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Another idea for an interesting money-sink

Oct 06, 2005 Tangent link
This could possibly be another way to "rid" some of the money in the universe, and even after the new economy is implemented could still be a viable use.

It would work like this:
1. You make money (doesn't matter where, how, whatever)
2. You want to build up your faction standing in any faction - for example Axia.
3. You "donate" to their cause to increase faction.
These are just purely thrown out numbers now:
You donate 1000000 credits to Axia for their cause.
Your faction standing is(-1000 through -200) you get +100 standing
Your faction standing is(-199 through 200) you get +50 standing
Your faction standing is(201 through 650) you get +25 standing
Your faction standing is(651 through 800) you get +5 standing
If you have +800 standing or higher you cannot donate.

This is just an idea, but this way you are not "forced" to lets say take a whole bunch of trading missions from Axia to build your standing up. This gives you more freedom of choices, and at the same time could be a very good way to get rid of money.

Oct 06, 2005 LeberMac link
Oct 06, 2005 forrestmc4 link
/me sees this as his only chance of helping his -1000 Serco standing without getting blown up a few dozen times.

Oct 06, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Another money sink is drugs! The more you use, the more you need, the more they cost!

Your ship initially goes faster! Aims better! Looks cooler! Has personality!

Then everything starts sinking down until

You ship ends up sluggish! Looses directions! Looks dirty! Has the jitters!

Then you must pay for rehab! Metadone costs skyrocket! The only mission left available to you is window washing!

All this leading to your character changing to the *other* red nation: Narcos.

On a more serious note, I think it'd me easier to bot your way up to a respected level than chalking up 1m bucks for a +100 faction upping.

I've botted my way up from -900- to +800s many times by now. It's not all that difficult.

It's even easier with guild missions. Bot your way up 'til you're no longer KOS and then do missions. If faction rating is all you're about, you're better off this way. AND you make money, instead of loosing lots.
Oct 06, 2005 Ion link
You have my voice, mr president...
Oct 06, 2005 roguelazer link
"Botting for reputation" is fully impossible with any NPF (non-player faction). So something like this would be highly appreciated.
Oct 06, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Guild mission is faster than botting anyhow.

Except, perhaps, kannik collector botting. But that gets tiresome quickly. That requires serious background music and coffee.
Oct 06, 2005 Beolach link
If you lose docking rights w/ any non-nation faction, you're SOL though, mgl_mouser. And regardless, I still think this idea would be nice.
Oct 06, 2005 LostCommander link
I agree this is a good idea, but with different numbers. I am too tired to think clearly about what those number might be though, so kudos and good night.
Oct 07, 2005 jexkerome link
I like it, though the numbers should vary from faction to faction. So TPG (supposedly the most honorable of the Corps) could give you a reasonable price, while a more dastardly corp like Axia or Valent could charge far more.

Alternatively, the prices could vary according to the usefulness of the faction (i.e. the number of special doohickies said faction gives you access to), in which case, multi-stuff factions like TPG would be far costlier to "woo".