Forums » Suggestions

Reduce Ship speed

Aug 25, 2005 Harry Seldon link
ship speed should be decreased...AND turbo speed!

/vote aye
Aug 26, 2005 icbm1987 link
This would be a fabulous idea...

but don't forget to make teh bots slower too.
Aug 26, 2005 TNAtits link
i vote you slow EVERYTHING up by keep the same combat feel (its pretty balanced) but if you dont slow everything we will lose this perfect blanace we now have...

On another note, stop the flamebait need to argue over the forums, argue over emails...
Aug 26, 2005 KixKizzle link
Slowing down flares along with energy weapons will only make flares more powerful. You'd have to proportionally reduce the proximity trigger as well. Also you'd have to do the same with proximity triggered missiles.
Aug 26, 2005 Harry Seldon link
I think that most energy weapons ought to have a VERY LITTLE bit of proximity, so very near-misses count as a hit. That may solve the problem nicely...
Aug 26, 2005 TNAtits link
Augh that would make me hit every shot with guass lol
Aug 26, 2005 incarnate link
I don't think I've ever adjusted the proximity triggers of the rockets. So.. they'll be just as effective as they were back before we sped things up. They probably would need to have their speeds nerfed a little more than everything else, though.
Aug 26, 2005 jexkerome link
I agree with 5% slower on everything. It will still mean my Hornet gets killed by a cent pilot smart enough to get in my face, but it will make it a bit easier to react to rockets from quite a distance. It will also diminish the frustration when players are lag-warping around the screen during a fight.
Aug 26, 2005 yodaofborg link
I'm one of them tester types that moaned when everything got made faster, but now its fast I kinda like it, but I dont think 5% is that drastic, so I'd say why not?
Aug 26, 2005 Phaserlight link
TNA: no such thing as a perfect balance.. it's an ongoing process that never ends

Hmmm, tough call this one... I'd say leave it up to the devs... I'd just ask to leave top speeds alone, I'm a speed junkie to the bone! :D

I wouldn't mind a 5% decrease in thrust on all ships however. It does feel like our ships reach top speed a little too quickly, and the combat in alpha was slower, more graceful, and ponderous...

There is something I'd like to throw out for consideration; I never complained as the ship speeds increased because in the back of my head I always thought that with the introduction of player owned capital ships they would fulfill the role of the "thoughtful, planned ahead battles" whereas fighter ship combat would be more lightning reflexes and knee-jerk reactions. Also, there is something fun about zooming through an asteroid field at 250 m/s... I guess as long as the thrust was decreased but not the top speed, that wouldn't change.

Perhaps we could please both crowds when cap ships come into the game. Fighters for those who like it fast, cap ships for those who like it drawn out and graceful.
Aug 26, 2005 Sable Phoenix link
Now that, that I really agree with. I think Phaserlight hit the nail on the head with that one.

I know that cap ships are what I'm looking forward to in a big way. I've always enjoyed the fast-reflexes fighter combat of space fighter sims, but at a certain point the way the engine (and AI in singleplayer games) is coded will dictate a very limited number of viable tactics; once those are identified it just comes down to who is piloting the most maneuverable ship and is faster on the trigger. Cap ships are so much more... strategic and versatile. I love the feeling of power as they sail serenely into battle, trading blows with cannons that can level cities.

If the cap ship combat can equal that of FreeSpace 2, where the cap ships would fire beams wider than the fighter craft directly THROUGH enemy cap ships, well... that would be cool, now wouldn't it?

So, yeah. Enough of that tangent. I think Phaserlight hit it dead on.
Aug 26, 2005 CrazySpence link
what speed increase? I have never seen a ship that can sub turbo more than 65 ever. it's always been the top speed only thing that has changed is the turbo speed and it reflects classes of ships better now than it did back when everything pretty much went 200.

the centurion is supposed to whip around and be an annoying little fly, it has no purpose if it goes regular speeds really.

Don't mess hings up again because at the moment all sorts of different kinds of ships are used all the time not just valks like back in the old days. there is a better balance now than before and if you start "tweaking" it might all go in the toilet and become a one ship universe again. balance is a delicate thing.

however the turbo drains could be tweaked a bit, some of the faster ships seem to be able to turbo for a long time which is a little unfair for the slower ships and some of the slower ships can infini turbo which is just silly.
Aug 27, 2005 yodaofborg link
CrazySpence, how long have you played for? Myself I have played for just over 2 years, and vagley remember when each nation only had one ship, there was no such thing as weapons mass, and everything was a great deal slower, less thrust, less top speed, less turbo top speed (no ship could infiniboost above 180 back then, but all ships could be fitted with the same engines).

This is an example of what I mean, if you havent been playing since at least 1st Nov 2004 then your probably right, but back in my day, everything was slower.
Aug 27, 2005 Spellcast link
I would say a 5% decrease in thrust and all speeds would be just about right.
Aug 27, 2005 KixKizzle link
I will concede to the 5% decrease in thrust as long as all ships, stations, roids, weapon shots, and anything else that might change my perception of speed are all decreased in size by 5%.
Aug 29, 2005 incarnate link
Cool. Well, as I posted elsewhere, I'll give this a shot and put it on the test server, and let people try it out there before we dump it into production. (will make newspost when this happens).
Aug 29, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Somehow this tread slipped my vigilance.

It's a bit late, but I'd just like to voice my opinion on this.

It sucks.

Can we please stop toying with game settings? There really isn't any point in this.

I find dealing with the universe's vast distances challenging enough for my patience.

Speaking of the test server, I've never been able to log on there because it keeps telling me the account expired or something.

And, would be have a bigger user base if there wasn't a test server? I mean, if 20% of the players decide to mock around the test server, it's 20% less players on the production server.

Wasn't there a test sector --devtopia or something? Would it be possible to move test stuff in there ratter than another server? At least, it'd give us the illusion that more players are on at once (and they could chat with the rest I suppose).
Aug 29, 2005 Hoax link
>Can we please stop toying with game settings? There really isn't
>any point in this.

Incarnate mentions several reasons that are points for doing it. They are in this thread in fact, and as such can be found by reading this thread. You may disagree with those reasons, but you should know them before you decide that.

>I mean, if 20% of the players decide to mock around the test
>server, it's 20% less players on the production server.

I've never seen more than 1 person on it besides my self and more often than not, I see less than that. I don't have the stats but I'm skeptical that its taking anything of note from the main server. Besides I go on the test server when I want to tinker with something. If I wasn't doing that I'd be tinkering with something else not playing VO anyway.

Side note: Could people please bother to figure out what 5% is before making huge assumptions about things like increased travel time and underwater style maneuvering.

If a distance took you 1 hour to travel, at a 5% reduction in speed you will get there in an hour and 3 minutes ... oh noes!
Aug 29, 2005 mgl_mouser link
That 5% could make the difference when returning from Divinia M-14 to Sedina L-2 in time. Certainly more than ever given the 25% battery thing.

But the idea of fixing those settings is more having to do with the general feel. I personally dont believe the 5% difference is really going to have an impact. Alone. But every-time we tweak something like this, it means having to readjust to those new environment settings. It wont help get more users aboard. And it annoys (some) current users without merit.

There are already users exasperated with the vastness of space in respect to the number of players(/bots/autotraders). Let's not give them more reasons not to come back.

Lets play chess. Oh, BTW, pawn now kill on a forward move.
Aug 29, 2005 Cunjo link
I'd prefer not, but I'm open to it... I do advocate for a trial on the test server first though.