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troll thread

Feb 23, 2005 ananzi link
vendetta should be HARDER TO USE. we dont want a bunch of morons joining the game and ruining it.

look at the riff raff that have already flooded in since release.
including 'click n drool' mac users for christ sakes.

enough is enough. we need to abolish the mouse interface and bring back all command line. except for flying of course. but everything else.

ive had it with the wussification of computers. people
just dont understand that you can have a lot more power
using unix command line scripts. and power is what is important
especially in an online game.


id also like to point out that the linux and mac 'bug threads' together have about 10 times as many posts in them as the windows thread. to save money, and dev time, so they can work more on cap ships instead of wasting time fixing obscure bugs in a crappily written OS with crap drivers, we should destroy the mac and linux branches of the game. much like the ancients used to toss old people into boiling mud pits when they got too old to be useful to society.


in conclusion, i think we should ban americans from playing the game, in order to protest the iraq war as well as microsoft and coca cola.


i am thinking of starting a new guild, called the flaming
trolls. if anyone wants to join /msg me in game.
Feb 23, 2005 Tyrdium link
[locked with non-existant mod powers]
Feb 23, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Well, it IS in Off-Topic, and suitably titled. I'll let it live for awhile.
Feb 23, 2005 paedric link
At least he's being up front about the thread's purpose. Rather refreshing, that. :-D
Feb 24, 2005 sarahanne link
I once read that three goats can help with troll problems.
Feb 24, 2005 Solra Bizna link
One of my former professors keeps goats, should I bring a few?
Feb 24, 2005 godsize_dwo link
just be careful, goats eat everything known to man.
Feb 24, 2005 Spellcast link
i think i read that article sarahanne, I recall that its moderately hard on the first 2 goats. Maybe we should just recruit the third goat and spare the other 2 some difficulty.
Feb 24, 2005 yodaofborg link
/me hangs a sign on this thread, marked *Do NOT feed the trolls*...
Feb 24, 2005 ananzi link
the goats can have their own @#$# guild

by the way, i edited my post thank you paedric.

i would like to see even one person refute my points
using arguments rather than simply calling me names!

Feb 24, 2005 Imek link
Haha.. Oh, man. You really crack me up sometimes, ananzi. This post should make me really angry, but I decided that all you really can do is laugh - either that, or something in my mind broke. Ha! Ha.
Feb 24, 2005 danielky link
well, to quote:

"in conclusion, i think we should ban americans from playing the game, in order to protest the iraq war as well as microsoft and coca cola."

If you want to ban the Americans, you can say bye to Vendetta, as all four developers are American citizens, residing in/near (no idea, they've never speculated, and I really don't care to know) Wisconsin. While I agree that the Iraq war is stupid (please, no political comments) I think everyone should be over the fact that the U.S. invaded Iraq and just deal with it. It's been almost 2 years now since the first troops hit the ground. Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world (though Bill Gates is rather weird/stupid: see my Haha, Bill Gates cares about kids thread) and what can I say, Coke is probably the best drink in the world. Other than Ale-8-One. That's a wonderful drink, but it's only sold in (who would have guessed) Kentucky. Ginger Ale loaded with caffeine. It's great.

Imek, I totally agree with your last post.
Feb 24, 2005 Tyrdium link
Heh, ginger ale is definitely good. Pretty much all I can get around here is Canada Dry and Schweppes. I suppose they're pretty decent, though, and easy to get.
Feb 24, 2005 godsize_dwo link
"vendetta should be HARDER TO USE. we dont want a bunch of morons joining the game and ruining it.

look at the riff raff that have already flooded in since release.
including 'click n drool' mac users for christ sakes.

enough is enough. we need to abolish the mouse interface and bring back all command line. except for flying of course. but everything else.

ive had it with the wussification of computers. people
just dont understand that you can have a lot more power
using unix command line scripts. and power is what is important
especially in an online game."

What I get from this is that you should think only hardcore gamers should be playing VO, and that Guild Software should cater to those hard core gamers instead of the casual gamer or the casual computer user.

Let's take a look at the NHL. Currently they are out of business over money. The players want more and the owners can't give it to them because the teams don't make enough. Why is this, because you have basicly two types of people when it comes to hocky, hardcore fans or those who couldn't care less. Now of course you do have exceptions to that rule. I for one am a casual fan. The NHL, however, has been catering to it's hardcore fans. This resulted in teams making less money and the situation they are in right now.

