Forums » Suggestions

Planet texture

May 05, 2005 matthew walk link
I think the planet textures could use some work, the atmosphere is much to large, make the atmosphere closer to the planet, when it's the atmosphere is bigger then the planet it looks to tacky. The textures needs better variety. Some clouds on the planets and not white spots, clouds make shadows on the planet, give the planets a shadow from the clouds so that it has depth. Oceans have different colors also, in the middle area of the water it would be dark and near the edges of the water it would be a tad lighter, indicating shores. gas giants with more variety of colors. The planet should look alive and active not just some ball of color with an atmosphere. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm being harsh.

Here are my own examples of good planets.
May 05, 2005 roguelazer link
You do understand that the planets are animated, right? IE: They're rendered realtime (onto a sort of dynamic texture, afaik). IE: Bigger textures = lower fps. I also think that some of our planets are EXTREMELY well-done. Poke around the universe a bit. Admittedly, some of them are rather slapped-together. But guildsoftware doesn't actually have an artist, so...
May 05, 2005 harvestmouse link
matthew walk: those are very nice :)

the vendetta planets actually turn if you're on high quality settings too
May 05, 2005 Harry Seldon link
The planets turn, but I don't see why it should seem like some of the planets are orange balls in space. Some of the planets are rather nice, but some could use some work, and I'm with Matthe Walk on this one.
May 05, 2005 matthew walk link
It's my understanding as a graphics designer that even though it is animated (and yes I did know this) that shouldn't stop the planet texture from improving. I personnly think the planets are boring, not all of them, but some could use improvement. I'm not trying to piss someone off, I'm trying to help. I've been texturing planet for I don't know how long. I know they can do better then this. I would be happy even if they did less then half the stuff I mentioned.