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Free Version - Free version of vendetta online.

May 12, 2005 AVP13 link
I would like to know whether it would be viable to have a free version of vendetta online with LIMITED ships and weps. Like you can only get up to licenses 3/3/3/3/3

Also um why does everyone want balance? If serco ships are strong let em be strong, Just make em slow with a small cargo hold. Itani can be Medium,Faster,Medium cargo hold. UIT in between Weaker,Kinda sorta fast,LARGE cargo hold. Ill clean this up once i have time. Seeing as i have to do something right now.
May 12, 2005 Harry Seldon link
the Vendetta download is a free download, and comes with a free 8 hours playing time. That's about enough time to make it to 3/3/3/3/3, I think. People can already sign up for multiple accounts if they want to keep playing, but they have to start fresh. I think that this system works better, because it keep people starting from scratch, which will eventually get boring/frustrating, and the people who would just stay on indefinitely at 3/3/3/3/3 would this way be encouraged to start paying.

Also, server load would be much greater if we all of a sudden had many more moochers online, and Guild would begin to have greater costs on server maintinence and bandwidth.

Also, about your balance issue, the current ships aren't balanced, and getting them to the point that they are balanced will take some work. Having experienced players killing you over and over in Uber ships gets old real fast.
May 12, 2005 tboyz007 link
Harry's right about the bandwidth issue. Also, who wants to have 200 n00bs with 3/3/3/3/3 licenses overpopulating the universe?

Regarding ship balancing, balancing is not making everyone's ships even. It's making what many player have called a "rock-paper-scissors" circle, where each ship has a weakness and strength. Also, your suggestion of making Serco strong ships with a smaller hold and Itani ships medium with a slightly larger hold is balancing in itself.
May 14, 2005 AVP13 link
What do you mean? do you mean its good or bad? Also I didnt think about bandwith but hey thats ok. Thanks for reminding me.
May 14, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
If all these newbies would stay, then yes I wouldn't mind it if they overpopulated the server, I would actually love it.

PS: the difference between nations has been suggested many times, even by me but we will see what gets put in eventually...
May 14, 2005 Person link
If the prom's so great, then why a) don't people use it. Anyone can, I used to be Itani, and I botted my standing up so I could get the prom. and b) why are so many people able to kill me while I'm in it? It's not just me, Martin, you've been killed in your prom too, once, twice? *me nudges Martin and tells him to play along* Niki, Eldrad, Shape are all very skilled and consistent prom killers, or m.e killers. Me doesn't know which.

Note to self: me really has to stop using VO pronoun usage, and start speaking gooder English. I mean like reallly!
May 14, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Huh? Wrong topic, person?