Forums » Bugs

More bugs with radar dots

Mar 16, 2005 roguelazer link
When I'm in Serco space, all Itani show up as hostile. There's just something wrong with that. I'm sorry, and I know that it's hard for you guys to fiddle with that code, but that's just messed up.
Mar 16, 2005 raybondo link
what nation are you?
Mar 16, 2005 roguelazer link
Itani. +1000 Itani, -1000 Serco standings. A bunch of other people said they saw the same thing. When in Serco space, Itanis appear to other Itanis as red dots.
Mar 16, 2005 raybondo link
ah, i see.
There are currently 3 checks done to determine whether someone is red or green:
- their standing towards your nation
- your standing towards their nation
- their standing towards the faction that is in control of the sector.
If any of these 3 are < -600 then they show up red.

Since itani are entering serco space, the third check is causing them to show up red on other people's radar.

Obviously broke as can be attested to by all the 1000's of msgboard comments about it.

There's a third thing that makes someone show up red, and that is when a player gets damaged by someone else. That someone else automatically turns red on the player's radar. This can be seen when a duel is aborted after the players hit each other.
Mar 16, 2005 Beolach link
At last! An explanation of how the IFF works! I've been wondering about that for the longest time...

So here's a question, for say Ineubis, I have positive nine-hundred-some-odd, but the station guards still show up as red. Which one of the checks are they failing? Their standing with my nation (Itani), or their standing with their faction (Ineubis)?
Mar 16, 2005 DragonEmpire link
I've posted something similar to this before... I am Serco and Serco show up red to me in Itani space, I also have Admire status with itani and they are red no matter where I am, though I have noticed that if an Itani player has better than -599 Serco they appear green to me, no matter where we are.

And Beolach brings up a good point... some of the other minor factions appear red even though that the defaault standing with them is better than -599. For example BioCom's default standing is +200, they appear red, Corvus and Xang Xi are -200, they appear green.
Mar 16, 2005 raybondo link
There's a bug with the minor factions.