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my addon dump

Jan 20, 2010 mr_spuck link
Updated treemissionlist to show missions to non group leaders, like the normal mission list.
Mar 23, 2010 mr_spuck link
some random stuff..

Umlautbind allows to bind commands to umlaut snd � keys on german keyboards. Enter /umlautbind to configure the keys.
Other characters could probably be added too.. just add the key code mapping to the umlaut table in main.lua. I think the game uses some version of the iso8859 encoding. Wikipedia has coding tables

Deboop replaces the hit beep with machine gun sounds from OpenArena. It doesn't sound quite right for rocket hits but it's pretty cool with other guns.

Missiontimestamp appends the current time to the mission log after a mission ends. The idea was that it would help to figure out when a levi respawns idea if it could be useful for anything else.
May 30, 2010 mr_spuck link
more random stuff!

fixed boilbot.
It doesn't work anymore though. I might try something with external input some day

Crude custom font label thing and demo that turns the HUD notifications into comic sans

Variant of animatedload that uses clabel with a fancy font ..otherwise identical

Fade parts of the screen
Stop the animation when not visible

Truncate character list properly

Stop spamming the vlc playlist to the chat area

enterleave :
Worked around some game changes that made it not show chars that are docked or out of range reliably

radarscale, skirmishcolors and movesectorinfo:
Use a less stupid way to hook into the hud

edit: whoops .. looks like I never posted radarscale here
It allows to scale the radar seperately from the rest of the HUD. /radarscale <num> sets the scale factor
edit2: linkage!
Jun 18, 2010 yodaofborg link
Spuck, you rock :D

I visited this thread cos my HDD died and I needed to replace movesectorinfo and wow, so many new plugins I will find usefull. Having to switch to mouselook on entering capships was bugging me too, and radarscale is kind of win too. I just wish you would post oldbars somewhere in this thread so I don't have to go looking through the skins thread to find it :D
Jun 21, 2010 mr_spuck link
uh ..thanks!

I could probably put it on the wiki. It's not gonna be finished any time soon anyway.
Aug 16, 2010 mr_spuck link

Oldhud replaces the HUD with one that imitates the pre 1.6 (IIRC) one. I tried to make it look and behave as close as possible to the old HUD while still keeping all the new features.
It uses normally unused skin images so it even honors the current skin. Although most skins probably don't change those.

possible issues:
There's a chance that it will crash the game if combined with other plugins. For example the targetless plugin did that initially. The few other plugins I tried that mess with the hud seem to work fine.
If used with targetless it's probably a good idea to set the FLIPSELF variable at the top of main.lua to true. Otherwise the box that shows your ship will point to the wrong side.
I didn't test it at every resolution. Sizing in general may still need some tweaking
The mission message icon still has the old background. It looked pretty lame with that big border around it.

also clabel should now with with the latest HUD changes
Aug 25, 2010 mr_spuck link
That evil bot thread reminded me that I wanted to try to get my own evil botsie going again.. so

Dullbot now uses external input, which is provided by the robotserver. When the bot needs to turn it asks the robotserver for appropriate fake key presses.

This adds some limitations.
- The game window needs to have keyboard focus when the bot is running. Otherwise whatever other window has focus will receive the key presses.

-The bot lost quite a bit of accuracy. During a dockbot test run it had trouble aiming for the dock. Only dockbot and haulbot need high accuracy though and they aren't really practical anyway. The other bots should do better.
Could be a limitation of that java automation thingy that I use or I'm just not doing it right. It might be possible to improve accuracy by fiddling with the timings.

- I can't block input anymore. So joystick drift could be problem

- It only works with jrobotserver for now. I've kicked out the lua robotserver (It was broken for a while anyway). I'll try to make it work with glrobotserver eventually.

- Turning must be mapped to the arrow keys. It is by default.

I also tweaked oldhud a bit.
Feb 18, 2011 xXxDSMer link
i think this is the right place to ask something about treemissionlist lol.. if not hopefully that person reads this thread.

