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Official Declaration of WAR!!!!

Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
are you acually saying the SERCO ARE RIGHAre you actually saying the SERCO ARE RIGHT?
And are you saying the acts of the Serco who tried to wipe US OUT should not be avenged?

Do you care about your great-great-great-great…grandfather? And if you don’t, I DO CARE ABOUT MINE!!!

The back story implies and the description of each race says we are still at war with the Serco (Scum). You speak for all IDF, will you not avenge your ancestors? Don’t you have any honor left?

Edit: Borb: you are right but they should feel ashamed becuase they don't support the war. How dare they DEFY our ancestors? And if they do, what kind of Itani are they really?
Aug 24, 2005 Martin link
I say we should burn all books that may show the Serco in good light. And we should burn CP too.
Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
the serco of course would love burning books because tey don't need them
Aug 24, 2005 roguelazer link
I will stand by the true message of our ancestors, that of peace. I will not let Itani fall to Serco aggressors, but I will not be responsible for the continuation of atrocities past.
Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
And Rogue are we at "peace" with Serco now? Our history does tell us the Serco and Itani are at war...
Are u declaring peace for all Itani?

And no I’m not declaring war for all Itani. its written already in just restating our goal to DEFEND our selves and win the war. WE Will no longer let Serco scum push us around.

And you may take your stance for IDF but there are 2 chooses not three.
Aug 24, 2005 Borb II link
So Jes how do you defend the actions of AD 2645 by Akan on Terra II? What about AD 2650? The atrocities of AD2661?

I tell you that your ancestors you speak so highly about are nothing but war mangers. You nation even at it's roots was founded to kill those that lived a different way of life. The Itani demand conformity or death.

I will not conform.
Aug 24, 2005 roguelazer link
I speak for my guild that you are off your rocker. Our path has been one of non-aggression... killing "every Serco" is not a path of non-aggression, it is a path of insanity. What makes you think that you speak for all Itani?
Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
I never said I was speaking for all Itani. I speak for our ancestors that have been harmed by Serco. And I speak for the current belief that the Itani and Serco are at war. We might not act on it but we are. You have the choose to believe or not.

2 sides pick ONE...not 3 for the itani

edit: borb and the serco weren't evil? At least the itani TRIED to tell the serco we were harmless. We TIRED to communicate with you and you din't listen. So what does that make you?
Aug 24, 2005 skystrider link
As Leader of the InterGalactic Peace Keepers I must ask all parties to try to calm down.

Are we really that different after all?

Let us all work together for the common good through cooperative trading, put behind us the conflict of centuries and strive for a bright future of peace and understanding.

[Ming Ducks]
Aug 24, 2005 Borb II link
Ah but Ming, war just means the price of goods will go up. And the need for mercs will increases. From what I can tell this will be good all around.

And Jes, your dodging my questions.
Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
Borb: I admit itani might have acted wrongly 1st but u kept it going.

UIT join a side or stay out of it. ******************** ***** ****************

(i'm not saying that because i would rather have the UIT pretend to be neutral:)

Edit: the UIT will of corse be the key in this and every other battle.
Aug 24, 2005 Tyrdium link
Methinks JestatisBess needs a deprogramming, since he's clearly been brainwashed by the lies of some Itani radicals.

"Okay, no more Mrs. Nice Guy. I'm going to keep trying to kill every red Serco I see. Phear my -1000 Serco Standing!"

I fly a hot pink ship; I have nothing to fear! Muahaha...
Aug 24, 2005 Borb II link
Oh so when we are bullied over and over again we are just supposed to roll over? I'm sorry be we can only take so much. And as can be seen now we have reacted justly for the hate mongering Itani are and never will be a thing of the past.

If need be we will destroy all Itani so that we may live in peace as we have always wanted.
Aug 24, 2005 genka link
Arrrr, war it is! Die foul creatures, diiieeeee!
Aug 24, 2005 JestatisBess link
Ok you all might think I am crazy or “off my rocker”, But Please all of you read the back story t and read the description of our races… Can anyone say, really say, the Itani and Serco are not at war now? The developers gave us this war and all I’m doing is restating it.

Now Rogue you may declare peace if you wish, but it’s a war, and I wish you would understand that fact. You can continue to not participate but it is still a war until WE declare peace. And we is the Itani nation, all of us. Not me and not just IDF.

Borb: The Serco have never EVER asked for peace. Do you want it? I want peace like most Itani. But I also want to acknowledge this war so it can be over.

And again borb we tried to tell you we wouldn’t attack. Communication is, and always will be the key.
Aug 24, 2005 Borb II link
You lost your right to communication when you ignored our pleas for peace and bombed millions of civilian targets.

We will not wast our time begging for peace to a nation that does not believe we even have the right to exist much less speak.

Now your hate will be your undoing.
Aug 24, 2005 johnhawl218 link
JestatisBess, I've been on a Serco killing spree for as long as I can remember, but last night you declaired war with the UIT as well when you called us all SCUM. So, JB your now on the shit list. Good Day.
Aug 24, 2005 bojansplash link
Me jumps thru secret wh in Pelatus to his safe hidden system.
Like true Itani traitor, coward and scum, as Jestatis called me, I'd better stay hidden.
Aug 24, 2005 Ghost link
Let IDF remain defensive. A defensive fleet is just as important as an offensive one. Let SKV handle the offense. We fight not for extermination, not for the genocide of the past, but for the hope that in winning this war we can achieve peace. That and the realization that the Serco will not hesitate to crush the Itani people if we choose to remain solely defensive, we have already seen evidence of this. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Skygge Vakter will handle the offense.
Aug 24, 2005 Tyrdium link
"The Serco have never EVER asked for peace. Do you want it? I want peace like most Itani. But I also want to acknowledge this war so it can be over."

We have. Do you know what the Itani answer to our delegations has been? Execution.