Forums » Suggestions

Guided Smart Bomb...

Sep 13, 2005 everman7 link
Has this been suggested? Sorry if it has.

One, maybe two missles or rockets, something with the power of an avalon.
Pilot fires from a good distance, and your view changes to that of the nose of the rocket. You have limited maneuverability (something like a loaded moth without mouselook) but you could steer the rocket into the target.

This would be a very effective weapon against a Leviathan, and would be great if 2 man ships are implemented. Very dangerous for a lone pilot, as his/her ship would be uncontrollable while the rocket is in flight. Maybe a detonation button will *boom* the rocket if the pilot wants to return to his ship's controls, or gets close enough to the target to do some damage. Or -more refined- L-mouse button triggers immediate detonation, R-mouse button exits the view, but keeps the warhead armed and it tracks on a straight course until impact or it runs out of fuel.

The thought arose from thinking of a weapon that could be used in larger-scale battles yet would not be effective in normal PVP. Something that a Ragnarok (or the new TPG nanocap) could use to fill it's role as a heavy bomber.
Sep 14, 2005 LeberMac link
The. Redeemer.
Sep 14, 2005 tkjode link
Redeemer indeed! I'd love to see bot logic try and shoot it down too :D

Here's my suggestions
a) It should be dreadfully slow... like 50m/sec... with a very slow acceleration (eg 15 sec of fuel to accelerate it to maybe 100m/sec)
b) It should have excellent range... 1-1.5 minute flight time
c) Your ship should brake if you are in nose-view, making you extra vulnerable
d) You should only be able to carry 1 or 2 on your ship
e) It should weigh A LOT! Your ships manoeverability with this thing equipped should be greatly reduced.
f) It should only be able to be mounted on special variants of particular ships: eg. Ragnarok Assault Bomber (dual mount), Hornet (single mount), Centaur (single mount)
g) Can't be indestructable... give it some armor (like 1000)... a skilled pilot should be able to shoot it down from a distance, but it'd be pretty tough to do it from very far away so as not to get damaged in the explosion.
[Edit] h) Make it dreadfully obvious that this thing is in space and moving... give it a nice sunflare like exhaust trail (really long for eye candy and ease of recognition)

License Requirements: Combat 8 or 9, Heavy Weap 9 or 10 (or more, I dunno)
Standing Requirements: 900+ with your nation or 800+ with Corvus

Different capital class ships should carry varying amounts of these, but the supply SHOULD exhaust (so as not to create a uber-bomb platform of doom)

Or, meh, just bring the avalons back. :P
Sep 14, 2005 icbm1987 link
Having a Redeemer would be nice.

But an Uber Anti Bot weapon? Isn't the levi too easy to kill as it is?