Forums » Suggestions

Darn Station Campers

Aug 01, 2005 moldyman link
There should be turrets on stations to get rid of those darn station campers. We should pay 250k to use them so theyre not overused but those darn station campers. All Ihear is "Come out, come out wherever you are..."
Aug 01, 2005 jexkerome link
You know, that's the perfect time to call on any "do-gooders" through the main chat channel. Specially those VPR types; if there are any out there, they'll be glad for some right to wrong and someone to blast. Or you could call on your guildmates.

In other words, this is a player-instigated situation that can be solved through other players.

Still, turrets would be cool, but I suspect they won't be made available until that far off time when stations can actually be destroyed.
Aug 01, 2005 Borb II link
Hehe, for 500k I would come and shoot some one for you. And I'm almost always online too. :D
Aug 01, 2005 moldyman link
In one of your various forms
Aug 01, 2005 Arolte link
Once faction standing penalties are inflicted again within the no-fire zone, this shouldn't be a problem. But I wouldn't oppose station turrets either.
Aug 01, 2005 runlevel0 link
I have a nice tactics: I go out in a govbus, get killed, piss the guy off so that he waits for a second shot, go out again in a govbus, and the guy get's KOS...

To kills in a NFZ to a player with a nice nation standing can be very cool, specially if the camper is from the same nation as the station.

For me, being killed doesn't mean nothing more than loosing 1 minute or less of my time, it doesn't affect my computer no does it get cool my beer faster. Simply a minor annoyance. Campers should keep in mind that neither they aren't going to get laid by
hordes of fans...

SC normally means that the camper is a bad PvPer and it's the only way to get PKs...
It also means that he/she is of an inmature and insecure nature:
I'm a very bad PvPer (trying to improve), but I don't hesitate in buying ships (even moths) and go to B8 to do PvP just for fun's sake, even if I get killed 100 times a day, it doesn't matter, it's a game I can respwan in a station and won't get asmarter, taller or more handsome fo getting killed less times.

Theres this Dread Camper Roberts guy, who tells us half of his live in his hail when he station kills you (if it where of any interest to anyone), or the now gone Fehdman Kassad, a pro camper
who makes a good demosntration for the point that SC-ers are bad PVPers: As I was combat 3 I found FK in the WH Ukari/Latos... attacked him (I was bored, I play for fun), he killed my spamrag but it costed him some work: He was backrolling and missile spamming a poor n00b in a rag!!!! Yes, FK was a backroller.
If I had known how to dogde his rockets he would have been killed by a poor n00b!!

Sorry for the typos, RL work is calling ;)
Aug 01, 2005 genka link
Oct 04, 2005 Phaserlight link
I wouldn't mind seeing some turrets on the stations to beef up the NFZ enforcement. The station guard is still very easy to kill...

If players do get to use them it shouldn't be based on paying credits... it's not like they are 25c tourist binocs... I'd imagine if there was an NFZ violation then players who were admired by that faction could man the turrets until the guilty party left the sector.

Using the turret to fire on anyone not KOS would of course itself count as an NFZ violation with the appropriate faction penalty.
Oct 04, 2005 LeberMac link
Armed stations would be cool. But then people will want to destroy them, and that might lead to destructible stations, which I oppose.
/me is conflicted...
Oct 04, 2005 Phaserlight link
Turrets would probably be a destructable component of a station which would need to be taken out during a station raid....

Just because you can destroy a part of the station doesn't mean the whole thing has to be destructable.