Forums » Bugs

many bugs: the /guild command and system

Nov 05, 2004 ratonu link
i've been playing a lot with the guild system.
because of some issues that were not implemented, the guild grading system is, at the moment, almost completely unfunctional.
here are my observations:

- there is no way to demote a lieutenant (not for the commander, and not for the councils). the only option is to expel him from the guild and reinvite him. that is not only unnatural, but also a problem, because if you need to keep him in the council you have to get the councils to vote him back (what if they are not online? -> not fair)
- if you try to /guild vote function name on|off and the player is not online it says that he is not in the guild. WRONG. more than that, you cannot demote from a function someone that left the game for a long while ? kick from the guild ? no, because according to the statute of the guild you must keep him as a member.
- how many councils does it take to vote someone on|off ? is it 5, as some people say ? there is no reference in the manual! if it's 5 what happens if you only have 4 left. you cannot APPOINT new councils (they can only be voted) so your guild is ... doomed. there is little chance that you will have 5 councils ingame at any given moment if the max number of councils is limited to 9 (even if only because of timeframe differences)

There seem to be a lot more issues about the /guild commands but i cannot really test them until the above ones are solved.

Please let me know if there is a plan to include fixes in the near future, as ATM in the curent conditions, the effort you put into running a guild is almost futile.

i will be back with more observations once i get more testing done, especially after fixing the above mentioned stuff. if i was not clear please ask, and i will try to give more details.
Nov 05, 2004 ratonu link
The guild pages say (under the guild title):

No description available

No url available

it seems we need some /guild set param "value" commands available for the commander.

also please make at least the guild NAME field variable so a guild called "Punks" can be renamed "Punk traders of Vendetta" for example.
Nov 05, 2004 Noduic link
I made a thread in general 2 hours after this one was created, and didn't see this one...

I had almost exactly the same questions, so umm.... yea.
Nov 06, 2004 ratonu link
i discussed in-game with you :)
in the meantime the /guild resign lieutenant has been added, but the other issues are very important as well.

the guild system is one of the few real rp premises so far and it should be working in orger to give guilders the possibility to expand the concept and engance RP
Nov 16, 2004 Anevitt link
Is there any plans in the future to fix the guild council bug and the voting bug? And are there going to be any other guild features added in the future?
Nov 16, 2004 Whistler link
Yes, there are plans to fix the guild (and any other) bugs. The devs have to prioritize (as mentioned in News) for maximum impact. This time they felt that the major issue was lack of content, so that's where the work time went. There will now be a period of bug fixes to deal with any issues that cropped up with mining and such. If there's time and the problem isn't too complex, the guild thing may be handled on the fly.

There will be more guild features in the future. Vendetta is a work-in-progress and a labor of love. There will be more features added for quite some time to come.
Jan 02, 2005 ratonu link
i was just wondering, if the guild features are not working, in order to give commanders and other members of the board the chance to fix it, WHY are the guilds disbanded when the fault for them not being able to function is not actually in the players court but rather in the devs account.
as i said in the previous post, i really am waiting for an answer on this issue
Jan 02, 2005 RelayeR link
As I explained in your other thread...

"Trust me, ratonu...there is no abuse involved. As sarahanne stated, guilds that were created in beta were coded differently than final release.

As the guild members log on, the program will disband them if they are below minimum if they were started in final release.

The ones remaining from beta will have to be manually removed by the devs. Something that can wait till they have a chance to breathe."

Concerning the voting and number of members/councils, the devs are aware of the problem.
These fixes will be coming.
Jan 02, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Let's not exhume old threads when there's a new thread going.
