Forums » Suggestions

2 Different turbo levels

Oct 27, 2005 Priapus link
Here's a suggestion...

Provide 2 keys for the turbo, 'normal/full turbo' and 'sustainable turbo'. Normal turbo works exactly as it does now.

Sustainable turbo reduces the power to the turbo (and therefore speed) to a level where it will not drain the battery (i.e. keep it at its current level of charge).

Obviously, in ship configurations where the turbo doesn't currently drain the battery, both keys will effectively do the same thing (full turbo)
Oct 27, 2005 Dark Knight link
Oct 27, 2005 Beolach link
It's not in the PLEASE READ sticky, and it's been a while, but this has been suggested a few times. Here's a couple searches I did, I'm too tired to sift through them:
Oct 27, 2005 Will Roberts link
Oct 27, 2005 johnhawl218 link
well I added this one of the threads previously, but instread of 2 settings, just make it completely variable, like the thrust is in physics mode, so that you can set what ever draiin level you want, if you want to burn more then your battery can handle then you run out faster, or you can set it lower and have small drain, or you can set it just right and have infiboost. All would be above normal cruising speed (max norm speed).
Oct 27, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Speaking of which, is there a way to bind something to set your thrust to full (without turbo)?
Oct 27, 2005 Beolach link
/alias fullthrust "accel 1000"
/bind KEY fullthrust

Where KEY is the key you want to set your thrust to full. If you feel like pissing people off, you can have it be backwards thrust, so you can backroll easier.

/alias reversethrust "accel -1000"
/bind KEY reversethrust

Note that to be REALLY useful, you wouldn't want to use 1000 and -1000, because that puts all your thrust into straight forwards or back, which means you'll strafe sideways slower. You'd want to have several levels of thrust, that you would switch through as the circumstances required.
Oct 27, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Okay, cool. I dunno about the multiple levels of thrust bind - I mainly want a way to stop and start quickly without holding forward and back. Thankee.