Forums » Role Playing

Event support bot - input needed

Jun 25, 2006 CygnusX link
I'm working on an event support function for SkyCommand (the ST6 bot, which may be renamed soon, so I refer to it as jut "bot" below) to assist in things like this event. I've designed it like this:

1. Event host creates event: /msg bot event new "Deneb Run #99" (you can only host one event at a time, so following event commands knows that this is the event you refer to)

2. The host configures the event. There are two optional features that must be explicitly enabled: channel reporting and an event group. If the host wishes to announce event stats on a channel: /msg bot event channel 555 - this will announce kills and deaths of registered players on 555 for the duration of the event. To have the bot run a group for the event (useful for races where people must report positions): /msg bot event group create.

3. Event host opens event for registration: /msg bot event open. To register, players do /msg bot event register "Deneb Run #99". You should be able to register using the host's name too, so people can use tab completion :). To list events open for registration, do /msg bot event list.

4. Before the event starts, hosts usually want to collect information such as # of kills, ship config like in the Deneb Run etc. The bot can collect stats for registered players automatically, which the host submits the rest: /msg bot event prepare. Registration automatically closes when the event is prepared and stats collected.

5. To actually start the event: /msg bot event start

6. During the event, deaths and kills will be reported on the event channel (if configured).

7. To wrap up the event: /msg bot event finish.

I do this because I like hacking stuff like this, and want to contribute something useful to the game. But since I don't run any events myself, I need input from all of you who actually do. Would any of you use this bot? Are there any obvious things I have left out? (Come to think of it, accurate docking timing would be useful, but that requires the poot bot to dare into Odia.)

And finally, I need people who are willing to spend some time testing this thing and make the bugs surface so I can fix them BEFORE we use it for a nation war ;-)

Jun 25, 2006 MSKanaka link
I think Momerath is working on a version of this for the Deneb Run. The only issue with using this for the Nation War is that it'd only work for one group. Aside from that, I'd be willing to help test it out, so gimme a ring or whatever.
Jun 25, 2006 drdoak007 link
this is a great idea. it eliminates the hassles, post-event. will it record which kills are made? or just how many.
Jun 25, 2006 CygnusX link
DrDoak007: Just how many kills, can separate between PKs and bot kills though. This is based on scraping player stats pages off There is no way to record anything else without getting access to some dev-blessed data source ;-)

Miharu: for the nation war you don't need groups anyway. They are optional, both because for some events they are per-team, and because of the size limit.
Jun 25, 2006 MSKanaka link
Ah, that's true. Still, the Deneb Run mission that momerath was working on should be fine for that...

I suspect if they up the group size it'd still be the case for the nation war, but another question just popped into my head: Would the bot be able to keep track of the order that people died? Or would it have to know the charIDs of each participant ahead of time in order to do that?
Jun 25, 2006 CygnusX link
It won't know the exact order, only approximate. There will be several seconds of error margin per player, probably up to 20-30 for big events.
Jun 26, 2006 zamzx zik link
Aha! you could make one for each nation (just copy and past the code) and have it spit stuff out on nation chat.

thus, spam is eluminated.
Jun 26, 2006 Sun Tzu link
You find that sort of bots on chess servers for tournament management (like the tomato bot on ICC) where they automatically make pairings and record games' outcome. Could work with VO too if the bot could access duel info.
Jun 26, 2006 MSKanaka link
zam: That requires three paid accounts on top of whatever account CygnusX actually plays on. Not feasible.
Jun 26, 2006 CygnusX link
Well, it's not having multiple accounts that is the problem, but rather the number of PCs needed and 3x of all the hassle with running headless boxes at home. SkyCommand runs on a little self-assembled EPIA M12000 Mini-ITX machine, parts cost around $500. That's more than 6 years of VO subscription! ;-)

You have to give it to the devs though, that VO can even run on a low-power embedded platform!
Jun 26, 2006 MSKanaka link
Well, running several copies on one platform works too, but there's still the issue of paying for the accounts.
Jun 27, 2006 zamzx zik link
hmm. Well, I'd bet if it were for public use the devs would (happily) sponser the bot. But, the the PC's is a rather large wall to the idea....
Jun 27, 2006 mgl_mouser link
This needs to be moved out of Role Playing. Perhaps in general but more likely in community projects.

And although the event support bot is a nice idea (I'm all for it), i would rather have a VO calendar within the VO site itself. And perhaps even in-game (in the PDA I suppose).

The unofficial Google calendar being used right now is cumbersome to deal with and not readily accessible.
Jun 27, 2006 CygnusX link
mgl_mouser: agreed!

FM, could we move this thread to community projects?
Jun 30, 2006 zamzx zik link
ah! I figured it out! You could use IRC as a in-between, and then you could have more then one without paying for three diffrent accounts.