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Announcement from UPK: Request for all UIT citizens to volunteer help in blockade!

Mar 19, 2010 Union Subspace Newscast link
This message was recently announced by the UPK:

Citizens and affiliates of the UIT,

We have conferred with the UIT Senate and have decided to take immediate forceful actions against what we believe to be the causes of the literally hundreds of UIT civilian deaths that have occurred from Serco-Itani crossfire inside UIT monitored space. For the duration of this agreement, not a single Serco or Itani must be allowed by any of our courageous citizens to enter or travel UIT space unless they agree, immediately, to exit our monitored areas. If any Itani or Serco to not agree to leave, we request the use of hostile actions. We ask this policy to be applied to all Itani and Serco, regardless of standing, guild affiliations, friendships, or claims of not being a source of violence (as they will all claim, sooner or later). It is important to note that, we want this policy to be carried out inside monitored systems and on the unmonitored sides of our wormholes. As for our stock of commodities and supplies - we would encourage our trade to come from UIT haulers only.

Remember, do not discriminate in the choosing of your targets, if you happen to see a Serco or Itani in monitored space with Admired or above standing, you may kill them by lowering their armor with your weapons and delivering the killing blow with your own hull - the kill will not go on record it this is done... although we encourage our citizens to mainly focus our efforts on the border wormholes. Also remember that the goal of this operation is to ensure out freedom inside our own borders - and to save the lives of our own citizens. Help your UPK, it is your duty to volunteer your ship in this temporary operation.

We, at the USN, asked a Senate official for an estimation of the duration of this operation. He responded thusly:

"As long as it takes to establish that we are our own people and that we do not tolerate outside conflict in out own home. It was a tough decision to make to finally agree on this operation, but it is necessary to put the safety of our own people over our profits. Most Serco and Itani merchants will deny their actions, but we must not trust them."

We, at USN, are estimating that, although individual citizen action will begin immediately... we will see most of the organization beginning approximately 24 hours after the public transmission of this message.
Mar 19, 2010 blood.thirsty link
"For the duration of this agreement, not a single Serco or Itani must be allowed by any of our courageous citizens to enter or travel UIT space unless they agree, immediately, to exit our monitored areas."

/me will certainly enter yer cheesy private space and do a hell lot worse than travel in it : )

Uit nationalists? Really? Who are ye kidding?
Go read Backstory and hide in the closet of yer Behemoth.

blocktrade well : ]
Mar 19, 2010 Azumi link
so, the UPK is trying to kill innocent Itani and blood-letting Toasters? Racists, I already knew that.

I wonder how the Vipers are going to take this;)
Mar 19, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
I wonder how the Vipers are going to take this;)

On their backs, legs wide, as they always do.
Mar 19, 2010 Azumi link
well.. I have to agree with you on that one
Mar 19, 2010 vIsitor link
Don't get let your enthusiasm get ahead of your sense of reality, kid.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy as hell that someone finally realized that the Order of Akan is an unrepentant terrorist organization, the Serco Dominion is a hostile imperialist expansionist realm, we're waist-deep in piracy (in spite of the new border defenses), and the Order of Eo are so apathetic that they couldn't give a damn if it bit them in the ass. But none of it means anything if the Senate doesn't approve funding to deal with any of it.

Let me let you in on a little secret: If UPK does a good job, the Senate decides that we can get away with less funding the next time budget cuts roll around. If UPK does a bad job, then they decide we're not worth the effort and give our funding to someone else. This policy is practically enforced by the corporations, who are more than happy to see the organization which is supposed to police them be too impotent to actually act upon their corruption.

Most of the real work these days gets done under the table, though unofficial--and sometimes questionably legal--channels. Why do you think I keep disappearing? Special Operations Martial Svaet keeps drafting me for his black-ops projects (the inconsiderate bastard).

Look, if you want to make a difference, you're best bet is to get some warm bodies before you try anything. Enlistment has been on the decline for the past decade, so you won't find much in the way of personnel in the regular fleet. See if you can recruit some people who are disenfranchised with the current state of things. Just be wary of pirate moles; there is nothing more they love to do than to sneak in a plant to ruin your day.

Then, do something drastic, like interdicting the Xithricite shipments running through Grayspace. You've been given carte blanche to act and its technically gun-running, so you should be able to get away with it legally. The trick would be not to be torn apart by very angry toasters and smurfs in retaliation. The resulting shit-storm will likely give poor Commander Fletholm from intel a stroke (if he hasn't had one already today), but it should garner the sort of attention you need. Too few people seem to realize that the Peacekeeping Corps exists at all.

