Forums » Suggestions

Tests for licenses, more natural combat xp acquisition

Jul 12, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Combat XP as it is now is fine, tedious, but it works. Personally, I miss the part where it said that you were eligable for a new license and had to return to your capital to get it. So I was thinking of ways that would make it better. So what I came up with was this (sorry if this has been suggested).

As you go around in the VO universe and kill bots, or npc traders, etc. you get small amounts of xp, 2 here, 5 there, 20 in another spot, depending on the level of the bot you are fighting. You may even be able to surpass the level needed to gain your next level. I don't understand why you would not "learn" from your battles unless there was some all knowing "monitor" watching you as you kill.

When you think you are ready to actually obtain your level increase you would return to a capital or closest nation station and request to be "tested for license increase" at which point you are given an arbitraty number of bots of a certain level that you must kill, in a designated amount of time. This deminstrates you ability to handle a certain amount fo danger and under the pressure of a time limit.

For example:
Level 1 - 3 (Collectors)
After killing stuff for a few hours or even a half hour, depending on your newb status in VO, you obtain enough points to gain your fist license. You return to your capital, since your probably not that far out yet and take the license exam. They inform you that you need to go to sector X and eliminate all the collectors there (x qty) in (x min) to receive your license (These bots could either be hive controlled or they could be nation controlled). If you are successful you receive your license, if not you must take it again.

Level 4 - 6 (Assaults - Set number in time limit)
Level 7 - 9 (Guardians - Set number in time limit)
Levels 10 - 12 (Overseers - Set number in time limit)
Levels 13 - 15 (Hive Queens - 1-3 in time limit)
Level 16 - (Leviathan, group/guild required for test, bring back a token to show kill for license)
(was not sure there were levels beyond 16, if there are then perhaps this should be scaled to fit total levels)

Of corse the time limit and the number of bots would need to be tweaked to match the ability of a new player with limited equipment to actually be able to pull this off, but I think it would help players actually improve there combat skills other then simply pvp'ing.

Some examples of possible combat xp amounts: (may need to be tweaked of course)

• npc atlas traders - 2 combat xp, 1 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
Collectors: (2-5xp)
• Orun - 2 combat xp, 1 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Kannik - 3 combat xp, 2 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Dentek - 4 combat xp, 3 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Artemis - 5 combat xp, 4 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining

Assaults: (10-35 xp)
• Valent A-3 - 10 combat xp, 5 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• TyCorp - 15 combat xp, 10 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Prosus - 20 combat xp, 15 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• DenTek - 25 combat xp, 20 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Axia R18 - 30 combat xp, 25 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Valent A-74 - 35 combat xp, 30 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining

Guardians: (20-45xp)
• ApuTech-5 - 20 combat xp, 15 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• ApuTech-17 - 25 combat xp, 20 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Orne - 30 combat xp, 25 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Devus D3 - 35 combat xp, 30 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Fennus R-18 - 40 combat xp, 35 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Arklan - 45 combat xp, 40 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining

Overseers: (50-60xp)
• Helman K-3 - 50 combat xp, 25 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining
• Helman K-27 - 60 combat xp, 30 light/heavy xp, 0 trade/mining

-----------------------------------(you get the idea)-----
• Transports: (20-30xp)
• Observers: (15-20xp)
-----------------------------------(you get the idea)-----
• Queens - (200xp)

By doing xp per kill, instead of by sets of kills, you truely get the advancement while not trying to advance feeling as you actually ARE increasing just for flying around in the universe doing your thing. And if you want to increase you still need to show a level of skill to get the higher ranks.

You don't have to do sets of mining missions to get your mining xp, and you don't have to do sets of trade missions to get trade xp; you even get weapons xp per kill, so why has combat xp been withheld??

The amounts I set are low. Lower then the divided amount you would get for a set of bot kills as the system is now, BUT, if you are out there killing away once the Lev and new hive system is implemented I'm fairly confident that you would pull in a lot more xp then by having to take a combat mission. Plus there is the bonus that if you are running an escort for someone and happen to kill some bots, you are rewarded for it and aren't screwed out of combat xp.

