Forums » Role Playing

TPG Guild

Jul 06, 2006 ThinkHen link
I've thought of the idea recently, and it might be rather cool.

We simply start a TPG devoted guild, and refer to ourselves as actual members of the TPG faction. Its the closest one can really get to joining a subfaction... I hope for this guild to be thought of as a competitive faction to the other 3 nations, almost as a new alternative to members who are tired of joining one of the standard three. If you consider it as a guild, imagine, we'd already have dozens of stations in place, our own convoys, and all the latest ships. TPG has quite a lot to offer, I wonder why nobody has considered this before.

I'm thinking that the guild requires you to be UIT (technically TPG is part of the UIT), and have at least admired TPG standing. I'll consider more rules and such when we finally get this guild off the ground. I will be creating the guild this saturday, contact me if you are interested in joining.

-Nautargos/PavoNova (the new UIT alt)
Jul 06, 2006 Klabbath link

You're still going to play your Serco character, though, right? You're not planning on abandoning him, are you?

BTW: My alt might be looking for a guild. "Nigel" in in PA, but "Legin" is a UIT, potentially turning pirate. Might be intriguing.

"Nigel the Indecently Dressed"
"Legin the Neked"
Jul 06, 2006 MobyDick link
"TPG has quite a lot to offer, I wonder why nobody has considered this before."

I think most are waiting for the faction redux that's going to be coming at some point. I've seen the devs say repeatedly that they're going to change what faction standings mean and how they're used.

When that will happen, I have no idea. When it does, I probably won't be able to maintain my 990+ with all three major nations.

I do like your idea, and I think there's some potential for some good RP. However, in general, I am not sure I want to see players starting guilds that mirror factions. At least, not before the faction redux. I am well respected by TPG, and I would RP that I have a good business relationship with TPG because I have done much trading with their stations. Heck, TGFT has unofficially adopted TPG as the faction we identify with. (TGFT has always been headquartered at a TPG station.)

So if you're TPG, and if you & I don't get along in game, does that mean TPG doesn't like me anymore? But you can't enforce that.

I'm not trying to poo-poo your idea. I actually would like to see Real People(TM) affect how factions interact in the game. I would love to see guilds get associated with factions in the game and possibly have guild affect faction standing and what-not. However, I think before we get there, the devs need to do their faction redux and lay the groundwork for us.

Again, I'm not trying to attack your idea. However, if it were me, I'd wait until the faction redux to proceed.
Jul 06, 2006 Klabbath link

You might be on to something there. I think it's extremely important that the factions operate as guilds in some manner, but since guilds are a player device, it's hard to manage.

For example, [ITAN] put together an assault into Serco space not too long ago. Why would a guild do this and not the nation of Itan itself? This is kind of on a par with Microsoft laying siege to Bosnia.

Perhaps the answer would be to have guides as commanders of the guilds that are nation-specific-- except then the devs are getting involved in the player RP.

As far as the faction goes, I have a suggestion about that ( I love the idea of faction standing. It's a great political dynamic and offers some great RP as well. The drawbacks I see are the way it's scored. With the devs considering a revamp, I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Jul 06, 2006 LeberMac link
I'd like that. Factions operate as guilds. Kickass idea.
Sign me up for Orion!

BTW Bosnia would kick Microsoft's ass.

Oh, and yes. Fixing the faction standing and implementing a new system is, in my eyes, the most important thing to fix/improve in the game right now. I WANT the 13-dimensional hypercube!
Jul 06, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Leber, stop with the crack smoking already.
Jul 06, 2006 ThinkHen link
Meh, internet has been down all day, just now able to post...

Yes I will still keep my Naut character, infact, I'd prolly still use it more than my new alt. I just need an alternate character though, being the military serco doesn't allow much for trading and mining.

TPG are usually friends to all unless you piss us off... and remember, I aim for everyone to create alts to join, if you keep a sense of RP, the friendly TPG and tani hating serco aren't played by the same person. ;)

And keep in mind, if there aren't enough to join this saturday, I'll prolly just remake a new char with a (Faction) Name and just stay solo on that.

/me would find it really cool if UIT characters could put (Faction) infront of their name and it changes the nation tag (but removes the (Faction) or course) instead of having to remake the GUI on the char creation page. That way newbs could experience one of the major nations first, but as they mature... they can learn the secret. (Meh, should be in suggestions but it goes along with this)