Forums » Suggestions

user programmed bots on the test server

Oct 20, 2005 ananzi link
i dont know if the bot code can be dynamically loaded at runtime but if it could, i think the users should be allowed to paste code to a web-page, and guides could look at it and upload it into bots brains on the test server. there would be a special station there where the user-brain bots originate, go out, and start their programs running or whatever.

thats my opinion.
Oct 20, 2005 Ion link
Wonderful idea. But most probably incredibly advanced stuff (says I, who knows nothing about coding ;-) ).

Actually, this is one of the most exciting suggestions I've ever heard for VO, and it would complement the crafting system increadibly well. If users could not only craft bots, but actually program them themselves...

It would add a whole new aspect to the game. It would even be like a completely new game in itself. It would be something no other online game has ever sported (like so much else in VO). The thought is dizzying.

A shame it is probably impossible/too hard/too demanding/too good to ever be implemented.
Oct 20, 2005 Phaserlight link
I seem to recall a remote-command bot someone wrote back in alpha that you could actually order to fly around and shoot stuff... not exactly the same as what you are describing, but pretty close.
Oct 20, 2005 mgl_mouser link
I'd love to have guild-aligned bots. Niahr niahr niahr!

(Wich means the faction system would have to be extended to guilds, wich would make sense.)
Oct 20, 2005 fooz2916 link
The Cerebres Defense Council has expanded its description to mercenary guild to suit needs such as this.
Oct 21, 2005 csgno1 link
I take back half of the bad things I've said about you. This idea is fantastic! I'd like to extend it to not just bots but AI controlled ships as well. Then we can do things like build a personal merchant fleet :)

Oct 21, 2005 who? me? link
imo this is already planned for. its in one of the news updates
Oct 21, 2005 mgl_mouser link
The danger with user-programmable AI for bots and NPCs is that there's a significant risk of a moron writing something that will tremendously tax the server.

It's the same dilema that was talked about when some were asking for more programmability in the bind system.

Do not underestimate the quantity of morons out there who dont know what they do, but insist on thinking they rul3.
Oct 21, 2005 ananzi link

the bots can take hull damage if they put too much load on the system. too much load and they explode. call it 'the bot overheating' or something.

but there are more ways to unbalance the system than just overloading CPU cycles. a certain algo might unbalance economy, destroy defbots, etc etc etc.

which is the point of 1. have guides look at it 2. put it on the test server only 3. if it is 'acceptable' after a few weeks on the test server then maybe it can move to the real server.
Nov 02, 2005 exDragon link
Are you talking about giving code to the VO staff so they have ideas on programming NPC or having your own NPC that you program.
Nov 02, 2005 Dark Knight link
Say, this would be awesome once Player-Created stations are implemented....

Imagine, a defense fleet that meets your exact specifications...

That would be, as the French say, "tres chouette".
Nov 02, 2005 who? me? link
you could even name different ships in the convoy after different fairy tail creatures!
Nov 03, 2005 Priapus link
I've thought about this in the past, when I was toying with the idea of creating something like VO, (but then I found VO :))

My idea was to create a basic scripting language, and some objects that you could buy, and put together. Objects such as: Flight Computer, warheads, engines etc.

The available script commands depend on what other components you have connected to the flight computer.

Server load can be managed by only allowing a certain number of commands to be contained in the script loop, by restricting the number of flight computers a single player can run at once, and perhaps by making more expensive flight computers that can include more commands in their loop.

With a selection of commands, and lots of plug-in modules, you could design bots for perimeter alerting, probes, mining, defence, weapons, anything, really.

//Simple missile script
//Aquires target from parent launcher,
//uses turbo if target is in 45 degree forward cone,
//switches turbo off for greater manouverability if not.
//Also detonates if fuel exhausted.

initialisation start:;
initialisation end:

main start:
if<60 then warhead.detonate;
if engine.fuel<2 then warhead.detonate;
if>45 then engine.turbo:=off;
if<44 then engine.turbo:=on
Nov 03, 2005 ananzi link
why should they spend dozens of hours inventing a new language and writing an interpreter (compiler?) for it , and creating a new bot design system , when they already have a language and system that works?
Nov 03, 2005 zamzx zik link
yeah phaser....that was fun, I was playing with him for quite a bit.