Forums » Suggestions

guide-curated news items

Apr 26, 2005 hronek link
I know player-created news items have been suggested before, but I'd like to suggest that they'd be easier to implement if they were curated by guides.

It would help immersiveness and Story a lot -- there's tons of cool posts in the role playing forum. They only need to be tweaked a little and you've got news about new bot-type sightings, cap ship battles in B8, etc. Having players submit news posts, and having guides curate them, would take a lot of the story-writing development load off the dev's shoulders, as well.

It would also be cool if we could have separate news notices for Itani, Serco, UIT, and grey space. The Serco news would be more militaristic, UIT news would always analyze the financial consequences of events, etc.
Apr 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
but then the devs don't have total control over the storyline its self and could potentially be pulled in a direction they don't wish it to go.

And I don't think guides need any more power, but that's just me >:)~
Apr 26, 2005 ArAsH link
plus you create a whole new proffesion in the game for the player to persue, news reporter.
Apr 26, 2005 hronek link
as it stands, there is basically zero game content related to the backstory (except for maybe CtC). all in-game storylines right now are created by players (pirating, for example). this is in large part because the devs can only do so much so fast. the player community is one of the best things about this game: why not capitalize on it?

in any case, devs should always have veto power.

and ArAsH: news reporters would be awesome. it'd almost be like crafting. almost.

Apr 26, 2005 johnhawl218 link
That would definitely NOT be like crafting,


A news/media career path is an interesting one, but then you should have some sort of ingame video capture ability that could then be linked to station news tabs and you could watch duels or major battles either as archives or as Live Feed from the Battlefield!!! that would be awesome. BUT…

like you said, devs only have so much time and now there are only 6 hands working on it so is this something that is going to make the game that much better over something else they are already working on, like hopefully more pve driven mission scripts?
Apr 26, 2005 hronek link
in-game movies sound cool, but like they'd take a lot of work to implement. besides, people are already making movies and posting them here, or on guild sites.

yes, PvE missions should be a high priority. but they take a lot of work to make and test. player-created news seems like it'd be easy and quick to implement, and still add a lot to Immersiveness. it'd also be a way for new players to learn about recent in-game events. nation space can be awfully quiet.
Apr 26, 2005 everman7 link
I do like this idea, but also it would need to be regulated. If not, I can see TONS of spamming happening on the news boards. A guide I think could handle the job, and perhaps there could be an email where players could send in their stories and the guide could edit and post them.

Also, the news boards would be a good place to put some n00b information. The devs have all the info from the manual, but a lot of n00bs don't take the time to read it. It would be a good place for simple how-to's or such that would be good reference for them.

my 2c