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Hive queen AGT?

Jul 22, 2010 Spedy link
Whats the deal with these things? They stopped dropping from queens idk how long ago and now I cant even jettison it to trade them. Whats goin on?
Jul 23, 2010 tarenty link
I had the same problem. VO doesn't allow them to drop, from queens or players anymore. Why, I don't know... devs stopped them from dropping.
Oct 09, 2010 raybondo link
Confirmed. The queens no longer drop those items. Players who have those items cannot drop them either (neither through Jettison menu nor by exploding). Exploding will permanently destroy the item and it will be gone forever.
Oct 09, 2010 tarenty link
Ok... will it stay that way?
Oct 10, 2010 raybondo link
As far as I know, yes.
Oct 11, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
What's the justification for not being able to jettison? You haven't precluded transfer of these items, and jettison is entirely different from a chance of explosion drop.

Beyond that, what the fuck were you guys thinking, eliminating a fairly high-level toy from a barely-containing-content game that's particularly weak on content for anyone dry behind the ears? Unlike the original hive posi, the HQGT has always been a very slightly buffed AGT.
Oct 12, 2010 CrazySpence link
I'm sure they'll follow that up with some AGT and networking explanation
Oct 12, 2010 tarenty link
We need less AGT anyway... but still, it was fun to trade and make money off.
Oct 12, 2010 CrazySpence link
no we don't need less of anything. you just hate it cause it interferes with you and all the other energy peoples fighting the exact same way every effing time every time over and over and over again never having to deal with the slightest bit of change to your never ending routine
Oct 13, 2010 tarenty link
Actually, AGT is one of the easiest weapons to dodge. People use it like a crutch and fail. I want more challenging opponants instead of spamming morons, but we should keep suggestions that bring about any positive effect to VO away from the whiners lest they destroy them. If you have a problem with energy-energy fighting, use flares. Perhaps you hate energy-energy because you rely on AGT as a crutch.

I'm not going to maintain a flamewar, especially on bugs, so these are my final thoughts.
Oct 14, 2010 CrazySpence link
No, i dont mind energy to enrgy, especially the hilarious popped corns.

But i like my AGT too and you can't take it away!
Oct 14, 2010 CrazySpence link
also somehow drazed managed to get a Hive AGT to work so....take that devs!
Oct 14, 2010 drazed link
Yes, I already owned said AGT and did not jettison it. So I don't see how it's relevant.

PS. I don't use AGT, just was told you can't equip it anymore and wanted to see for myself...
Oct 15, 2010 zak.wilson link
I'm no fan of AGT, but I don't think the (recent) Hive AGT is overpowered compared to normal AGT considering the effort it took to get one. It does slightly more damage than the standard AGT and is otherwise identical. I think this item should be returned, if not made more common.

If nothing else, those that already exist should behave like normal items, with the ability to transfer and equip them. It's unfair to players who paid other players a lot of money for them. I should note that I have no self-interest here: I sold my last one for six million credits some months ago. I just feel that the buyer had a reasonable expectation of being able to use or re-sell it.
Oct 15, 2010 Spedy link
The main difference between the two that I could tell was that the randomness of the shots is much greater on the normal AGT. The hive variant didn't 'spray' as much.

Why was their dropability stopped? Do you (the devs) want it gone for some reason? I see it like the AAP vs Hive posi thing.. the improvement isn't much, but worth it to some people.
Dec 28, 2010 xXxDSMer link
/me likes HQGT and wishes it were still dropping and jettisonable :/
Dec 28, 2010 incarnate link
I doubt this had anything to do with any great design decision. It was probably dropped as a result of an accidental development change, and then the developer came across the unintended consequence sometime later and "fixed" it. We have a bunch of no-drop items, I don't know what the deal was with this one.

No great 180 on design, no great plan or plot.

If people think the thing should be a drop-item (like maybe a rare drop, or some such), I'm open to the discussion, but let's move that over to Suggestions.