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Top 10 exploits that should be fixed to mitigate the griefer problem

Aug 16, 2005 LeberMac link
Well, this WOULD destroy the /explode teleport method.
(You travel across the universe, ferrying Valks down to Sedina, then /explode to get back to Edras to buy some more, saving the trip back...)

And yeah, if there's no spot to respawn then the server gives you a choice of respawn points in the nearest system with at least one possible respawn location. Still griefing is impossible because the griefer is a system away or so.

OK I thought of one thing that may break this idea. What happens when you have -601 with every faction and nation? I've never done this, so some of you pirates answer this one for me. Where do you dock then?
Aug 16, 2005 Spellcast link
cant be done leber.. corvus will never let you hit -600, genka tried to get hated everywhere a while ago, and you cant be hated by corvus.
Aug 16, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL so there will always be an option for docking.
I could see there being a bug if homesystem was set before your standing decreased somewhere.
Every time your standing decreases or increases homesystem will have to be re-figured-out.
which means that there will need to be a kind of "pathfinding" feature which will determine your closest respawn system every time a player's faction standing is modified.
But this is certainly doable. Sounds simple but then (I'll say it again) I'm no programmer.
Aug 16, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Re XP loss for killing noobs.
The XP penalty should be computed with respect to the the player's "newbishness" (eg online time < 16h), rather than the character's.
It should be incrementally increased for newb kills (eg -1000 for the first kill, -1500 for the second and so on).
Aug 18, 2005 Spellcast link
well we missed one.

new annoying exploit, apparently arolte really is determined to find and use all of them. :P

10: use of the collision code and the reputation system to cause loss of faction standing. It is possible to suicide ram someone in a heavily damaged ship and cause them to "kill" you in the eyes of the server, thereby generating a severe faction penalty against them.

To be honest i have absolutely NO idea what to do about this one that will actually FIX all possible exploits. making damage that isn't weaponsfire immune from reputation penalty might help, because its much harder to ram someone to death than to suicide yourself, but it would still be exploitable.
Aug 18, 2005 LeberMac link
OK, well how about no faction loss for ramming? You said it.
Or, the slower-moving party at the time of collision can't receive faction hit for being rammed.
Aug 19, 2005 The Noid link
The problem with 'the slower moving party' is that you could park your damaged ship in front of a fast moth and the moth would have no chance to avoid the colission. So I'd say no faction loss for ramming at all.
Aug 19, 2005 LeberMac link
OK, well how about this: Player-to-player collisions can never damage you below 1% health. Other objects (NPC ships, asteroids, stations, etc.) can kill you but not other player-controlled ships.

Doesn't solve the annoying damage part, but it does solve the faction loss part.
Aug 19, 2005 johnhawl218 link
So you ram to 1% then ram them into a roid, they still can kill you. Or use a concussion mine and blow you into a stationary object and you blow up.
Aug 19, 2005 momerath42 link
john: the problem isn't with the ability to ram someone else to death (what's wrong with that?). The problem is that someone, who wants to make you lose faction, can damage their own ship until the next collision will kill them, and then ram into you. The real victim in this case isn't the one who dies, but the one who lives, is labeled the "killer", and takes an undeserved faction hit.
There are threads specifically about this in Bugs and in General. The long and short of it, though, is that the code, as it already is, shouldn't be applying faction losses when the cause of death is a ship-type object and not a weapon or explosion. We're trying to figure out how it is happening at all.