Forums » Suggestions

Recruit (R) status for to be guild members

Apr 16, 2005 mdaniel link
I an suggesting to create a feature that allows for a "Recruit" status for new/to be guild members so that everyone can SEE they are recruits and in case they mess up it doesnt fall back so heavily on a guild when dealing with new members and their actions. This could constitute of a trial time where that char has a certain Label attached to the name. Maybe it could display an "(R)" or something next to the name and say instead of "member of the XYZ guild" something like "Recruit of the XYZ Guild" and this status could be promoted to full member by any one of the officers such as the commander or the Lts. After the trial time that can be freely determined (but at least 7 days), the person is then promotable to become a regular "member of the guild xyz" or can also be demoted to not be accepted back to a regular player without any guild affiliation.

I believe that something like this will improve the desire for having guilds that fit together better. Also it will give recruits a chance to show what they are made of and if they are a fit. It will increase the value of being in a guild as well, since it will be tied to a trial time where the recruit can be tested. Of course the trial time is completely up to the officers, but i would suggest something like a minimum of one week since being in a guild is something for the long run and not a matter of quick in and out and hurried decisions.

The commands are for Lts. and Commander only, same as with the current "invite" command. For example:

/guild invite "name" - will lead to invitation of the person to the guild and into automatic recruit status with an "(R)" showing next to the name. Shows: "Recruit of the XYZ guild"

/guild promote "name" - will give the recruit (after 7 days min.) full member status in the guild and remove the little "(R)" sign from the name. Shows: "Member of the XYZ guild"

/guild demote "name" -will take away the recruit status and completely unaffiliate the person from the guild.

I believe this to be something extremely easy to implement for the devs, maybe if they like it, it could be already added in the next release!? hehe <wink>

M. Duncan
Apr 16, 2005 Shapenaji link
Yeah, I'd prefer this too. Don't want to give pirates a bad name :)
Apr 17, 2005 leapfrog link
Hehe... w00t! But I think you folks have already implemented something pretty close to this... and rightfully so...

hummm... [goes back to his corner now]...
Apr 22, 2005 roguelazer link
Apr 23, 2005 Person link
Shape, about that trial thingy you proposed. Is that going to work out, and when?
Apr 24, 2005 Shapenaji link
BLAK has put a hold on recruitment for a while,

We'll probably restart after certain balance changes take place. Many of us have problems with the current incarnation of proms. You'll note that Martin has 86'd his prom in favor of light fighters recently.

If we do accept members, I think they're going to tend to be people that have shown ability with light fighters as well as heavies OR people with ingenuitive uses of proms.

It's nothing against you Calder, I know you've got a lot of potential as a pilot. But the AGT + flare combo won't get you in.
Apr 24, 2005 link
Just to clarify. Normally at the moment I'm in a Valk, However I will still fly a prom for certain occasions. These are primarily:

1: To take on other Proms and heavies, especially during times when another guild may bring a group of heavies to a battle.

2: When I consider myself likely to be blindsided by someone trying to ram me with swarms, etc. Eg. During cap ships battles in B8.

However most of the time when I'm in a Prom I'm just cruising and am not going to try and gank you. Obviously if you shoot me or I consider you very likely to shoot me I'll shoot back.

However or most of my activities the Prom sucks. It can't chase worth a damn and is a pain to fly around for normal tasks.
Apr 24, 2005 Spellcast link
try my patented dual AGT/3rail ragmk3 with a heavy battery.

now theres a ship that goes nowhere in a hurry.
Apr 24, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
or an Atlas X with a Rail III and Gatling Cannon - if you don't want to hit anything in a hurry.
Apr 25, 2005 Fnugget link
TGFT already tries to have a recruit status. It gets confusing sometimes. Along with recruit status, I'd like how long a player has been with a guild to be part of player stats, that'd be cool, and helpful to the recruitment part as well.
Apr 25, 2005 mdaniel link
yes Fnugget, that should be nice to see. I agree it should be part of the public visible stats. It would be cool if a guild commander could give you medals as well. ;-)

M. Duncan
Apr 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
(R) for recruits is an awesome idea, but I think that what you've scratched on is something that the devs are aware of, I hope, which is that the whole guild structure and guild commands available are seriously lacking. And rightly so, there has been no real need as of yet FOR guilds and so has had a seat on the bench so to speak. Hopefully, as they start adding in RAID style content they will take another look at the guild commands and add this idea. Way to go M. Duncan!!!