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Lies, lies. All of it. Lies.

Dec 29, 2004 genka link
Yello there! A lot of people have been asking a lot of questions, so I thought it'd be a good idea to post all of my helpful suggestions in one place as a sort of FAQ.

Q: How do I dock?
A: To dock you have to ram your ship as fast as it will go at the blue forcefield covering the docking bay. If you go fast enough, you'll be welcomed back into the station!

Q: How do I gain levels?
A: To gain levels you have to kill things. While most other players suggest doing combat missions, I think it's best to kill asteroids. Now, asteroids can only be damaged by explosions and impacts, so your government issued gun won't do any good. You'll have to pick out an asteroid and run into it repeatedly until it dies. Don't worry if you die few times in the process. Your explosion will deal more damage to it, which is a good thing. This method takes a while, but is more than worth it, one good asteroid can take a player from 0 levels in everything to levels of three and more in the combat skills!

Q: People keep killing me, what do I do?!
A: Not a lot of people know this, but if you fly without any weapons, players can't damage you. NPCs still can though, so watch out for those storms!

Q: Okey, but how do I kill those pesky Icaruses?
A: A bit of a cheat, but for the first two 16 hours of game time typing /explode while you have a player targeted, it causes that player to asplode!

Q: But I don't want to feel like a cheater! What do I do?!
A: Practice! And while you're at it, type in /roll. This simple command enables a whole set of useful thingies which improve your ships handling. I can't live without it!

Q: My joystick won't work, what do I do?!
A: The only solution is to take it apart and twiddle with the potentiometers until it does. I think they have fancy new optical joysticks too nowadays, and if you have one of them, you're screwed.

Q: I have an idea! What should I do with it?
A: Choke on it for all I care. I'm sick of all these damn ideas i didn't think of first. I could've you know! I'm smart too!

There ya go. Only a few, but I'm hoping other players will post some of their own, and I'll be able to update this post. Go out there, and kick some butt!
Dec 29, 2004 ananzi link
Great info here, thanks
Dec 29, 2004 paedric link
No sticky for you Genka. Off topic, here we come. :-Þ
Dec 29, 2004 ctishman link
[Ask, and ye shall receive]
Dec 29, 2004 paedric link
That was quick!
Dec 31, 2004 Phaserlight link
Q: Hey, can I land on planets?
A: Yes. Aim at one and start flying toward it. Planets are very far away so it may take a while but you'll get there eventually.

Q: Where do I find Orun collectors?
A: Ooh, tricky. Orun collectors are very rare and they only hang out in the special newb zone in Odia M-14. On your way there be sure to fly straight at any other players you see and fire a few friendly shots at them to let them know you need help.

Q: Omg this universe is empty! liek where are all teh people?
A: Oh we're here we just are all using our cloaking devices. What? You didn't start out with a cloaking device? Ha ha you poor loser.

Q: What weapon should I use?
A: Iceflares... definitely iceflares. Iceflares are like the most awesomely uber weapon ever created. Equip yourself with these babies and you will be unstoppable.

Q: I want a medal, how do I get a medal?
A: There are lots of ways to get a medal. The easiest one is the "Way to Sacrifice Yourself" medal you get at 1,000 deaths. Just typing /explode repeatedly is the fastest way to get that one. There's also a "Philanthropist" medal you get for donating large sums (we're talking millions) of credits to other players. If you manage to heat an asteroid all the way up to 10,000K you get a little medal in the shape of a chef's hat labeled: "Nuclear 'Roid Cooker Extrodenaire!"
Jan 03, 2005 Viper2560 link
Q: Can I shoot a hole through one of the astroids like that screenshot on the Vendetta website?
A: Yes by all means yes you can. Now no one realizes this but the government issued plasma cannon is actually the best gun out there! They just give it away for free so people dont catch on that its the best gun out there. Go ahead and take it for a spin, shoot some players up and pwn them with it.

Q: How far away from an object do you have to be to make a jump?
A: 30,000 least. Now people may argue against this but actually they dont get the fact that the farther away you are the less chance there is that you will run into an asteriod during the jump.

*sigh* this is kinda sad but fun all at once
Jan 04, 2005 Borb II link
Q: How can I get good at PvP?
A: Ok most of the good players can doge you shots so don't shoot at them. Yes thats right don't shoot at them. You see there is an exploit in the game if you ram in to people you will kill them in one hit and not get damaged at all your self.

Q: Your ram exploit does not work.
A: Ok this happens to allot of people thats why they don't know about the exploit. You see if it does not work, you were not going slow enough, try hitting them going real slow. Just remember practice make perfect.
Jan 05, 2005 Viper2560 link
Q: I was told to ram people and that would kill them. Why isnt it working?
A: Its very simple. DONT RAM PEOPLE! Ramming does nothing. What you actually do is find another player and shoot at them once. Especialy if there name is Icarus. After you've hit them once just sit there and DONT SAY ANYTHING. They will give you stuff.

Q: How do i get credits transfered to me?
A: You have to go to the ATM in Azek J1. Not many people realize this is the way to retrieve your transfered credits. The ATM sometimes moves around a little. But almost always it is near one of the two wormholes.
Jan 07, 2005 mcnut link
Q: Where is the grandest fighter of all time, the infinitely famous Mcnut?
A: He has become one with the server code and is part of every rock, star, planet,and station in the Vendetta Universe. To pray to him just type /givemoney "God" and then your denomination. The server will also accept alternate namings of the god of your choice, as mcnut is fused with all of them.
Jan 09, 2005 Borb II link
Q: I want to /givemoney "God" but I do not belive in a God, what do I do?
A: Easy type /explode "sin" this will cause God to forgive you for not giving him money. If you blow up it's just God punishing you, when he is done you will not blow up any more and God will bless you with money and xp.
Jan 11, 2005 LeberMac link
The worst mistake in a noob's early vendetta life:

"/mentor invite genka"
Jan 12, 2005 Phaserlight link
^^^ lmao I can just imagine that ;p