Forums » Suggestions

Put a Face to the Ship

Sep 27, 2005 FN link
Didn't see this suggestion on the first page, but anyone who'd played EVE probably has already thought of this...

How about a face to associate with your character? When you hail other ships, then this face shows up.

Sorry if this idea is overkilled...
Sep 27, 2005 roguelazer link
This is approx the 400th post on this topic. The devs have said "your ship is your avatar." There will be no portraits.
Sep 27, 2005 Gavan link
Rogue, would you mind pointing me in the direction of where that quote is located? Even though this idea has been pounded to death I think it is for good reason. Its a good idea.

Oh sure, someone could put something up that might be mildly offensive, but why not just have it as an option, like the profanity filter on chat? And have it come with a disclaimer stating that any posting of unethical/moral/whatever imagery will result in this option being revoked for siad player?

I mean, I can go off on 100 about who's momma did what to who's farm animal, and it will inevitably result in a mute. Same thing no?
Sep 27, 2005 genka link
Maybe next time, rather than relying on other people to combat your ignorance, you could put some work into finding "stuff" on your own.
Sep 27, 2005 incarnate link
First: Genka, stop being so rude.

Getting back to the question, I did not actually say that we would never have player portraits. I did say that we had decided we couldn't afford the development time, and I think the last time I commented on it was back in the early to mid Vendetta Test era (probably 2 years ago).

Player portraits are feasable, and we've always wanted something like that. But, I can't comment on when we might have time to add that.. it isn't a big priority compared to the more fundamental gameplay-related issues. So, don't rule it out, but don't expect it anytime soon. Still, it is something we'd like, and even if it has been suggested often, it's still a good idea.

(Note: FN was suggesting an EVE-esque player portrait system, which is created from components offered in the game. Gavan is commenting on a player-uploaded system, which is a whole other ball of wax and has problems of scalability, along with oversight of bad pictures and so on. I answered the first question. The second is better dealt with by user-uploaded ship decals, another subject that we aren't against but also don't have time to do right now).
Sep 28, 2005 Phaserlight link
The one place it would be kinda cool to have a "face" is in the station bar or cap ship ready room.
Sep 29, 2005 Gavan link
"....relying on other people to combat your ignorance"

Again with the irony! Man, you are tooo good Genka. How does it feel? I must know!
Sep 29, 2005 ctishman link
Gavan, drop it, please. He's been told good by Incarnate, and I doubt there's any way you could say PwN3D more convincingly than that.
Sep 29, 2005 ArAsH link
A face next to your comm chat would be nice indeed.
Sep 29, 2005 Celkan link
ctishman: Yeah, think the guides will take it (Incarnate's comment to genka) as a hint?

Given past performance, I honestly think not--it's just going to be the *normal* players getting on genka's case about his rudeness. As always.
Sep 29, 2005 Martin link
Where'd GRB go. S/He was funny.
Sep 29, 2005 Beolach link
My question about this: where would the face appear? Would it be taking up HUD space, or would it only be on the Char Info screen when I bring up the info on my target? If it's supposed to be accompanying the comm chat, then it would have to be on the HUD, but I personally really don't want a lot of clutter on my HUD, and IMO faces fit solidly in the clutter category.