Forums » Suggestions

Cargo Storage Units

Jun 28, 2005 kalmorah link
A suggestion was made that we revamp the way batteries and weapons fit into our ships here:

Another suggestion was made last week ( ) that we lower the speed of our behemoths so that they are more vulnerable to attack. I would not want to see a lower speed limit put on these ships, but do think that having a vulnerable cargo ship would offer more interesting gameplay as it would require more teamwork to do trade runs.

I would like to suggest that a new item called the 'cargo storage unit' be made available. This would give pilots the option to outfit their craft with extra cargo space.

The benefits are obvious. A pilot could then risk being more vulnerable for a larger payoff. Another benefit is that the cargo storage units could be made visible in-game to other pilots . This would give variety to the appearance of ships and make identifying people running trades that much easier for pirates.

There would be drawbacks to using the cargo storage units which might make for some interesting gameplay. The storage units themselves could be made very heavy. This combined with the extra cargo being held would make the ship accelerate and break very slowly and may be the answer to those in favor of lowering the speed of the behemoth.

Another drawback is that a tradeship fully outfitted with storage units in place of weapons would be very vulnerable and in need of an escort or two.
Jun 29, 2005 Forum Moderator link
This was actually part of the design spec for the Marauder - sort of a train of little cargo boxes off the back end. I'm not sure if that's still planned.
Jul 03, 2005 roguelazer link
If you read the wayback archives of the "FAQ" and "Vendetta Universe" sectiosn of this website, you'll see that they used to reference to "player loadouts affecting ship model" and being "able to tell a lot about a player just from how his ship looks". All of that was deleted shortly prior to release. Check out for the concept. As a matter of fact, just read the last section in