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Stuck on loading screen bug back

Dec 23, 2004 paedric link
After a fairly long dry spell, I found myself once again staring at that acursed loading screen not once but twice. Once while jumping into Ukari and once while warping into Dau(?) from a storm exit. Failed a trade mission because of it. Only had to do 10 fetch, buy out of your own pocket, and carry back here missions to make up for it. Que Sera.
Dec 31, 2004 paedric link
And two more times today. Can we at least make it so that trade missions don't automaticaly abort if you have log off? This is done for combat missions, why not trade missions also? I'm getting tired of losing a mission (through no fault of my own) and then having to do 10 fetch and carry missions (at my own expense)to make up for that *ONE* aborted mission.
Dec 31, 2004 Spellcast link
a trick to minimize your chance of the fetch and carry, if you get stuck at a loading screen, open your mission tab and do a sector chat to it.

It should offer you an option to end the mission by telling them you lost the cargo. If you do that most of the time they will either allow you to pay a fee to prevent the standing loss, or occasionally forgive you if your reputation is high. Either way the faction loss is usually less than having the mission abort on its own.
Jan 01, 2005 paedric link
Thanks for the advice Spellcast. I should have figured that out for myself but I was a bit too focused on being stuck. Cheers!