[edit - Removed the # and time it took in example as people seem to get hung up on it.]
Jul 12, 2005 KixKizzle link
But what about level 17 and so on and so forth?
Jul 12, 2005 johnhawl218 link
we'll deal with that when we get there, perhaps more bots, or a mixure of a bunch. Possibly make the combat missions involve infiltrating other nations territories and combating with there strikeforces, etc.
Jul 12, 2005 iTripped link
Level one requires 40 kills in half an hour? That would require a kill every 45 seconds ON AVERAGE. For a new player, who is still getting used to the game, and stuck using the least effective equipment, that is a VERY daunting task. Sure, it might be easy for an experienced player who is working up yet another character, but for someone who is getting their first taste of the game, it might be too much.
Jul 12, 2005 johnhawl218 link
"Of corse the time limit and the number of bots would need to be tweaked to match the ability of a new player with limited equipment to actually be able to pull this off, but I think it would help players actually improve there combat skills other then simply pvp'ing."

Suggest a different target number and time then. I simply made a suggestion, I in no way ment for that to be set in stone, I think it will need tweaking.
Jul 12, 2005 iTripped link
I guess my suggestion would be to remove the time constraint, at least for the early levels. A new player has to learn single combat before they can deal with multiple opponents. To ask a new player to not only take out 40 opponents, but to do it in less than half an hour is going to be impossible for some, stunting what they are able to accomplish in the game.

I think this might be why the devs have been somewhat conservative with adjustments to this area. New players are the lifeblood of this industry, so you have to be careful in how you build the challenges.
Jul 12, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I see your point, though it only limites there ability to purchase combat oriented ships and weapons. They are still able to progress as both trader and miner, as well as other aspect. The time limit in my eyes, is to put pressure on the player to make his/her move so to speak, instead of just sticking with the strafe left up, till all are dead, which at times can take for ever. So, perhaps limiting the numbers for lower levels and increase them as you get higher, to a point, then add lower times as well (once most of the weapons/ships are unlocked). Again, this would all need to be tested if implemented.

As far as the xp is concerned though, thoughts? love it? hate it?
Jul 12, 2005 Dank link
I like the concept, not the requirements you set up.

infact, i love the concept and think its a great improvement.

Its like getting your drivers license, you need so many "practice hours" and then you take the test.
Jul 13, 2005 Fnugget link
40 in 30m is probably tough for a beginner. I myself did 41 in 15m, for reference to experienced.

Anyway, one big thing I like about this is dropping the idea of requiring a mission for combat xp. You can free trade for trade xp, you can kill a queen for light or heavy weap, and you can kill people for combat, but why must the main source of combat xp come from a botting mission? Now, it's understandable if you use a mission to track better feats, like killing 40 bots without leaving a sector, but not as casual leveling.
Jul 13, 2005 Moofed link
It makes sense to always give out the same experience from battles regardless of mission status. Taking a combat mission would add monetary and faction standing rewards for each kill you make.

Jul 13, 2005 Snax_28 link
I agree, this would add a very cool element to the game. That was one of the parts of Grand Turismo I loved, the tests.

Only problem is it would need to follow an implementation of faction changing. Or at least as Corvus as a recognized faction. For instance, anyone who had tanked their standing in order to attack their own faction would no longer be able to advance in levels. While you might be able to RP a reason for this, it would really cut out a large number of players. Instead these players could simply go to a Corvus station to do the test. And then this would get into how much more would it cost, would it cost less if you were admired/POS with Corvus, etc etc.

Jul 13, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I like it, though I don't think you should have to pay to test unless you are taking them at Corvus Stations. I think thats what you were implying?

Or, simply have the Galactic DMV so to speak where license tests are independent of any given nation, since they are recognized universally anyway. Who's to say it's a serco license vs a UIT vs Itani, etc.

Or implement CL test per faction, so if you want to fly a Sky Command Prom and your a UIT you have to take all the test again in Serco space to be able to pilot it. Same would go for all other factions. Though IMO that's a lot of unnessaccary testing.