Forums » Suggestions

Malfuntioning Bot Mission

Jul 21, 2005 Bidoc Teagage link
Here's a suggestion. How about fixing the malfunctioning chemical bot mission. It's practically impossible to finish as it is now.

I can understand that the mission should be a failure if I bump the bot, but it fails if another bot bumps it or it runs into an asteroid.

Oh and how am I supposed to kill the guards when they bunch up so tighly and when I kill one their explosion splash causes the chemicals to spill?

Here's a whole line of missions (game content) that no one can get to because of this one malfunctioning mission.
Jul 21, 2005 Martin link
Ahh the infamous chemical bot mission. It requires some lateral thinking but is definitely finishable. It's also worth some decent XP if I remember correctly.

All I can say is "Think Obstacle"
Jul 21, 2005 roguelazer link
No, it's actually only finishable based on sheer luck. If the malfunctioning bot comes at you before you've killed all the others, you're sunk. Owing to the pathfinding, it's practically guaranteed to hit something. I remember one time when I failed right as I entered the sector. Apparently, the bot brushed something else before I'd even seen it.
Jul 21, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Personally I thought that whole line of missions was just a placeholder. They are extremely simply in design and yet have major problems with them. Hopefully with the new mission editor we can get rid of those and come up with a whole lot more that are way better.

And it's just luck, not up to the player, skill or no skill.
Jul 21, 2005 Martin link
Well I dunno about luck, I was holding about a 70% success ratio against it. I haven't played it in a while though. I'll have a look at it tonight.
Jul 26, 2005 Beolach link
Heh, I'd say recently I've had a 90% or better success rate on the malfuntioning bot mission. Have you tried it recently, roguelazer? It's much easier than it used to be. I've actually been failing the Corporate Espionage mission more, because the stupid UIT CEOs keep scheduling their secret meetings in Hive infested sectors, and dying to the hive bots. A few times I've got the message that the meeting was ambushed & I failed the mission less than a second after I jumped into the sector.

I agree w/ johnhawl218 to some extent, that this mission tree is very much not in its final form. Mostly, I really like it, but I must say the last mission rubs me wrong. A weirdo is mind-controlling people? I mean, really now, that's like a bad Batman movie plot.
Jul 26, 2005 Martin link
Lol, I remember complaining about the text in that mission a long time ago. I think I got shouted down because I was a newb. :D

Hehe found it. One reply by Genka.