Forums » Suggestions

really need a PvP mission. It's an urge.

Jun 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
they'd rather do more balancing of content as you can see from there most recent posts and update.
Jun 16, 2005 LeberMac link
Nya - go practice your PvP skills, then. Real players are always around in B8. (Well, usually.)
Jun 16, 2005 Beolach link
I'd just like to say that the BP mission has very much not been a total failure. No, it's not perfect, but it has been a lot of fun.
Jun 16, 2005 everman7 link
i'll agree with Beolach on this one. As well as LeberMac.

We ALL know this is a work-in-progress, sometimes progress takes more than a few weeks to accomplish. Getting rash and saying this or that sucks or is a failure just puts undue stress and worries on the DEVS and they rush out some small update to satisfy all those ranting and then have to listen to all that they did wrong with it!

Give 'em a bit of a break!

Jun 17, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
If NPCs aren't appearing then it is a bug. You can't really have a BP mission in grey space as there aren't really any borders.
Jun 17, 2005 jexkerome link
If you're going to leave, then just do so without so much drama. The Devs are doing a great job, in my opinion, and are also taking our input seriously.

If you're going to stick around, the PvP has moved a little further to the Itani CTC route, mostly Bractus. Try searching for opponents there. Then again, in my time zone there's always people itching for a fight in both Bractus and Sedina, and very few are opposed to fighting anywhere in greyspace besides that.
Jun 17, 2005 Phaserlight link
Nya13, I'm going to do my best to resist the urge to flame you, but I really think you have no idea what you're talking about.

But there is something wrong in the gameplay.
instead of bringing contents they should bring the base to play before.

This is just a bad suggestion. They tried this before, and it didn't work. If you remember during beta we had up to 600 people online at once. Now how many people are there? You have to have content before you have a large player base.

lol okie no borders at serco/greyspace. sorry but you are wrong.
it's logical. what is a border?

Actually, he's right. "Grey space" isn't a nation proper, it's a collection of corporations that are relatively lawless. It makes no sense for the border war between Itani and Serco to take place there rather than at Geira/Deneb. What are they going to fight over?

- balance ships (i like it but why it's taking so long? 6 months to fix something so easy.)

Hmm, perhaps the devs were working on more important things, like the cap ships? These changes are very small and probably weren't a huge priority. Also, how do you know it's easy?

your BP mission is a total failure.
change your priority. Players want to play.

I would rather see you leave than continue to make useless comments like these on the forums and in game.
Jun 17, 2005 ctishman link
>Border is a border : no matter greyspace or Itani space.
>Patrol border mission is made to patrol and defend agast enemy.
>At Deneb you will find more Itanis than in greyspace. but it's still a border.

Actually, a border's not just a border. Among the UIT corporations, there's a treaty in place to keep them from killing each other. Open hostilities are banned, so any aggressive action is more likely to take the form of espionage, convoy raids by 'pirates', etc. The UIT functions much in the way the U.S. does internally, and the way the E.U. eventually wants to function. There aren't any guards nor customs when you cross from, say, Vermont into New Hampshire or Idaho into Utah, despite being (in the most purely technical sense of the word), separate mini-nations.
>what are you talking about. i have no idea. give any example.

I think some definitions are in order. If I'm getting this, to you, content includes missions, more structured PvP, and basic stuff to do. To him, content is ships, sounds, music, artwork and story.
>You are ignoring the truth : fight part is no existant.
>and always been.

IMHO, there is too much emphasis on fighting, and not enough on exploration, trading, etc. I agree that there should be more missions that involve, say, killing another player for a distinct goal.
>i gave my opinion.
>VO's fans will always ignoring the truth.
>I am not going to arg with you.

I see that you have. I can't say that I appreciate your decision not to argue anymore. Through extensive discussion we forge a clearer concept of what we feel the game should be, and ducking out now over a simple misunderstanding is counterproductive.
Jun 17, 2005 johnhawl218 link
lol okie no borders at serco/greyspace. sorry but you are wrong.
it's logical. what is a border?

Actually, he's right. "Grey space" isn't a nation proper, it's a collection of corporations that are relatively lawless. It makes no sense for the border war between Itani and Serco to take place there rather than at Geira/Deneb. What are they going to fight over?

