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CTC route annoyances.

Jan 30, 2005 Spellcast link
Macguy, a lot of the serco transports are killed in Ukari A-10. Adding a station there would hurt the itani almost as much as removing the one in edras.

I stated my reason for removing the itani station plainly, longer routes = more time for the mini-game to last. If the devs decide to put a station in ukari instead, it wouldnt bother me in the least.

I could care less if the itani, the Serco, The UIT, or the Hive wins CtC at this point. I'm posting my OPINION on what would make the game the best in the long term. I resent the fact that you think i would "just ask the itani to give up and law down their weapons" And if the station in edras is your "saving grace" how will it save you when more serco transports start making it into initros because you cant attack them at the Ukari/Initros WH anymore?
Jan 30, 2005 Bobsin link
hey itani nation, lay down your weapons and surrender all your credits to Black Lance! :D

ok seriously now, adding a serco station in ukari would be awesome... heck make the whole ukati system serco space since the itani nation seems to plague more systems in the universe. changing the universe in this way would help eliminate helios as an alternate route since most players might perfer strikeforce aid to danger in grey space.

and before someone complains that i am not thinking in a balanced and fair way, i'll change my post....

hey itani, serco, and uit nations, lay down your weapons and surrender your credits to Black Lance!!!

there, my post is now balanced and fair! :D
Jan 31, 2005 ananzi link
make the stations in ukari/edras be capturable....

ok thats a year off or more but whatever.
Jan 31, 2005 yodaofborg link
Another gripe i think is the distances i have recently been apearing from the transport (even if i warp just before, or just after) - it seems it apears either 2k in front of me, or 2k behind, a real pain in the backside when theres 3 itani attackers on the other side. I cant even get to the convoy by the time it dies. Its another thing that needs adressing, ok, you cant have us all warping in at the same place, but if i warp from the same place/direction/speed as the transport, surley i should warp in at around the same point?

Remove the Edras/Itani wh, add a Deneb/Geria Rulilus one, kills two birds with one stone.
Jan 31, 2005 Sun Tzu link
We Itani have a special cheating capability that enables us to warp out just 50 m away from the transport.
Jan 31, 2005 Starfisher link
Jan 31, 2005 yodaofborg link
Sorry, I should say I have noticed this true of the Itani transport too, and while it is very random (sometimes i appear 200m from the Itani trans, sometimes 2000m, and the same is true of the Serco trans), its still annoying. (And I bet it is for you too)

When I make a point, i may use Serco as example (what with being Serco) but i know theres two sides to every sheet of paper.


Why is it every thread here recently posted - even if with good intentions - turns out to be a flame war? I know its always been a little bit like this... ...but sheesh....
Jan 31, 2005 softy2 link
Yoda : Threads become flamewars because people don't fly different coloured busses....nor a bright red double decker bus for that matter.
Feb 12, 2005 UncleDave link
Feb 12, 2005 Solra Bizna link
/me points to the very distinct possibility that the Itani will win for the second week running.
Tell me this isn't a problem now.
Feb 12, 2005 roguelazer link
After serco had a, like, 6 week winning spree? You're complaining about us winning 2x in a row? *coughhypocritecough*
Feb 12, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
yes! that's unacceptable :)
Feb 12, 2005 Spellcast link
rogue, what part of the imbalances presented here do you not feel exists?

Who won is not at issue, the routes are unbalanced. Serco won 5 weeks in a row(not 6) because we had a significant number of more experienced pilots. As the new itani players gain experience, these differences grow more and more pronounced.
Feb 12, 2005 Starfisher link
You're losing now because you're outnumbered 2:1. The transport is almost invariably destroyed either in Sedina or the Bractus->Pelatus WH. While the routes are imbalanced, how many CTC kills do you see happening in Ukari?

I think the best solution would be to simply put a serco station at the Ukari-Initros wormhole. That way there would be four unguarded stops along the way for both nations instead of five for the serco and 4 for the itani, and maybe a wormhole from Pelatus to Verasi. Then the routes are balanced.
Feb 12, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
that doesn't help the fact that the Itani transport usually only has to run 2000m (or less) to wormholes after jumping into most systems, and the Serco usually is over 4000m. This means that there simply is less TIME to kill the transport.
Feb 12, 2005 Spellcast link
starfisher, the itani transport goes through Bractus E-2 in less than 20 seconds. last night I was 1200 meters from the bractus wormhole and the transport jumped out 500 meters from me, in the direction of the wormhole, that means it was less than 1K from the wormhole when it entered the sector.

Pelatus G-2 is nearly as bad, with the itani transport warping in only 1500 to 2500 meters from the wormhole.

Once into Edras, all the itani transport must do is jump to I-2 and its safe.

Most of the serco transports are killed in Sedina B-8 because the transport warps in almost 6K from the wormhole there.

the ones that do make it to Latos B-6 have to transit another 4K to the wormhole.

Then, once in Ukari when they jump to A-10, they have to go another 5000 meters in most cases.

in neither case am i mentioning the sectors on the exit side of a wormhole, because both convoys just turn 180 degrees and head out behind the wormhole to jump to the next destination, so those sectors are even.

In any case starfisher, last night a significant number of itani transports made it to safety in edras at <20% hull because there just wasnt enough time to get to them.
Feb 12, 2005 Starfisher link
I'll take your word for it. Every time I've been on defense (and the serco attacked with more than one pilot), the transport has gone down in bractus or pelatus, so I don't have personal experience with the close jumps you mention. The devs need to re-evaluate the position of those wormholes so that there are more or less equal distance for the transport to run.
Feb 12, 2005 Shapenaji link
I'd also like to point out that for people who hang around grey, its just easier to get involved attacking the serco transport than the itani. Since Latos is a major thoroughfare in a way that Bractus is not.
Feb 12, 2005 Spider link
Game Over.
Feb 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
[Flamebait deleted]