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turbulence in ion storms

Nov 10, 2005 ananzi link
at random intervals, change the acceleration vector in some odd fashion to simulate turbulence in ion storms. even when turbo is on.
Nov 10, 2005 Will Roberts link
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain. Looks like we're coming into some rough weather. I'm sure that
you've noticed the 'fasten seatbelt' sign is illuminated, and at this time I'd like you to please sit the **** down,."

I like it. Watch out for those roids.
Nov 10, 2005 LostCommander link
Stamp Of Approval - YAY!
Nov 10, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Could we call it something other than "turbulence"? The term, when applied to motion, refers to a disturbance in the flow of a gas or liquid. There's no atmosphere, so no turbulence.

What if we just say the storms inferfere with the engines somehow. It's still not perfect science, but at least it's a little more of a gray area.
Nov 10, 2005 Doukutsu link
Yah... I don't think ions would be knocking a ship around too terribly much. Interfering with the engines makes more sense (even though being 'bumped' around would be hecka-funny).
Nov 10, 2005 Cunjo link
>>"Could we call it something other than "turbulence"? The term, when applied to motion, refers to a disturbance in the flow of a gas or liquid. There's no atmosphere, so no turbulence."<<

well, technically, when you're in an ion storm, there IS particle matter of measurable density to push through... sure, it's extremely thin, but it isn't too far-fetched to say that there will be ribbons of violent turbulance throughout it.

it is, after all, a storm.
Nov 10, 2005 ananzi link
well, i can tell you, that the theory in the textbooks doesn't always meet the reality of the cowboy in the saddle.

back in 'nam i was flying stratospheric spy missions for the CIA, and let me tell you, an ion storm is nothing to laugh at.

my experimental molybdenum shielded rocket pod was buckin like a texas longhorn, it was all i could do to keep my piss in my britches.

eventually though she settled down and we rode through just fine. but i will never be more glad to have a stash of whiskey and a piss pot as i was when i came out the other side of that hootenanny.

agh what a mess.
Nov 10, 2005 icbm1987 link
Ananzi... good idea... but...


What was that last part?
Nov 10, 2005 Beolach link
I like it. The same game-engine functionality could also be used for gravitational fields around stars & planets, like I described here:
Nov 11, 2005 odium4u link
Nov 11, 2005 Cunjo link
I was actually thinking it might be more the effect I had in mind to have something akin to silent, invisible conc mines going off randomly in the sector... lol. instead of constant turbulance, an occasional shove one direction or another, and perhaps some minimal damage to the ship. (or battery drain?) when a wave hits... can't deny that would be sweet =P
Nov 11, 2005 ananzi link
i was thinking along the lines of 'whatever is easy to implement and isnt likely to f@#$ up a bunch of stuff'
Nov 11, 2005 LostCommander link
I slightly disagree with the random damage and/or battery drain. I actually really like the idea of simply putting in invisible concussion mines - it ought to be fairly straight forward and simple to implement, and would work more-or-less like you were thinking, Cunjo. Maybe double their (invisible mines only) detonation/sensor range?

Again, ananzi, very funny and yet totally accurate.
Nov 12, 2005 Cunjo link
Well I wasn't talking about a large amount of damage or drain... just enough to give you the impression something was happening. maybe a constant 3/sec drain in the storm, and between 50 and 100 damage on entering the storm (getting puled violently out of a jump should do something to your ship after all)

Of course, it would be amazingly cool if you had just ribbons of forecul turbulance to which the debris and ionic flashes reacted, but yea, that could be hard to do, as would visibility-hindering plasma clouds, etc... but you still can't deny it would be fun!

The invisible conc mines just seemed like a more workable simulation (double, or even triple the range would be good, with a decrease in overall force too - don't want to go flying or bouncing off roids like a pinball)