Forums » Suggestions

Clean it up

Jun 01, 2005 Spellcast link
actually obsidian, just for reference there are...

4,294,967,295 channels.

Which if i remember is also the distance in meters from the center of the sector that the game used to crash before the devs added the self destruct barrier at around 4 billion meters.

Back on topic however....

-IMO casual profanity is handled just fine by the filter.
-Players who are obnoxious without being obscene, vulgar or engaging in the use of slurs can be dealt with just fine by using the "/ignore" and "/vote mute" functions that the devs have so kindly provided for us.
-Players who abuse/circumvent the filter should be in violation of the EULA, and guides should act accordingly. (it should probably be added, I dont think its in there allready.)
-Players who are blatantly abusive and use slurs/ directly swear at someone/etc should also be dealt with by the guides.

As far as members acting like moderators.. I myself will usually try to get someone who is being particularly rude on a public channel to calm down. I dont confront him/her in the public channel however, Instead I send a private message politely asking that certain behavior be refrained from.

Its a much less confrontational way to calm someone down than getting into a morality flamefest in the public channel.
If they respond to my request with more abuse or a "STFU! what are you gonna do about it" style reply, I just ask them again to cool it, tell them its not really appropriate, and then put them on ignore if they continue.

I follow the philosophy that feeding the trolls just makes them hungrier, and doesnt really solve anything. :)

Either they are having a bad day, are just venting, or just lost it for a bit and will calm down when asked politely and privately, or they are hunting for attention and the more you give them the worse they will become.

A lot of people talk about thier "right" to be vulgar, obnoxious and insulting. I feel that you have the RIGHT to do/say anything you want, as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights, such as my right to an abuse free environment.
However, in the case of vendetta online, I have this wonderful function called /ignore, and since at any time i can choose to exercise my right to be free of having to listen to you, for the most part you can say anything you want in the main channel as far as i'm concerned. :)
Jun 01, 2005 pirate_n00b link
LordQ: LOL. I see what your saying the AsS in Massachusetts.
Jun 05, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: Beolach

> Age has nothing to do with it. Inappropriate langauge is inappropriate.

> Vendetta Online is game, it's supposed to be fun. Using foul langauge on the
> public channels of the game does not add to the fun, and for some people will
> detract greatly from the fun.

Agreed, seriously. Personally, I think that part of the problem is not so much the language itself as the attitudes of some of the players.

For instance, I've had players on even channel 1 (yes, the newbie channel, and they were newbies, too) reply "STFU" to politely-worded constructive criticism. The last time that happened, I seriously thought about switching to a less PvP-focused game. These kinds of puerile responses seriously detract from the fun of playing.

The solution, IMHO, is not a filter, but closer channel moderating. Disagreement to politely-worded constructive criticism should at least be civil, not abusive. Saying "OMG YOU ******* STFU" to a polite suggestion is simply inappropriate, and should be dealt with immediately by a channel moderator.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Jun 05, 2005 macguy link
I think a bigger problem is vulgar char names. WIth words refering to sexual organs,etc.
Jun 05, 2005 sarahanne link
The guides try to remove the vulgar names as soon as possible. However if you find a name offensive please report it to a guide so they can see if it requires changing.
Jun 05, 2005 fprefect link
The hypersensitivity of some people in this game never ceases to amaze me. We're all big boys and girls here, even if we're 13 we hear these words all the time. It's a game, for God's sake don't take it so seriously.

If you get horribly offended because someone says "stfu" in public chat, you have issues. As for me, I will continue to exercise my right to use certain words in my ingame conversation just as I do in my out-of-game life (when outside the office and in a reasonable audience.)

Racial/ethnic slurs, personal abuse and offensive char names are a completely different issue and all three should be rigorously controlled.
Jun 07, 2005 jexkerome link
What Prefect said.
Jun 07, 2005 TRS link
Someone that can speak without using inappropriate language can speak anywhere.
Those that think it is ok to use inappropriate language when in certian atmospheres, are the very ones that give it that atmosphere. Inappropriate language is a sign of imaturity, reguardless of the age of the of the speaker. Some of us may already be stuck with the poor habit of using such language, but the more we can keep it away from the younger generation, the more we can hope that they do not develope the same poor habits as us. The fact they they have already been exposed to these types of poor habits should not be seen as an argument for surrender, rather, it should point out that we should be carefull not to reinforce what they are already starting to precive as a norm. There is really no good reason to use bad language.