I was wondering if it'd be possible to use something like treemissionlist to arrange the ship addons in a more logical order.. even if not by the current seemingly licenses order, but its rather annoying to me to have things all jumbled up and i'd kinda rather have the ship addons sorted alphanumerically or at least grouped sorta by licenses, but like items together (like all the neuts together, all the gauss's together, plasma elim/dev/anni together.. etc etc)
Feb 18, 2011 mr_spuck link
You mean the one under ship->configure ship->manage->addons right? It's actually sorted by port and alphabetically already.

This thingy will make it sort alphabetically only if you prefer that
It's a bit of a hack but seems to work fine.

The sorting order of most other lists can changed under options->interface
Feb 19, 2011 mr_spuck link
I should probably explain why alphsortaddons is kind of ugly. It temporary redefines the global sorting function while the list is refreshed. If some other thread, timer or whatever were to call the sorting function at exactly the wrong time it could return bad results. This is extremely unlikely though and at worst some other thing would get sorted wrong.
There are better ways to do this but they are all more effort.

I added some extra checks. It will now print a warning and revert to the normal sorting if it detects something wrong.

Also updated the download link. It was in the wrong directory.
Oct 05, 2011 Zanriel link
mr_spuck, the first thing I noticed when I started playing was how horrible the weapon impact sounds were. I immediately downloaded deboop and it was definitely an improvement, but still lacked the oomph that I was looking for.

I did some digging and found another sound that I like better:

I took it, shortened it, trimmed it up, merged it into mono, and made a pitch adjusted version for the second one, and saved as .ogg.

Sounds great!

I was talking about this in-game and people asked me to post a different sound, so there it is.

If anyone would like, I can post the edited .ogg files I made, or a new version of Deboop with the new sounds built in. I just don't want to step on any toes.
Oct 05, 2011 mr_spuck link
Somehow that site doesn't work right for me. Here's a direct link to the mp3 sample:
Sounds pretty cool.

I don't mind if you make your own version. If you change the name you will also have to change the paths in main.lua.
Oct 05, 2011 Zanriel link
I used Audacity to do all the editing, and then exported as .ogg.

Here it is, the only change being .ogg files:

Works for me... I likes it!
Oct 05, 2011 draugath link
Zanriel, since you're not the original author, I'd recommend naming your a little differently to avoid confusion with the original when the files start floating around.
Oct 05, 2011 Zanriel link
Well, it's identical. I didn't change the code or anything, just the sounds. It's still mr_spuck's plugin. If I renamed it, then people would have to delete the old one in order to install it, which would be kind of a pain. I went ahead and changed the name of the .zip file, but it still extracts to the same place. If mr_spuck wants me to change that too, I will.
Oct 09, 2011 mr_spuck link
I don't really care.

Updated animatedload and animatedload-fancytext to work with the new loading screens.
Apr 10, 2012 raybondo link
The treemissionlist plugin no longer works with the new mission list.
The functions RequestMissionDetails and SendMissionQuestionResponse are deprecated.
Sorry for that. I didn't know there was a plugin that used those functions.
Apr 10, 2012 mr_spuck link
Ok thanks. I was kinda expecting that the mission board changes would break it anyway.
Apr 12, 2012 mr_spuck link
Updated treemissionlist. It should now work with the new mission board.

It will only show missions from the selected category. Which means that "group by category" mode now only makes sense if the "All" list is selected. Oh well.. "Group by title" still combines missions within a category though. This can be useful if there are lots if missions in the same category.

Maybe some combination of the two modes would be handy. Like when showing the "All" list group by category otherwise group by title. I'll have to try that.

One additional thing is that it will grey out non local missions. Makes the list easier to read.


I think I also updated radarscale while back
May 04, 2012 mr_spuck link
Updated treemissionlist

- new grouping mode where the "All" list is grouped by category and category lists by title. Enable with /treemissionlist_grouping 2. It's the default for new installations.
- toggle for displaying only local missions
- preserve selected category across logins

Fixed up dullbot so that it runs again. Traveling still works pretty well .. docking not so much.

Enterleave should not print any messages anymore when targets undock or hide in a storm. The storm messages would be nice to have but I can't easily differentiate between those and the undock messages .. and those got annoying.

A small thingy that somebody requested once and that I forgot to post here. Toplistafterjump pops up the nearby ship list during the jump in animation.