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Border Skirmish : Teradon Attack Range

Feb 10, 2010 iry link
During a large skirmish today in Deneb M 14 the Itani Teradon would not fire its weapon at its target. Initially it would stare at the HAC, once a connie spawned it turned to attack that, removed the shields and then stared at it until the shields regenerated.

It seems to be that the teradon prefers to keep it self at a range that its guns are unable or unwilling to fire from. It isn't noticed on vs tridents because they don't have enough HP to live until the teradon can settle down at its preferred range.
Feb 10, 2010 ShankTank link
This has been an issue for a long time. I have a feeling that it's because capital ships still try to dodge projectiles (much like convoy moths or other fighter npcs). This is also why if two cappies attack each other they end up drifting at full speed in some backwards/forwards direction. It should really be fixed.
Feb 10, 2010 ladron link
This is also why if two cappies attack each other they end up drifting at full speed in some backwards/forwards direction. It should really be fixed.

That has been, as of a couple weeks ago.
Feb 10, 2010 iry link
The endless drifting was not a problem in the skirmish it was more that the connie / HAC and terra settled at their preferred range, stopped moving and only the HAC / connie would fire since their guns. The teradon guns will only fire at hostiles which are extremely close while the gauss cannons on the connie and the HAC will fire on ships well over 1000 meters away. The HAC / Connie do not bring enough guns to bear to drop the teradon's shields so the stale mate lasts quite a while.
Feb 12, 2010 Capt.Waffles link
After doing a few large skirmishes it appears that the serco teradons behave 'normally', getting in close enough for the many neut turrets to fire at the constellations. However it seemed that the itani teradons never got that close and only used the big guns. But that might be my frustration talking :P
Feb 12, 2010 look... no hands link
Really their orange death balls should have even more power, and range. They should just stay out of range of the hac Gauss turrets and attempt to pummel with the big guns, saving the smaller ones for dealing with other threats.

The trident should be changed from 4 cap gauss turrets, to 6 or 8 agt turrets. This would make them weaker against other cappies but do that, and give them a speed boost, and they would raise hell against smaller craft. Maybe a pair of forward aimed swarm launchers would help too. Though a massive behavior change would be necessary too, they would have to seek out large groups of one man craft to engage and destroy.

Is it just me, or does it seem weird having "TPG Constillation heavy TRANSPORTS" being used as assault craft? Shouldn't they be, I dunno, transporting things?
Feb 12, 2010 ladron link
Actually they should just be renamed to "Constellation Light Cruiser", and otherwise left exactly the same.
Feb 16, 2010 greenwall link
Bumping this because I incurred the same issue and it was very annoying (itani teradon not firing it's weapons). It made a skirmish last about 45 minutes longer than it should have been.

Specifically, I observed that the teradon would fire upon the connie until it got to a certain close proximity, after which it would just sit there and fire nothing but the gatling turrets (no orange cannons). If a serco trident appeared and was sufficiently far away, the teradon would turn and fire (it's orange cannons) on it, but once it was destroyed the teradon would simply turn back towards the connie and it's orange cannons would go dormant. I noticed a couple times where the serco trident would actually push the teradon backwards about 1000m. Once the serco trident was destroyed in these occurrences, the itani teradon WOULD fire it's orange cannons again at the connie, but only until it got to a stopping point close to the connie. Then it was back to no orange cannons and gatling turrets only.

Please fix this!!!!
