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/navroute command does not work on Mac OS X

Feb 01, 2005 DekuDekuplex link
I just tried out the "/navroute" command, but apparently it doesn't work on Mac OS X, even though it works on Windows. Other online players have confirmed this bug.

Could somebody please address this problem? Many Mac players are eagerly awaiting this feature.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Feb 01, 2005 ctishman link
I'd wager that now they know something's wrong, it'll get fixed. :)

/what's the navroute command?
Feb 01, 2005 dbradhud link
It works just fine for me under OS X.
Feb 01, 2005 a1k0n link
Try now; the OS X client was miscompiled for whatever reason.
Feb 15, 2005 waleran link
I've used it with success. I never noticed something was wrong, so maybe what I was doing never triggered the bug you might have found. Just out of ordinary caution, I never tried using a name with spaces in it, like

/navroute save "My Navroute"

but rather

/navroute save "my-navroute"

which worked fine for me.

I learned a few interesting things:

1. You can edit the text file outside of VO and add an echo command, so that when you load it, you'll see the echo's text in the chat area [such as "Dau Bot-Hunting Circuit Loaded"].

2. Since you can use the up and down arrow keys, in the station, to go back and forth through the things you've typed into the chat window, you can save some typing. If you recently typed

/navroute save "1"

then you can use the arrow keys to bring that text back, and just left-arrow over to the word "save", delete it and type "load", and hit ENTER to load that same navroute.

3. I couldn't bind /navroute to something shorter, like /nr.

I really wish we could list our navroute files from within VO. It'd also be great to be able to transmit navroutes to players, just as we can /givemoney. The other player should get an option to accept the navroute, or not, with a warning that it will replace their current waypoints.

Since we can't, I have just been using them for short-term storage, using filenames like "1" and "2". I made up a bot-hunting circuit that sent me to a certain bot sector, then back to a station, then back to same sector, then out to a different station, etc., and put an echo line in it so I'd get confirmation in the chat box that I'd loaded it properly ... but I kept forgetting the filenames of these navroutes, so I left off doing that.
Feb 15, 2005 bluntman link
its always worked for me (on OSX)