Forums » Suggestions

Suggestions past and present

Jun 22, 2005 Bidoc Teagage link
I have just been reading thru the "already suggested" list. There are LOTS of very good suggestions in there. My fave would be, making the missiles significantly better and adding the counter measure. Not a new type of slot for the counter measure, but 1 that would take up an existing weapon slot.

Exploding roids is a GREAT idea. Overheat it and BOOM!

Weapon/equipment crafting from mined or salvaged materials would incourage guilds and player cooperation.

Different ships for different factions, DUH, it's just so obvious. (I'm a pretty good 3'd modeler btw (hint-hint))

Exploding cargo, nice idea, "deliver this on time or else", LOL!

Hauling my equipment around in cargo space, a huge YES!!!!!!
I am SO tired of of selling and/or buying the same thing over and over and over and loosing money each time. Not to mention having it scattered all over the known universe. This would also give players one more thing to do, organise and manage their inventory. Whether they're horders, merchants or scrounger's, this would add one more dimension to the game.

These are some very good suggestions. They would add content to the game which it desperately needs. I haven't finished my 1st month yet and am already getting bored for lack of anything to do.

Oh and one suggestion of my own, more variety for botting please. The number of different types of bots is severely limited and the rewards for hunting them even more so. Throw in a bonus bot once in a while, one that is not that much harder to beat than the ambient population, but with significantly higher XP reward or maybe a salvaged cargo that fetches a nice price when sold. Hey! Why not both! Or maybe, just maybe, it could drop a particularly useful piece of equipment or a particularly powerful and rare weapon. hmmmmm.....
Jun 22, 2005 VincentV link
Erm, I'll have to disagree on the roid thing...
perhaps after 500k you can't mine it instead? (the roids are supposed to be a permanent thing)
Ummmm, it WOULD be interesting to see ships explode mid flight, but how bout the exploding cargo missions come from corvus?
I had some missle ideas, go to the Auto reloading missiles thread in the suggestions forum(can someone tell me how to post URLs?)
I DO like a lot of the suggestions, however, we can't just add them all, the Devs are working hard and we can't demand every suggestion implemented.

Jun 22, 2005 Person link
Just copy the link from the title bar, and paste it into here with spaces on either side. Like this: