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At what cost

Aug 24, 2006 yodaofborg link
To clarify my statement to the evil scientist Toshiro.

I mean ANY Serco, I know one guild does not equal the Serco people*, but it is scum like you scientists that made me leave, I don't need enhancement, I aint ever felt as good as the day I removed my implants.

* I say people very loosly.
Aug 24, 2006 Borb II link
I don't ever remember saying ST6 represented the Serco nation. I do remember saying that ST6 was a civilian para-military guild that just happened to only work for the Serco Government.
Aug 25, 2006 toshiro link
Borb II:

Quote from your original post:

" We discussed what this would mean all around
'The Uit could get very mad at the Serco and attempt to kill us all for collaborating with CLM...'

The repercussions on the entire populace of the Serco Dominion are unforeseeable. In the name of Lady Serco's daughters and sons, I implore you, do not enter this alliance. It's hard enough getting to terms with the radiation on Terra II as is, but we're managing. Further attacks upon planets can and will seriously cripple our entire nation.


No citizen of the Serco Dominion, former or not, is forced to undergo the process of medical advancement. In fact, there is a lower age limit to initiating the process. Above a certain age (25 [standard earth years], if I remember correctly, I will have to peruse my files again... curse you, yoda ;).

As for the removal of enhancements: We do not recommend it, since there have been studies and experience of long-term side-effects of these operations (just as there can be long-term side-effects of the enhancements, themselves, hence why we do not force people), very much akin to phantom pain after amputations.

Please check with your personal medical officer before voicing unbased claims about Medical Advancement.

This is the official stance on the matter of the Department MedRAR.
Aug 26, 2006 Borb II link
True, but as I have stated we have that loop hole which would make the UiT out to be the bad guys should hostilities be initiated.
Aug 28, 2006 jexkerome link
Our teeth are for sale to the highest bidder, though!
Aug 28, 2006 Borb II link
Funny thing is neither one of you speak for the UiT.
Aug 29, 2006 toshiro link
If that would happen, I'm sure the UIT would make a formidable location for a new University. Jex, my good man, could you direct me to the nearest wad of cash? The way you put it, you seem to have them lying around in the... er, space lanes.
Aug 29, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
It IS laying around in the space lanes! Just come hang out near one of my WH's in UIT space, Tosh ;)
Aug 29, 2006 toshiro link
Hmm... maybe. I could use a break from trying to grow clones from fungi.
Aug 30, 2006 Borb II link
We'll see what my "scheming" get's me and what it does not. Though you will note I by large speak only for ST6 not the Serco nation as a whole.

While you seem to think your the jesus of the UiT, which I find funny to no end as you lead nothing of any importance if I remember right.
Aug 30, 2006 jexkerome link
Interestingly enough, I do believe I speak for most of the UIT when I say everything with us has a price. Visitor, on the other hand, tends to spew this long line of BS about national unity and identity that no doubt makes true UIT people point and laugh.

You want to stablish a University here? Bring cash! You want us to hunt down Itani convoys, or Serco, or even UIT for that matter? The answer's the same! Everyone has his price, but in the Union, the price is not only low, but comes with excellent financing! Traders, mercenaries, privateers, miners, any kind of pilot you might need of desire is available for sale at the Union and adjoining Greyspace, you just need to know where to look and don't forget the cash!
Aug 30, 2006 toshiro link
I think you are making a mistake by thinking that cold, hard ¢a$h is the only currency in the universe. Knowledge is one that is just as meaningful, as can any intelligence officer tell you. Maybe you don't have any more of those because of budget cuts (gotta stay profitable, eh?), so let me tell you: An University doesn't generate a direct cash inflow. Its consequences will.

If the UIT don't want to finance an University, I'll make piracy a mandatory course for every student. And I'll even be able to pin this criminalization of the new intellectual class on the capitalist UIT regime.

Aren't politics fun?
Sep 02, 2006 Lemon Lime link
Cooperating with pirates? Pfft. I'll do what I always did in the spirit of the Cog: Ignore them.