Don't bother with the rhetoric or the high-ground; leave the posturing to the politicians. Your duty is to do what needs to be done.

Nikan 'Nice' Hardrive,
UPK Captain (Attaché to Special Operations Devision)


(( After founding UPK back in December of '08 only to have it go dormant as soon as my subscription lapsed, I can say that I'm pleasantly surprised that someone is trying to jumpstart the guild again after its lain fallow for more than a year. Just ease up on the high-horse, OK? No sense in alienating the people you're trying to recruit! Frankly, I face-palmed a little when I read some of the more audacious claims on your pronouncement; try aiming for a goal you can actually achieve with UPK's current active membership (and won't be--rightly--called out as pirates for).

Come to think of it, it might not be a bad idea to arrange a shooting war (through official channels, mind you) with a major Serco guild over a border dispute in Helios. They'd claim that because its "Gray" its unclaimed, while UIT would claim since Aeolus is there it belongs to UIT, and the matter escalates to violence as UPK is called in in the name of stopping "Serco Imperialist Expansion". Would be a great way of getting legitimate attention without seeming overly pompous.

And, for the record of anyone who claims that UIT has no military branch, I posit: Who the hell operated the UIT HAC in the B8 Capship wars, then? Thats where I got "UPK" from in the first place--the UPK Zelor. I just went with the 'hopelessly underfunded and usually forgotten about' angle to justify why they're so seldom seen in-game. UIT Nationalists do exist, but they're generally overshadowed by the megacorporations. ))
Mar 19, 2010 ShankTank link
Uhhhh, UPK stands for "Union Peace Keepers" and "Corps" doesn't start with "K" lol... from the sounds of it this is a volunteer sorta thing, no one is patronizing your guild. I think he means, specifically, the "UPK Zelor" UPK. Anyways, I think I'll have some fun blasting some UIT WTDs this weekend!
Mar 19, 2010 vIsitor link
I am aware of what "UPK" is short for, ShankTank.

When I named my guild, I went with the shortened "UPK" in lieu of a full UPKC for "Union Peacekeeping Corps" to keep in-line with the (painfully little) lore I had to work with in-game. Individually, each member is a Peace Keeper; collectively, they are Peacekeepers; as an organization, its a corps of Peacekeepers. Its not that hard to understand.

Given how rare it is that anyone ever brings up UPK in the non-guild context, it was sensible to assume that the actual guild was in question here. Looking through the guild records, I think one of the members has even been active fairly recently...

...Still, I suppose its possible that it was some independent UIT nationalist player who pulled this stunt. They do surface from time to time ([GOLD], anyone?).

Anyway, having roleplayed a staunch UIT nationalist (and a military Captain at that) since the beginning, let alone as recently as founding UPK as an actual guild, I take this sort of thing very seriously. Guild or not, there's a certain amount of personal reputation on the line here. If all the UIT nationalists are seen as pompous, self-righteous crackpots, what hope do I have? I have plans for when I come back (someday...hopefully), and they absolutely *depend* on being taken seriously.
Mar 20, 2010 ShankTank link
Lol, well if the UIT were more like this all the time rather than their recent role play-killing, peace-fostering, care bear form, I probably would have stayed UIT... even if it is more of a defensive policy than an aggressive one. Although I'm not sure that I necessarily speak for everyone, lol...
Mar 20, 2010 Whytee link
Commander Fletholm looked slightly amused at the dispatches that came in from Ukari before the realisation hit him. Hit him hard, and with an extra dose of particularly potent acid that tried to force its way up his throat. His Ulcer rejoiced in the information, this would be enough to be fed several bottles of medicine for sure.


The freckled head with an ungainly mop of red hair on top of it, appeared in the crack of the door like a side-ways jack-in-the-box, the same idiotic slightly retarded smile painted below his too thin ginger mustache. He had tried to grow it for several months now with about as much success as his boss..

"Yes master?"

"Do you have any idea what the idiots up at the military branch is doing right now?"

"Are you talking about the revent announcements from the news?"

"Yes, and the fact that UPK has been put on full alert on all three borders. We need to contain this and do it fast."

Eggert grinned and stepped into the room.

"Don't worry boss, we are setting something up as we speak. Apparently a particularly crooked politician who was in some bad debt to a Serco arms merchant decided that he would take the easy route out of his problems."

Fletholm leaned back, folded his beefy arms across his ample belly and nodded.

"Aye, I seem to recall that. The Independent UIT or something like that he called it. I thought that particular grouping died silently in the conception?"

"Well, they did kinda. But not before they had convinced a Captain Musharov that the presence of Itani and Serco nationals within our borders are the root of all evil."

"The Musharov that just made Fleet Admiral?"

