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/lua: Error: no such command 'lua'

Apr 03, 2014 alphantomega link
Darn. Things can be so easy if you do them the right way. :-(

True, the /lua command needs to be executed from console, not from the chat line.

Sorry for bothering.

Has anyone seen this command?
>> /lua <<
It might be missing for several weeks, but I noticed only a few days ago. It is very lonely and seldom used.
If you know where it is, please call 555-123123!

With "Vendetta 1.8.286" (today is 2014-04-03) the command "/lua" is not available anymore.

The only "official" use that I know of, is to reload the user interface which also reloads the custom made plugins, without having to exit the VO client. This has been done by
>> /lua ReloadInterface() <<

Calling the command (independant of its parameters) results in this error message:
>> Error: no such command 'lua' <<

Bug or feature?

I asked around and got a reply that the command wasn't working with him, too. So this might be a bug or a deliberate descision by the devs. I don't know.

I don't know if others use that command for anything else than the "ReloadInterface()" call, but I figured out I could call single functions from objects/tables created by my own Lua plugins, without having to use
>> RegisterUserCommand(string, function) <<
or similar.

This was helpful for easy debugging. (I tried some stuff with weapon group rotation.)

But maybe it has been used for evil purposes or itself caused errors/crashes in the VO client.

Any ideas?
Apr 03, 2014 vskye link
Your doing it wrong. You need to execute the /lua ReloadInterface () command via the Council, which you get to by hitting the ` key.
Apr 03, 2014 raybondo link
Yeah, the /lua command can only be run through the console.