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is it just me

Jan 21, 2005 ananzi link
i am really sick of people yelling in ALL CAPS about how 'horrible' the game is since change xyz. and it really irritates me to hear people screaming in all caps to the devs 'DO THIS' or 'DO THAT'.

one individual even said that a certain person of guild should be fired. uhm... yeah. nice attitude.

most of the recent changes were asked for by dozens of people, and dozens of people love them. and those that have a problem with them, well, most of them can discuss it rather calmly and manage to still have respect for others.

of course i am sure that i have gotten out of line a time or two. well... the moderator should have come down on my behavior in those cases as well.

Jan 21, 2005 IRS link
I use a simply system of determining whether or not a post contains legitimate content. It's a basic scoring system:

+10 for each spelling mistake.
+10 for each puncuation error.
+15 for every repeated exclaimation mark, doubled for a "1".
-100 if the poster includes a possible solution.
-10 for every polite phrase.
+20 for every curse.
+100 for all capital letters.
-200 for incorperating and giving credit to someone else's ideas.
+200 for disparging another person's idea without a reason.

Should the posting come to any score less than zero, it is deemed worthy of higher brain functions. If otherwise, it is flushed from memory as unimportant.
Jan 21, 2005 Forum Moderator link
I've discovered that it works like this:

1) Expectancy: "Where is the update? Is it here yet? My god it's 11:00am and the update isn't here! They've lied to me again. Grrr."

2) Update arrives: (5 minute silence)

3) Reaction: "This update does NOTHING to cure my psoriasis! What about the tsunami victims! They didn't fix the [insert pet peeve here which was not the stated focus of the update] I quit! FIX THE [thing that is already slated to be done next per In Progress] NOW!!!!"

(Perhaps I've exaggerated slightly)

Anyway, my MO has been to allow the forums to heat up a little more than usual following an update. I intervene in only the most inflammatory cases and tidy up the others after the hubbub dies down. It saddens me to see some users getting so worked up and nasty, seeing as the dev team is so open to feedback and responsive to the needs of the users.
Jan 22, 2005 ananzi link
It is funny, FM, you are like a fortune teller. That is almost exactly what is going on in Suggestions. lol!