proximity was next on the chopping block. After killing all in our area, Ghost ordered us after Shedu, who was destroyed before I even got there. We broked off and engaged the other three Serco, whittling them down. I didn't do much because I was out of flares at this point. We were left with one opponent: Jim Kirk. We swooped in and sorrounde him, pounding his hull until his ship exploded as well.


Congrats to the entire Itani team for surviving! Each of the seven survivors recieved 300k. Special thanks to Mecha Touriuas for keeping D-2 Roda-free until we started.

The Records

Itani - 6 wins
Serco - 5 wins
UIT - 6 wins

If you're reading this now, there will be a second Nation War at midnight GMT! Come join us.
May 21, 2006 Borb II link
I'll be there for the second one!
May 21, 2006 tumblemonster link
Haha! Awesome! I knew I was a specific target! No way I chanced upon a pounding by that many of you! Great battle everyone!
May 21, 2006 moldyman link
16th Nation War

The participants

Essena Zela(Team Leader)
Blue Streak
Pilot 9

Borb Sarken(Team Leader)
Space hunter
Roda Slane
Mecha Touriuas

Nerde Verde(Team Leader)
Ecka Estenk
Chak Morin
Ion Storm
Root Baba

The War

Well, this was a big War. And we were clearly utnumbered... as always. Following the directions of Ghost, we hung back and waited to see the battle unfold before jumping in. The UIT and Serco had other plans and barged right for us. We broke off and started to engage targets. #1 was Cunjo and his Ragnarok.I fired a pair of flares and hit him but was greeted by the red screen of "Ow, I'm being electrecuted by mines". That took me to 60%, along with various other shots at me.

I came back and got my revenge though. As he engaged my teamates, I broadsided him with more flares and destroyed his ship. Priority One target down. The team broke off into pairs and began to engage individual targets. Genotypewas taking heavy damage, so I came over and chased one of hisopponents away. Didn't do much, if any, damage to him, though. I came back around and headed for him again, trying to cover him. But I got distracted by Roda Slane and started to chase after him after landing some hits. Spaceranger wizzed by so I peeled off and ran down his damaged Rev C, taking him out.

Genotype went down shortly after. We fractured even more as Ion Storm was chasing after me and the group went after space hunter. After losing Ion Storm about 1500m behind me, I went to Al and Ghost, cutting Cy off from escaping so they could finish him off. By this time, I was out of flares, so I was nothing more than a secondary fighter with my AAP. Ion Storm was still following me around when I saw a golden target of oppurtunity: Proximity was chasing after one of our pilots slowly. I came up behind him, lining up and waiting until I came close enough, When he braked to dodge a roid, I unloaded and blew up his Maud.

The people were left: _Ghost_, Al and me for the Itani, and Chak Morin and Ion Storm for the UIT. While Al and Ghost tried to box Chak in, I tried to help out. I braked and tried to change directions quick, but the ever present Ion Storm lit me up and I was out. (Oh please, my behind isn't that nice >_> *looks behind and stares*).

I came back and saw the two on two fight ensue. _Ghost_ slipped up on a dodge and was destroyed by Ion Storm, I think. Al quickly focused on him though, whittling him down quickly. The Vulture Ion Storm sported blew up under the barrage. This left Chak Morin and Al. The final fight was over in seconds, with Al coming out on top with a victory for the Itani.

The Results

Al was the sole survivor from the Itani team and wins all of the two million credits. Way to go, team!

The Standings

Itani - 7 wins
Serco - 5 wins
UIT - 6 wins
May 21, 2006 Ghost link
Could I suggest that once you die you are not allowed to return even to spectate? Either that or we need to strictly enforce the bus/moth only if you're observing rule. Once there's a lot of people out it gets very difficult to figure out who's in and who's not.
May 21, 2006 Person link
Yeah, I suggested that last time Ghost, and look where it got us. :D

May 22, 2006 thickenergy link
Yeah, I never come back to spectate because I know what a pain it can be to try and quickly figure out which targets are left. The new "U" display, which shows the ship types, helps some but in the heat of battle you really don't want to be scanning the list.