What are they going to fight over? Pirates, outlaws, and UIT or Itani that want to invade Serco space, that's what. You defend ALL borders or no borders. Even the backstory says that the renegade Itani (Order of Akan) has been trying to invade serco space by using the backdoor though Grey/UIT space. That to me is more then enough to warrent a BP mission set in the borders of grey space.
Back-story Reference:
Jun 17, 2005 Harry Seldon link
eeeh....I'd be hesitant to put BP missions on both borders *for now*. We don't have enough people to have 2 or more BP missions at the same time per nation. I count 2 for Deneb (Serco v. Itani), 2 more for Initros, 2 more for Pyronis, and yet another 2 for Jallik if we're going to count up all the borders. Running that many missions is going to split up the active players, and make it even less likely that we're going to run into other players.

Anyways, I'd like to see a fixed version of the BP missions so we can get back to doing that. It was really fun to be doing PvP and PvE at the same time.
Jun 17, 2005 Phaserlight link
What are they going to fight over? Pirates, outlaws, and UIT or Itani that want to invade Serco space, that's what. You defend ALL borders or no borders. Even the backstory says that the renegade Itani (Order of Akan) has been trying to invade serco space by using the backdoor though Grey/UIT space. That to me is more then enough to warrent a BP mission set in the borders of grey space.

Point taken, but it seems like there would be a lot of logistical problems with this. If you grant that border patrol missions are geared toward eventually being able to capture sectors and stations, then what is that going to do to grey space? Exactly what systems are going to be captured?

If one side or the other starts taking over another nation from both ends, then UIT will be surrounded by one nation or another. That's a serious problem for people with low standing with one nation. Also, what about Capture the Cargo?

Isn't Capture the Cargo supposed to be the large scale PvP event that takes place in grey space?

Also, I'm not so sure about the "all borders or no borders" argument. Take Russia in WWII for example... were they worried about defending against China? No. Why? They were occupied with Japan, yes, but there was also the freakin Himalayas.

You have to consider the geography of the Vendetta universe. If you have a vast expanse of lightly populated, lawless systems with the faint possibility of a way into another country, and a border flush against your known enemy, where do you think most of your forces are going to be assigned?

I could see infiltration missions etc. through grey space, but not a blown out border war.

Jun 17, 2005 momerath42 link
Harry has got it exactly right. If we had a lot more players online, we'd have you defend more of the borders. Also, the BP mission is *broken* right now- it doesnt properly count the players and bots on each side, so sometimes you can't find anyone to fight. We'll be fixing it Soon(tm).
Jun 17, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Check my reference link I just added, it shows that there is a history of attacks from grey space by "unknown" possibly itani/Akan fighters. That would warrent border patrols.
Jun 17, 2005 Sun Tzu link
There is something slightly inconsistent here. As the number of players online is an issue why are you pushing for a PvP arena that is so far away from the others? I mean the CtC routes and the Sedina B8 somewhat non-sensical fights are in the grey territories; trading/mining is spread out everywhere but trading excitement (ie pirating and anti-pirating) is concentrated in the grey (save Verasi C2); Deneb is at the complete opposite of that. It could get on someone's nerves to spend 10-15 min to get there from grey and rehome and just wait because there are no enemy players and then take another 10-15 min back to look for action.

We would be better off with the new BP-like mission in the grey (Sedina-Odia-Bractus) and also with trade missions that go into that area substantially more profitable (money+xp+standing).
Jun 17, 2005 Phaserlight link
Hey I know!... why not just take everything out except for grey space. Hardly anyone spends any time anywhere else anyway.

Actually, Sedina is pretty much where it's at. Why don't we just remove everything except for Sedina. Yeah, Sedina can be our universe.
Jun 17, 2005 johnhawl218 link
All Im suggesting is border "patorls" not all out border war. It would be a slightly different mission from that of the Serco/Itani border. Instead you'd be fighting Black Akan fighters or possibly a few itani ships, but your right, not a full blow war. And I don't see why the Serco wouldn't want to take over a border system like Helios or Ukari, they are prime systems waiting to be taken over.
Jun 17, 2005 zno link
Can't we have a worm hole from Sadina to Deneb?
Jun 17, 2005 johnhawl218 link
you don't just add wormhole.

but some new form of jump engine would be nice.