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PVP toggle or PVE server?

Sep 06, 2005 mudogamba link
PVP toggle for Player VS Enviroment.

I origionally left VO on account of high level pirates constantly blasting me. I am not a PVPer and prefer just to go mine off in the corners of space.

PVP in a game should be by choice of all involved, not just the whim of a high level player or that of hotshot wanna be pirate, picking on unarmed mining craft.

Instead allow a Toggle system to be developed, or to set up a seperate server for PVE.

Alternative? Player vs enviroment (PVE)
I play on a friends account now, on my World of Warcraft, maintance days. I playes VO for about a 2 weeks before the insanity of free style PVP. I was sick of constantly gettin attacked and kille dby high level players, taking easy kills, at no penalty.

I play on a friends account, and dont plan to pay for a full account my self, untill a PVP option is introduced. Take a wild guess howmuch potential customer base you have lost, from these pirates.

If VO would develop an toggle for PVP, i would consider returning as well as many friends i talk to in WoW. All ex-EnB players. EnB was a PVP by choice in restricted in arena.
WoW is a PVP by choice.

If they can do it, you can.
Sep 06, 2005 Phaserlight link
mudogamba, you make a good argument, but the devs have repeatedly said that Vendetta online is designed as a primarily PvP game...

I think they are on the right track, too. I find open PvP way more fun... it adds to the realism of the universe. When I first started I got blown to bits in by Icarus, I didn't have a clue what was going on, but when it was over I thought "woah, that was pretty cool... guess I'd better be more careful next time."

Already we have guarded/monitored/unmonitored systems, a strike force, faction standing, and no FF within the same nation. That is enough protection imo.

Also, many facets of VO gameplay would not work under a consensual PvP system... piracy, bounty hunting, nation wars just to name a few.

If you want someone to watch your back, give me a shout in game any time... my guild (the Vipers) is dedicated to protecting traders and miners like yourself. If they made a PvP toggle we'd be out of a job :(
Sep 06, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I doubt that a high level player would attack an unarmed miner, but anything is possible, define "high level". Perhaps try mining in less obvious spots like unmarked roid sectors (which are not hard to find IF you look for them). Mining in a WH sector or in any trade lane in grey space is also asking for an attack by a pirate. The devs have expressed that they wish to keep the game non-consentual pvp, but are adding in pve content like the hive and such. The potential is there to have two servers, one primarily for nc-pvp and one for c-pvp/pve IF the population were bigger, many MMO's divide their servers this way.
Sep 06, 2005 Corbin Armond link
I wonder how hard did you try to avoid combat? Or did you just run around where ever you wanted and get sad when people blasted you?

If you seek peace you will find it, did you truly seek peace?
Sep 06, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
As john said, there are lots of little corners of space in which you can mine, or otherwise do your own thing. There are only one or two players who will actively search through popular mining areas to kill miners.
Sep 06, 2005 LeberMac link
I'll say NO. Don't divide the game.

I like the unwilling PvP aspect. More like reality. If you need help, hire escorts! [VPR] has always been willing to escort traders. So has [IA] (well, for Itani traders)
Sep 06, 2005 KixKizzle link
Open PVP is the only thing this game has compared to other MBRPSS's [Massively Boring Role Playing Screen Saver's].
Sep 06, 2005 Shapenaji link
And... we already HAVE a PvE server... 3 of em, in the form of nations, it just so happens that they connect with grey space.

Now, it may be that someone manages to blast you once, but a high level player is going to take a huge cost for that "easy pk".
Sep 06, 2005 KixKizzle link
Not anymore shape.
Sep 06, 2005 TNAtits link
dont play the game or stay out of grey space and dont be a whiner...

If in real space do you think pirates wouldnt shoot you cuz your toggle was off? dont be stupid
Sep 06, 2005 incarnate link
Much as people have posted, our game is not intended to be like World of Warcraft, EverQuest, or many many other MMOs that keep PvP optional. It is our intention to create a game where PvP is always possible, but risk is greater or less depending on where you go and what you do. This imbues the game with a sense of "risk" and "danger" that I personally find very lacking in most modern MMOs (but was present in the original Ultima Online, which featured non-consensual PvP in the early days).

Currently, some parts of the gameplay that were intended to shield players from PVP activity (faction system, etc) are somewhat broken and in need of reappraisal and redesign. Once these are improved, we hope to have a better balance of PVP and PVE co-existing. There will always be the possibility of non-consensual PVP, however. It is a cornerstone of gameplay on which the design is built. You describe a game where certain areas are set aside for PVP.. we're shooting for something similar, certain areas that are more dangerous than others, we simply don't place hard and fast rules to make it absolute.
Sep 06, 2005 Martin link
Mudogamba, when I saw you get shot up lately by a *pirate* it was because you were mining in Sedina.

