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so i got this itani bounty on me....

Feb 26, 2005 Spellcast link
and i decided to see if i could get it removed in some way other than paying for it to be taken off or dying.

I went to deneb, and botted itani up to -599. bount still there.
I took a few trade missions, got to 0. bounty still there.
took a few rediculous long trade missions. (btw does a 10 jump bulk procure really need to be worth 400 odd reputation points?) bounty still there.

I am now +994 with itani, and i'm sitting outside the station in EO asking the itani marshall where i was last seen so i can try to collect a bounty on myself.

Something seems a bit off here.
Feb 27, 2005 yodaofborg link
Yeah, I tried this with UIT, never got to +600, but thought it was real funny the marshal would tell me where i was, and then comes the question, what if a bounty hunter shoots you inside an itani monitored space? do they still get a faction hit?
Feb 27, 2005 sarahanne link
3 words LOL
Feb 27, 2005 macguy link
LOL! Wow spellcase that's so funny. If you killed yourself by way of /explode could you collect your own bounty? If you're in the situation that you are in, I think you should be able to.
Feb 27, 2005 sarahanne link
That's exactly what i was wondering.
Feb 27, 2005 Spellcast link
no exploding doesnt let me collect my own bounty because i've been exploding out of itani space to make my bulk trade misions shorter.

Yes i have to assume that someone killing me in itani monitored space to get my bounty would cause them to loose thier faction standing. if someone would like to meet me in game they can shoot me once inside monitored space to see if they get the message that i am protected, but please dont kill me as i am trying to get to be an itani pillar of society with an itani bounty on my head. the potential irony is just too much to pass up.
Feb 27, 2005 Solra Bizna link
Rocketram yourself!
Mar 01, 2005 Spellcast link
ok, up to +999 wont let me pillar via trade.

can i get a dev to take this bounty off of me? you'd think that after putting all that work into raising my rep they'd cancel the bounty. especially since the marshal will tell me where i am so i can try to collect it.
Mar 01, 2005 Beolach link
Maybe something like paying with standing points... if you have +600 or more, you can do like you do when buying off the bounty with credits, only instead of taking credits it takes 300 standing points. "Alright - You're on probation, keep up the good work, and you'll be fine."
Mar 01, 2005 Spellcast link
hmmm, i could deal with that beo.. i'd even be willing to go so far as to say 1 rep point = 1000 credits. that way to buy off a 1 million credit bounty would cost 1000 reputation. It would also be nice to be able to pay off part of a bounty, either using cash or reputation.

for that matter unless I am mistaken players with a positive reputation cannot have a bounty placed on them. If the above were added, when a player who would normally be immune from gaining a bounty would get one if his/her standing were lower, the amount of reputation that would be needed to "buy" the bounty back would be deducted.
Mar 02, 2005 softy2 link
+999 Itani standing. I think you should get honorary membership into the new Order of Akan.