The issue of language is a completely seperate issue from personal attacks and flames. Just because I use bad language in a flame, dosn't make it any more or less of a flame.
Jun 08, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
Jun 08, 2005 Demonen link
Seriously, it has all gone so sour in #100 that I'm hardly ever there anymore.

Yes, our beloved pirate populatin, you are over-represented when it comes to trash-talking.
I'm not sayin all the pirates are trash-talking, and I'm certainly not saying that it's ony the pirates, but my impression is that someone that talks trash in #100 is atleast twice as likely to attack me on sight as someone that does not.

I realize theese are tough times for pirates since we feeble traders got moths, but calling me names and telling me I should play a different game if I don't want to PVP is just plain wrong.
Full moth vs. a valkyre in PVP? You're kidding, right?

I get to play the game as I want, and tme more you throw comments at me for running away the more I will use my now infamous "Run like a sissy" manouver.

I think my ignore list was as long as my arm before I cleared it out and parted #100
I only go there if I need to buy/sell something or hire an escort, and then I leave as soon as I get what I came there for.
I'm tired of all the trash-talking and name-calling.

I don't care if you use alternate words for "donkey" or if you refer to sexual intercorse on a regular basis. It does not affect me at all (anyone that has been to the non-PG-rated IRC channels I hang out in will know that), but it's not the words used, it's the meaning carried by the sentence.

I get to play the game, same as you.
You have the right to free speech, so go make a blog about how much of a coward Zathras with his minelayer moth is. There's no need to harass anyone.

I'd like to finish off by saying that this is not the developers responsibility, nor the guides. The indevidual trash-talkers should take a long hard look at their logs and compare how many they "hate" versus how many they like. With all that anger and hate in you, do you really feel welcome?

oh, on the subject of filters:
I know a part of the Bible, where someone comes riding into some town on a donkey. Ofcourse, in the bible, it's not called a donkey, but "an ass".
On IRC, when I was still adjusting to the anonymity, I jused to join christian channels and have their "BibleBot" or whatever quote that passage from the bible.
Their agressive anti-abuse bots would then ban the biblebot for saying "ass".

There is really no way to filter it so it's safe from abuse.
Jun 08, 2005 sarahanne link
I didn't realize you had trademarked the "run like a sissy" manouver. Does this mean I have to pay royalties everytime I use it?
Jun 08, 2005 Demonen link
No, I've released it to the general public.
You may use it freely.

Also, if that one fails, I also have the dreaded "scratch pirateship paintjob with spalshdamage" manouver, but it's a bit trickier and involves being pretty close to the pirate when he swoops in for the kill.

I used to use the cunning "Ask pirate complicated question and escape while he's typing" strategy, but it has stopped working, even when asking [starwars character]of[star trek faction] for ingredients in certain Corvus-sold cocktails.

Let's keep it on topic, shall we?
Jun 08, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Back on topic, I would just say that Demonen's first post says it all (almost). The only thing I would add is that trash talk will come to your ears by personal tells if you are off 100 and pretty much regardless of what you do ingame. And yes, trash talk is not using "inappropriate words", it is conveying a nasty meaning.
Jun 08, 2005 Demonen link
Holy moly, I just re-read my post.
I think I might need a new keyboard.

Anyway, I just wanted to add this:

Talking trash like that also puts the game in a bad light.
The loading-screen hints tells users to go to #100 for general chat, and when they join they get general BS.
Think about that when you start calling names and pointing fingers, please.

I suggest that a ban command is created, where guides can kick and/or ban people from #100 (or whatever channel they are being abusive in)

Eventually people will be banned from all the channels they are not wanted in (guild recruitment channels etc) and will be restricted to unknown channels, like #495830 or #34516, where they can talk trash all they want.

If a ban system like this is implemented, please make it account-wide and not just for the character, as it's VERY easy to create new alts.