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Load/Unload bug with Composite Plating

Sep 29, 2010 tarenty link
I was attempting to load some composite hull plating, the kind you manufacture at Latos I-8, into my ship today and discovered it gave me a lua error when I attempted to load anything else onto the same ship after loading the plate. It also gave me the same lua error when I tried to unload anything from the ship via the Load/Unload screen after that happened. I then unloaded all my cargo back into the station from the Welcome screen without a problem.

I figure this has something to do with the recent update about stations' not wanting to buy a certain item and therefor showing a sell price of 0c at the welcome screen. The plate is one of these items.

Lua error copied from errors.log:

sent vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:176: attempt to compare nil with string
stack traceback:
vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:176: in function <vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:174>
[C]: in function 'sort'
vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:2610: in function 'setup_ship_cargo_tab'
vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:2788: in function 'func'
vo/vo_event.lua:28: in function <vo/vo_event.lua:26>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
vo/vo_event.lua:87: in function '_do_event'
vo/vo_event.lua:108: in function 'ProcessEvent'
vo/vo_ge_station.lua:285: in function 'CheckForCompletedTransaction'
vo/vo_ge_station.lua:319: in function 'SetTransactionWantCount'
vo/vo_ge_station.lua:428: in function 'func'
vo/vo_gameevent.lua:1334: in function <vo/vo_gameevent.lua:1327>