Now take NASCAR. For the longest time you had either hard core fans or people who didn't watch it. However, over the past ten years, NASCAR has been slowly catering to the casual fan, moving away from traditional tracks and working on racing in places like LA and New York City. Places that ten years ago they didn't run. The best thing a company or a sports organization can be accused of is selling out. That's because that means the hard core gamers think that the company is spending too much time working to get casual fans. Hardcore fans are great and are going to watch or use a product regardles.

A great MMORGP example is Everquest. For years us hard core gamers kept saying that Verant sold out by selling the game to Sony. Now granted, when EQ came out it had both hardcore and casual gamers, but as time went on they catered to the casual fan more and more. I played the damn game for 6 years before I decided I wasn't sick of Everquest, I was sick of that genre of MMORPG. Hard core fans or supporters are great, however they will rarely keep a business afloat. Notice I said rarely. There are of course exceptions, look at Apple.

"id also like to point out that the linux and mac 'bug threads' together have about 10 times as many posts in them as the windows thread. to save money, and dev time, so they can work more on cap ships instead of wasting time fixing obscure bugs in a crappily written OS with crap drivers, we should destroy the mac and linux branches of the game. much like the ancients used to toss old people into boiling mud pits when they got too old to be useful to society."

Maybe, just maybe that is because the bulk of VO users are Linux and Mac and they are use to products on their OS's actually working. I use all three for various tasks, and work in the IT industry. For the most part Windows users are comfortable with their products being usable, while Linux and Mac users want it to work right. I can think of a few bugs in the windows side of VO but are not in the Mac side, from what I have seen using my mac and my pc to play VO.

"in conclusion, i think we should ban americans from playing the game, in order to protest the iraq war as well as microsoft and coca cola. "

Ban Americans from playing the game, to protest the war in Iraq? That's as stupid as, and this is not ment in a racists way, as banning African Americans from basketball because SOME of the African American players have bad images. However the majority of African American's in general are good people. African American players make up the majority of NBA players, just as it seems that Americans make up the majority of VO players (look at the active player graph to see when the most people log on). With any sect of society there are good people and bad people. People you agree with and people you don't agree with. People that make their race look bad (Hitler and the Germans come to mind), while the rest of that race are good, hard working people. Hell I'm Italian and because of movies and events that happened in the early 1900's, SOME people think that all Italians are mobsters. Banning a race from a product because of a few of that people is narrow minded, hatefull, and 50 years to late.

Also if you don't like the war in Iraq, that's fine. You have the right to voice your opionon. I however, feel that going to Iraq was the right choice. I can't force my opinion on you, just as you can't force yours on mine.

Now this last part may come off as a bit of a flame, but after what you typed I don't care if you feel it's a flame. Look at the majority of your VO posts here ananzi. They are mostly negative, standoffish, and give people a very bad opinion of you. I think it's just a way for you to get some attention that you feel you need. Why do I think that, because I did the same thing as a teenager. I don't know if you are a teenager, but I hope you see my point.

I apologize for the length of this post, but as ananzi said "i would like to see even one person refute my points
using arguments rather than simply calling me names!" and that's what I'm doing.

Feb 24, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Oh Godsize,'ve fed the troll. A troll deliberately posts something obviously outrageous in the hopes of somebody taking it seriously and flaming. He very likely doesn't even hold the opinions he puts forth. I'm afraid he's won this round.

(Just keep it out of the other forums)
Feb 24, 2005 Tyrdium link
Heh, you could make a new gameshow out of that... Stick a troll in front of the contestants, and see who cracks first! :D
Feb 24, 2005 epadafunk link
unfortunately, godsize and ananzi have been having a somewhat shaky relationship, for reasons i wont go into, and that may be the reason that he has posted. I of course cant speak for him, but those are my 2c based on observations.
Feb 24, 2005 paedric link
You people do realize that the term "troll" as used in relation to forum and/or newsgroup posters actually refers to the act of trolling (as in dragging a baited fishing line behind a slow moving boat)?

It has nothing at all to do with bridges, goats, or scary toll collecting monsters. :-Þ~~~~ pvfffffffffttttt!!!!
Feb 25, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Yes I know this, but those who troll on the internet are commonly refered to as trolls, and falling into their trap is commonly known as "feeding the troll".
Feb 25, 2005 DavidEPurvis link
Forum Moderator,

If 'feeding the troll' = 'voicing an opinion', then so be it. The implication that doing so is somehow wrong or silly makes no more sense than the implications of 'silence' = 'assent', particlarly on a Forum. Frankly, I found Godsize's responses much more thoughtfully put than ananzi's originally stated positions, and are an example of 'trolling' for more responsible use of your Forum. I am hoping you agree.

To the Stars!
Cron Lennan