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Nation War #418 Results

Apr 12, 2015 DogLover link
Nation War #418 was hosted on the 12th of April, 2015. The prize was 9 million donated by:
Mistena Kosmel-5mill
Sargent Death-1mill
---Thank you for donating to this week's nationwar!

This week, the grey team and the Itani team competed with an okay showing of 13 players. 8 grey to 5 Itani. It ended rather quickly as the Itani were outnumbered nearly 2:1, but they put up a good fight nonetheless. In the end, grey team took the win with no casualties.

The teams:

Necro Toxic
Thor Wotansen

Mistena Kosmel(S)
Neon Black(S)
Darth Nhilius(S)
Star Buck(S)
Capt'N Blood(S)

(Please tell me if any of these stats are inaccurate and I'll get it fixed right away!)

Thank you to all the donations and the participants for making this Nation War one to remember! I look forward to seeing whomever shows up next week!

Next week's Nation War:

Basic Rules:
-Only those who are on-time are allowed to participate.
-You may not start fighting until the host signals the start of the battle - this includes the 15 minute period prior to the planned starting time.
-No Greyspace team!
-Tridents if two or more teams can provide them!

-You may not return to the battle sector after you have left except to observe from a healthy distance in an EC-88 or EC-89.
-No running from the asteroid field.
-The last team standing wins
-Have fun!

-Hosted by Mistena Kosmel
Apr 12, 2015 VikingRanger link
I propose a No team switching rule to discourage fair weather fighters. Stick with your side and put up some resistance, don't just switch sides because it looks bad for your current team. Teams would have been even this week if two players hadn't have switched last minute.
Apr 12, 2015 greenwall link
Well to be fair, I think Mistena switched back because she though it would balance the teams out better. Turns out that wasn't the case lol.
Apr 14, 2015 csgno1 link
The three serco non-pirates joined the grey team, thus signaling the final colapse of the serco dominion. Liquidation auction to be held next saturday.
Apr 18, 2015 cnaw link
So i vote for Training weapons to be used at the next NW. (as if i actually get a vote :( )