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You name in the space

Aug 29, 2005 mgl_mouser link
The New Horizons probe set for Pluto is scheduled to launch in January.

A disc inscribed with Your name, shall you register it, will be on board so this might be a cool way to send your character in space for real!

You can add yours from here:

(And yes, I've added my real name, those of my kids and my wife.)
Aug 30, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Cool, although your name isn't so much "inscribed" as encoded on that CD.
Aug 30, 2005 mgl_mouser link
If you look very close you'll see it inscribed... but you're technically right.

I just wish the certificate had a Valk on it though.
Aug 30, 2005 margoth link
I vote for the People Front of Pluto Is Not a Planet, so I guess I'll pass. ;)
Aug 30, 2005 Spellcast link
yea, and its not the last planet anymore either.
Aug 30, 2005 who? me? link
im in space! arr!!!
Aug 30, 2005 JestatisBess link
Margoh: I thought the US voted Pluto a planet years ago. Am I wrong?

Spell: is there a new planet further out? I thought there were only "planetoids" out further.
Aug 30, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Well, the new "planetoid" is larger than Pluto so it makes it a ratter good contender.

As far as I'm concerned, a planet should hold an atmosphere and orbit a star. So, some Saturn and Juperter moons that may have atmosphere are still just moons (and so's Endor dangit).
Aug 30, 2005 margoth link
Pluto, with a diameter of 2274 km and an eccentric orbit, would easily qualify for a big asteroid or a comet. Since the planet status of Pluto is highly debatable, almost a historical glitch, lone rocks even further out probably don't merit to be called planets anymore.
Aug 31, 2005 softy2 link
JB : planets can't be "voted" in or out of the island. What people need is a clear definition (which is what it boils down to : definitions) what they are. At the moment, there is none.

Margoth : Pluto is [EDIT : NOT, I can't do logic...] an asteroid or comet (unlike planets, the definitions for asteroids or comets are clearer), but is certainly one of the Kuiper Belt objects. Pluto is also not a "lone rock" : it has a moon Charon which has a diameter half of pluto. Also, Pluto also has an atmosphere, and probably surface activity as well. The closest thing planetary scientists think is like Pluto is the Neptunian moon Triton.

Mgl_mouse : your definition will rule out mercury as a planet...

Finally, the name of the probe is not New Horizons. NH is the name of the program which the Pluto Express (I believe this is the current name for it, until they figured out a more catchy one) is being funded on.

/me is an astrophysicist and has built spacecraft for a living, and cannot resist doing some science outreach.
Aug 31, 2005 jexkerome link
If I don't give out my name to strangers, I'm certainly not sending it out on a probe so aliens can acquire it!
Aug 31, 2005 who? me? link
/me puts lebermac on the disc
Aug 31, 2005 Forum Moderator link
I think the aliens may already have a probe with your name on it.

Aug 31, 2005 Celkan link
That was really bad and most certainly not in good taste, FM...
Aug 31, 2005 Beolach link
Any fans of BlackAdder here?

Blackadder: Baldrick, what are you doing out there?

Baldrick: I'm carving something on this bullet, sir.

Blackadder: What are you carving?

Baldrick: I'm carving "Baldrick," sir.

Blackadder: Why?

Baldrick: It's a cunning plan, actually.

Blackadder: Of course it is.

Baldrick: You see, you know they say that somewhere there's a bullet with your name on it?

Blackadder: Yes?

Baldrick: Well, I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it, I'd never get hit by it, 'cause I won't ever shoot myself.

Blackadder: Oh? A shame.
Aug 31, 2005 mcduff link
Beolach: But what about the pople who are shot multiple times?
Sep 01, 2005 jexkerome link
Burned by FM! oh, the shame!!!

*runs away crying in shame*
Sep 01, 2005 Tyrdium link
"That was really bad and most certainly not in good taste, FM..."

No, you just broke your funny-bone. Ninny.
Sep 02, 2005 everman7 link
wonder if they'd accept me?


the aliens would be reading the list, and go "HA, they get 'em too"