"The same. Seems that the politician had some more strings to play on than was assumed."

"Assume.. You know how I feel about that."

"I do Sir. However, it is the same Admiral and the same politician that are now in collusion trying to bring this pogrom about."

Fletholm grabbed a bottle of antacid from the drawer, shook it well and drank deep from it. "So, the plan?"

"Lets just say that the politician is going to find some very unwanted publicity from some very compromising pictures involving him, a leather apron and a rhinoceros. The Admiral is another case but we an operative that is used to dealing with this kind of problem. I expect the matter to be solved within the next," Eggert looked theatrically at his watch, "two days boss."

Fletholm nodded, drank some more antacid and leaned further back in the already reclining chair.

"I guess Nice is going to be busy again. Right, I see we are on top. Any further development to me pronto."

Eggert nodded and disappeared from sight. Fletholm resumed his reading. Politicians, like people but more rat-like. He preferred a thousand pirates to one politician any day. Now back to this Sedina business..

(Sorry for highjacking the thread:) Couldn't help it, it just happened)
Mar 20, 2010 peytros link
wow this whole thread is tl;dr where do i go to shoot uit?
Mar 20, 2010 Whytee link
peypey, you can't read... It is shortened tl;cr in your case:)
Just fly a moth somewhere, I am sure a UIT will appear
Mar 20, 2010 vIsitor link
No, no...just paint firey decals on the side of your ride. You know what they say about moths being attracted to flames. -_o
Mar 21, 2010 Death Jr. link
/me looks around, realizing his character still sits as Commander of [UPK]. Knowing that the devs could not care very much less about UIT (peaceful nations are boring, obviously), he returns into the shadows, waiting for the day when it can be fun to be non-NPC UIT (does that mean I can have fun as a UIT NPC?...)...

Though the UIT Senators have a kickass life... they can have anything they want, anytime, anywhere. ANYTHING. Have you ever noticed those centurions in the sleezy paint jobs going into the UIT Capitol?... ANYTHING.
Mar 21, 2010 diqrtvpe link
Denji Royhu stared in dismay at the flood of images racing across his viewer. He looked up, and his gaze was met with grim understanding by his agent, seated beside his desk and cradling a cup of tea. Tohasandra Chi had been out on assignment for days to get this information, and likely hadn't gotten much sleep in the last few; she was holding her tea much like an out-space worker holds his oxygen line.

"The worst fighting occurred shortly after the declaration, when word still hadn't spread fully. There were some bad spots on my way out, as well, but I couldn't catch much of it without blowing my cover."

Denji cleared his screen with a swipe of his hand, wishing for something a bit stronger than tea in the cup to his left.

"I'm glad you made it out okay, Chi. What you have here is plenty bad enough, and definitely grounds for action. I know you're pretty done in, but I don't think it'll take long to assemble the Council, and I think you should be there, if you can."

Chi nodded, and rose, draining her cup and setting it down on the edge of the desk.

"I can make it, hun. Just don't expect me to do any backflips or anything."

"No worries. Thirty minutes, usual place?"

She waved her acknowledgment and turned for the door, grabbing her lone travel bag as she passed through, thinking only of how nice her shower was going to feel.


As the straps of his harness pressed him back into the molded seat, Denji verified the readiness of his twin posis, custom tweaked by the boffins at Axia. After taking over at the top of PA, he'd been so bogged down with paperwork that it'd been quite awhile since he'd taken his vulture out. Now he found himself wishing for the paperwork back, a welcome boredom compared to this nightmare unfolding.

The Council had been of one mind, unsurprisingly. These terrorist acts against innocent pilots were unconscionable, and could not be allowed to stand. Not since the fragmentation of the Syndicate had he seen such wanton carnage, and at least those cold-hearted bastards had killed with a purpose; a maniacal, blood-thirsty purpose, it's true, but a purpose nonetheless. These murders were senseless, carried out with a chilling, single-minded intensity. This is no way to be fighting a war...

Once his coordinates were laid in, and he had punched through the velvety blackness of space in the first of many jumps, Denji turned his attention to his comm system. Never before had he used the commander's override, but if any situation demanded its use, this was it. He keyed into the guild channel, and set his broadcast to top priority, full override.

"My friends, you've probably heard by now of the atrocities being committed in and around UIT space. Our Serco and Itani friends and guildmates are ruthlessly being hunted down and exterminated, and we will not stand by and let that happen. I hereby designate all the perpetrators of this massacre level 4 hostiles. Any ship seen to fire upon any of our members is to be immediately given level 4 status, until such time as the situation stabilizes.