How about a little bit of self preservation and mining somewhere like Itan, Dau, or in Serco space. You're UIT so you can go to all those places safely and easily work up your standing.

Mining in Sedina, Odia or Bractus is like sticking a big sign on the back of your ship saying "Please kill me".
Sep 07, 2005 Beolach link
I wouldn't recommend mining in Sedina, Odia, or Bractus, 'cause there's not a lot of good ores there. Some, but not a whole lot, and there's much better ores in Nation space.
Sep 07, 2005 Jona link
'If they can do it, you can.

Of course they can do it, but why should they? My fellow friends among VO players (although I must admit they are few, so I have only their word for it) all see the non-consensual PvP as one of the best aspects of Vendetta. This is one of the most thrilling, realistic and above all challenging parts of the game. I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if those who'd prefer a PvP toggle are a small minority. So please, refrain from portraying Vendettas PvP solution as an inherent weakness of the game, or something the devs have mistakenly put in there. It's not only fully intentional, it's highly appreciated (while there are very few reviews of VO floating around the net, more than one mention this as one of the most appealing aspects of the game).

As for meself, Vendetta is the only MMO that could replace Shadowbane, my first MMO love affair. The feeling of always having to be on the lookout for the big'uns is something that made levelling, grinding and farming in Shadowbane a constant thrill, instead of the tedious, repetitive affair it is in most MMORPGs, even in WoW (in spite of everything Blizzard has done to make the task smoother and more enjoyable). Vendetta not only recreates this thrill, but adds an even greater sense of danger, challenge and opportunity.

I wouldn't mind if pking low licence level players was penalized, though. Then you could choose to do it, but would have to suffer the consequences. Something like an automatic bounty set on yer head by different factions (I'm sure this has been discussed many times), or faction standing loss. We had something like that just until recently, didn't we?
Sep 09, 2005 jexkerome link
I totally agree with Incarnate. The few MMORPGs out there that enforce persistent PvP give a more real sense of adventure and danger since you can be jumped pretty much anywhere; The same thing happens with VO. And like in those other MMORPGs, VO offers areas where you're relatively more safe, in case you want to do stuff in peace (which is where my characters usually hang out, being mediocre at PvP myself).

So yeah, your choices relating to VO are either to learn where to do non-PvP stuff safely, or go to some other game.
Sep 09, 2005 zamzx zik link
Martin, I was mining denic in b-8 and I didn't even get attacked (yes plenty of people there too) :D

perhaps the idea that if you attack me, I'll come back and kick you're ass might help :_: :D
Sep 09, 2005 johnhawl218 link
[slightly off topic]
@Beolach & Martin
There is plenty of good ore to mine in Sedina, Odia, and Bractus. And, there are zones that are not normally visited by players of all types (pirate, miner, trader). It's my experience that the farther you go from your capital the better the ore, so telling someone to stick to nation space is just BAD advice IMO. BUT, a better strategy is in order as mining in B8 IS a death sentance, but you can still make a good profit off of Denic, Lanthanic, Apeicene, VanAzek, Ishik, and even sometimes Heliocene if your lucky. Which can all be found in the three systems you have told Mudogamba not to mine in.
Sep 09, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Not 100% true, John. For example there are a few good and easy mining spots in Jallik (rare ore, decent sized roid, far from routes) and it's one jump from capital; there are other nice spots near Itan and Eo. I guess miners are just the casual or devil-may-care type of guys.
Sep 09, 2005 johnhawl218 link
guess so =) I never mine in Itani space though so I wouldn't know those specifically. I pretty much mine only grey space, and have never had problems.

Anyway... back on topic

I don't think that the server should be divided by those that want to pvp and those that want to pve, but, if the server ever got full and the population at the time wanted two different servers I don't see how making a carebear server would hurt anything. I certainly wouldn't play on it, but I'm sure there are those that would. Doesn't hurt to have options and may even attract players that didn't want to play originally due to the non-consentual pvp enviornment. Money is money right?
Sep 11, 2005 roguelazer link
Good thing that's an idle point because there won't be multiple servers... A PVP toggle/non-PVP server doesn't even pretend to approximate realism. And john? If you're suggesting that we tell n00bs to mine in grey space, then you can deal with their complaints when they get their collective arses handed to them...