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Tutorial Mission bugs

Nov 16, 2004 sarahanne link
1) Error in the "interacting with the mission computer section" It tells you to press m but nothing happens. I have to press t to talk to the mission computer to give my response or press n to use the chat in the nav map.

You aren't told this in the tutorial text, or reminded a couple of times. I admit sometimes I don't read carefully and a gentle reminder might help.

This will stop most new players from finishing the tutorial.

2)When they destroy the drones they aren't informed that cargo shows up purple on the HUD.
Nov 16, 2004 roguelazer link
Did you reset your binds? It's m now.
Nov 16, 2004 Vlad link
Yes, we tweaked the default bindings just before the final release. The tutorial reflects the default keys that new users will be using. So not to worry!
Nov 16, 2004 sarahanne link
But I created a new character to test the mission.
I guess it used the bindings from the 1st install.
Oh well... no big deal
Just trying to be helpful :)