Forums » Bugs

Minor Trade Guild bug....

Mar 06, 2005 paedric link
I noticed during the course of the day today that the Trade Guild missions (intermittently) did not register when I had completed a mission. This is not a case where it was asking if I wanted to take a return mission, and it happened multiple times. The command /updatestation did not correct the problem. I had to undock and redock before the station updated properly and registered that the mission had actually been completed.
Mar 06, 2005 kename link
FWIW: ditto to this trade mission bugs. Seems to happen if I have any other "Extra" cargo. F.K.
Mar 06, 2005 paedric link
Addendum: I almost always carry extra cargo on the last leg of a trade mission, space permitting (which it usually is given the cargo capacity of the Beemer).
Mar 07, 2005 paedric link
Addendum II: I took a trade mission from Odia J-9 last night and found that it was giving out cargo that it did not carry.