"I know it's going to get ugly out there, but while we didn't start this, we'll see it through. As new information arrives we'll be loading it into the guild net, so keep in touch with your wings and watch your back. You are given full weapons-free authorization. See you on the front, Denji out."

In the shocked silence that followed, Denji's insides twisted as his ship bent itself through spacetime in the whorls of a wormhole. Hands tight on the controls, his mouth a thin grim line, his eyes scanned continuously for targets. It was long past time to do some killing.
Mar 21, 2010 ShankTank link
Fragmentation of the Syndicate? Yer intel's not very good, mate :)

(Anyways, glad to see some RP events, again)
Mar 21, 2010 vIsitor link
Captain Nikan Hardrive, 'Nice' Hardrive to his friends, had mixed feelings about his premature return home. Sure, he'd been recalled from a mind-numbingly boring data-mining operation, and the wetwork assignment Svaet had given instead was infinitely more engaging, Nevertheless, he would have preferred his homecoming to have occurred under more favorable circumstances.

Fleet Admiral Musharov and the Senator holding his leash had carelessly endangered Commander Fletholm's delicate tower of political Jenga, interfered with Svaet's overcomplicated game of eight-dimensional galactic chess, and more than probably interrupted and actual game of checkers in regards to Admiral Stiern. The reputation of the Peacekeeping Corps was on the line, and while few were willing to say it in the open, the prevailing opinion amongst the fleet was that Musharov had crossed the line.

Everyone anticipated Musharov to take a stand; Nikan's job was to ensure that he didn't, by whatever means necessary.

His current interpretation of 'necessary' involved an all-access keycard, a cup of really hot Koffee, a Serco 'roid rammer, four fluid ounces of sedatives and mild narcotics, a potato gun, forty two tons of Sedina Chocolates, an industrial-scale zero-g fondu pot, a package of UPK standard-issue ('hard as iron') Muffins, two insulated vacuum-sealed suits, and a loaded gun.

It was going to be a very long and interesting day.
Mar 22, 2010 JJDane link
So..this industrial scale zero-g fondue pot,how would one go about obtaining such a beast ?
Mar 22, 2010 vIsitor link
(( JJDane: Try the Cosco outlet on Attus Orbital. Or, failing that, there is always Corvus. ))


"Tonight's top story: UPK Fleet Admiral Musharov was finally freed from his office today after being literally entombed in chocolate for 36 hours. Investigators believe that his confectionary imprisonment was self-inflicted, instigated by heavy drinking and OD'ing on several bad muffins. Musharov has been relieved of duty pending a thorough psychiatric evaluation.

In other news..."

Nikan shut off the holoviewer.

It seemed that he'd done a good job. Musharov's career, if not ruined, had at least been set back years by this incident. Of course, it probably helped that the security staff in charge of the investigation were more than happy to come to hasty conclusions if it would make the moron suffer.

At any rate, the rogue Admiral's disastrous orders of late could now be belayed by the rest of the Admiralty without interference, and Fletholm could go back to his usual dosage of antacid.

Probably wouldn't stop anyone else in on Musharov's little plan from doing anything rash, of course, but they could be dealt with as the situation demanded.

For now, crisis had been averted.
Mar 23, 2010 Union Subspace Newscast link
Despite the latest Musharov scandal, the volunteer operation set in motion by the UPK is still going. His second in command confirms that it has not been called off and many Union citizens are still eager to contribute their efforts. One of these citizens, a private investigator and merchant whose name shall remain anonymous, has hinted his suspicions of very blatant, sloppy framing on a third party's part, but the issue is still up to debate and the official conclusion of the UPK security personnel is still against Musharov.

Our own political theorists, here at USN, have suggested that the operation has snowballed amongst the civilian population and that any attempt to shut it down by another Union political party would simply make things worse.

"This is the danger of cutting back on military funding so much that civilian volunteers must be included in operations with high political impact. Any attempt to forcefully stop it, at this point, would simply anger the volunteers who volunteered because they highly agreed with the motion, in the first place."

We quote from our senior theorist. She goes on:

"Those against this movement have a dilemma on their hands. Stop it too quickly and they could spark a full-blown UIT civil war, turning our space into a four-way guerilla warfare amongst Serco, Itani, and both UIT separatist sides. I say both separatist sides because, due to UIT's undefined leadership figures and lack of an actual presidential figure, it is hard to say which side, in a theoretical civil war, would be separating from the established government. My biggest worry is that whatever party it is that could have been capable of framing Musharov in a political scandal is underestimating the fact that a lot of UIT have had this operation on the tip of their tongue for the last few months and that Musharov simply gave it a name."

USN will be broadcasting, later, with further findings.